Just Do It!

Marciano, a gang leader from the Bronx in New York called me this week to talk to me. I met this gang five years ago. They were one of the meanest and toughest gangs in the Bronx. All the other gangs feared and had respect for these guys. The reason God had me visit New York was because he had prepared their hearts and wanted me to bring the love of Jesus Christ to them. When I first met them there were 27 people in their gang. Now they are Christians and 22 have remained. All their families are still living in the same neighborhood in the Bronx, so it was easy for them to stay together as a gang. They now witness as a gang to gangs in New York. Because they are a gang, it is easier for these guys to relate to the gangs they witness to. They even have the markings of a gang in their tattoos. Because of their fierce reputation, the other gangs have respect for Marciano’s gang

Marciano went to King Soopers last Saturday with the entire gang. They were going to buy food for the gang that they were going to witness to that day. When they got in th check out line, they noticed a family behind them with just a few items in their cart. It appeared as they were going on a picnic but Marciano wanted to make sure.. Marciano asked, “How is your day going?”

The family softly said, “Pretty well.”

Marciano asked, “Are you going to have a picnic today?”

The couple said, “No, this is all that we can afford. These are our groceries for the week.”

Marciano was not surprised and said, “Those are your groceries for an entire week!” He paused for a moment and then asked, “What would you say if somebody came up to you today and asked you to go shopping with them telling you to get whatever you wanted?”

God had spoke to Marciano at this moment and told him to go and just do it. The family acknowledged that would be a miracle. Marciano then said, “Let me tell you about Blue Mustang.”

The couple gave them a strange look and responded, “Blue Mustang!”

Marciano said, “Yeah, God tells Blue Mustang to just do it and He blesses families. We believe it is important to bless others so that we too can be blessed. We also have learned from him to “just do it”.”

When Blue Mustang started saying “Just Do It” Marciano just loved that phrase so it is now a part of his vocabulary. So when his gang asks if they should do something, he says, “Let’s just do it.”

The lady started crying. Soon her husband followed. Their kids asked Marciano, “Who is this Blue Mustang? Is he like Santa Claus?”

Marciano responded, “Yeah, he is just like a Christian Santa Claus. When God tells him to do something, he says let’s just do it.”

The kids turn to their mom and asked, “Can we get some cookies?”

She said, “Yes, let’s just do it.”

That entire gang went shopping with them. Marciano’s gang always turns heads when they walk through a store. It is unusual to have 22 guys shopping at the same time. They walked with them through the entire store getting groceries for them. The little boy then asked, “Can we get ice cream?”

His little sister said, “Let’s just do it.”

Marciano said, “Sometimes even as a gang we don’t get everything we want. But today I want you to get the things that you want. I want you to “just do it”. We are here to take care of you.”

They finally got a cart full of food and headed toward the checkout. They got enough groceries to last two weeks. The kids were all excited and said, “Now, this is grocery shopping.”

That family kept thanking the boys for what they had just done as they continued walking toward the checkout. The parents said, “We are going to eat good because of you guys.”

Marciano said, “No, it is not us. It is God entirely. He said to “just do it”.”

When the cashier totaled everything up, it turned out to be $359. The manager of the store happened to be listening when the gang first met with the family at the checkout line so he knew everything that was going on. When the gang got ready to pay, the manager paid for half of the total. What is cool about all of this is what was about to happen to the husband.

That man was crying the whole time while this was going on. He said, “I cannot believe this is happening. Are you pulling our legs and you are planning to walk away at the last minute?”

Marciano said, “No way man. God says to “just do it” and we are going to do it.”

Up to this point, the husband has not been to church in ten years. His wife goes to church faithfully. What was happening today was a witness to the husband. He was seeing what true followers of Jesus Christ are like. He wanted that in his life. Our King was more interested in his salvation then the groceries.

Marciano and his gang were definitely having fun with the “just do it” phrase. Another thing that was interesting that happened, was a young woman standing behind the gang members wearing a Nike shirt that said “just do it.” When they turned around and saw her in line with that t-shirt, they all started laughing. The family’s daughter went up to her and asked, “What size is that shirt? I would like to get one.”

She replied, “I am a manager of a Nike shirt store. You come to my store and I will get some T-shirts for you.”

So after getting the groceries, the family headed to the Nike store to get some “just do it” shirts. What happened at that King Soopers in the Bronx was so powerful the husband gave his heart to Jesus Christ. Marciano and his gang are going to disciple him and check on him once a week to see if he needs anything to help him start his new walk with Jesus Christ. Marciano’s mom called the wife of the family to have her come to their Bible study where she could get support from the women.

Marciano is a lot like Paul. Before he turned his life over to Jesus Christ, he had that reputation that he did not take no crap from any other gang member. His guys were all top notch when it came to protecting themselves from other gangs. He has had to live with that reputation trying to convince people that he has changed his life to Jesus Christ. He even tried using an alias to hide his identity but was too well known in the Bronx. On the positive side, his gang’s reputation definitely has advantages when it came to talking about Jesus Christ. Other gang members knew about him and what he was capable of doing so they had respect for him. But Marciano would always tell whoever he would come in contact with that he came in peace. Like me, he would always have food or something to bless the gangs.

Another thing that Marciano does is neighborhood clean up. He would rent a truck when some areas in the neighborhood get messed up because of gang activity. He and his gang would go out and clean up those areas. The gang members would always come out and demand to know what he is doing. He would always tell them that he’s here to clean things up for them so they’d have a nice clean place to hang out. He would then share with them that Jesus Christ asked him to do this because he loves them so much. Many times the gangs would give their lives over to Jesus just because of this sacrifice.

When you serve God, he not only looks out for you but blesses you. For example: When the guy that he rented the truck found out what Marciano was doing, he said, “If I only knew that you were doing this, I would not have charge you anything for the trucks.”

The owner just stood there for a moment then quickly went into the office. He looked through Marciano’s past charges. After adding everything up, he wrote a check to Marciano reimbursing him for past rentals. He then asked him if he had a favorite truck that he liked. Marciano said, “Sonny likes the number 51. If you have that number I would take that one.”

The owner did not have that number in his fleet so Marciano asked for 12 representing the twelve disciples. The owner said, “Marciano, I don’t have a number 12 either. I do have a number 13.”

Marciano thought for a minute then said, “That will do. That would be twelve disciples + Jesus Christ. That makes 13. That will be a great truck.”

The owner then gave Marciano a key to the lot so he could pick the truck up anytime someone is not here. He promised him that it would be fueled up and ready to go when he got there. The owner completely trusted Marciano. He earned his trust by living for Jesus Christ.

Marciano is cleaning up the Bronx and he is also blessing families at King Soopers. He was told by God to look for people with lists. Those people will usually be looking at their list trying to decide if they can afford to get anything on the list and what they might have to leave out. Also, look for short lists. That is another sign that may show people who do not have the money to buy groceries. By using this information from God, he has 100% success rate of reaching people who are in need.

As Marciano hung up his cell phone talking with me, he said, “God gets the Glory and the Victory.

Brother and Sister Families Blessed

It was Saturday and my King had me go to a different King Soopers store on the southside of Denver. I have never been here before. When I arrived, I sat in the parking lot checking out my surroundings. I noticed the store was one of those big King Soopers stores that have everything. God then said, “Sonny, look to the east.”

As I looked towards the east, I noticed two vans sitting over there. My King then said, “That is them. They are waiting for a miracle.”

I was getting ready to go and see them right away. But God said for me to wait and observe. I watched as the parents and the kids got out of the vans. I found out later that the husbands were brothers and their wives were sisters. They met at a party a long time ago. That is why they have this relationship. One of the younger kids started aiming towards the sky. I wondered what he just said. I was too far away to hear what they were saying.

God then said, “Sonny, take your Bible and pray with them.”

With my Bible in hand, I started walking towards them. The first one that approached me was the 8 year old little boy. He asked, “Are you a minister?”

The parents laughed when he asked that question. I said, “Yes, I minister out in the streets. Why were you pointing to the sky?”

The little boy said, “My parents said that all things are possible. I was pointing to God when I said with him all things are possible.”

I replied, “You are absolutely right. In this world many things are impossible. But with our King all things are possible.”

The little boy then said, “We have been praying for a miracle.”

Isaiah one of the husbands said, “With this covid thing going on, we are just barely making it. Just last night I had to have my brother and his wife move into our apartment. This way we can eliminate one rent.”

Their landlord has been supporting them and offered to move them into a larger apartment that just opened up. Normally, the lease does not allow for multiple family living but he wanted to give them a couple of months to get things straightened out. Next they shared that they had just enough food in the refrigerator to make a few sandwiches but that was it. I then asked, “You don’t have any cereal or milk either.”

Isaiah said, “No but when I woke up this morning, God told me to get everyone and to come to this store and pray for a miracle. We feel like we are failures with our families because we are barely making it.”

I said, “You are not failures!” I quoted Matthew 6:33 to them and then I said, “You are discipling your children and you are doing everything right. You came here walking in faith.”

His wife said, “That is what I told my husband. We are walking not by sight but faith. God said to come here so we came.”

This was the first time I ever did this but I had them line up. I prayed for each one individually. Then we got in a circle and I prayed as a group. We prayed for a miracle. I still haven’t told them what I was here for but now it is time. I said, “I want to tell you about how God uses Blue Mustang.”

Their five-year-old daughter said, “Blue Mustang. That is a car.”

I said, “Yeah, he drives a Blue Mustang. It is the nickname that the Latinos gave him.” She wasn’t sure what I meant by the Latinos but that is another story. I then said, “God has put on his heart to give money to families that are struggling so they can buy groceries. That is his ministry. He is also helping me buy the food in my gang ministry. He does that to let the gangs know that our God is real. Our God is not dead.”

The little girl said, “That is like the song from the Newsboys Our God is Not Dead.” She has heard the song before because her parents listen to Christian music. The little girl then asked, “Why do people not have faith in God when he is the one that created the world?”

I said, “That is because they are stuck on themselves. They are not seeking God first.”

I was about ready to quote Matthew 6:33 again to them when their 10 year old little boy started quoting the verse from memory. “Noah, one of the other kids said, “I am praying that God hurries up because I am craving some cereal. I miss not eating cereal in the morning.”

When Isaiah got the message from God to come here, everybody immediately came to the store. No one had a chance to eat any breakfast this morning because they wanted to come here right away. It can be said that they came here in faith. They did not even know how long they might have to wait. I found out they were waiting here for an hour and 10 minutes before I showed up. But they were willing to wait longer. God knew that I wasn’t going to be here at the time they arrived. Many times he’ll have us wait to see if we’re obedient to him. Plus it shows if we really trust him.

I already had put the money in separate envelopes. I said, “This money is from our King. But just remember Blue Mustang is blessed by God to bless people. He is being obedient to helping people like you.” As I handed them the envelopes, I said, “This belongs to you.”

They opened the envelopes and families excitedly said, “This is a miracle! Let’s go get cereal!”

I said, “God said that you need to get the things that you need but not the things you want.”

The oldest boy Nehemiah said, “Let’s pray for Blue Mustang. He blessed us so we need to ask God to bless him.”

Their parents are raising these kids right. He wanted to pray for Blue Mustang and thanking God instead of wanting something for himself first. Their hearts are for the Kingdom. Nehemiah reached out to grab my hand as we stood in a circle. He said, “God, wherever Blue Mustang is right now, I ask you to bless him abundantly. Let the floodgates of God’s Kingdom fall on him and his family.”

As Nehemiah was praying, I was thinking that he’s going to be in an evangelist someday. After Nehemiah finished praying, each one of the kids said a prayer. The adults then began praying. As the last adult was starting to pray, I heard some footsteps behind me. I was just praising God and knew that he was protecting us so I didn’t care. I soon could hear soft voices but I kept my eyes closed as we continued praying. After the last parent finished, we open our eyes and noticed that a white van showed up and the occupants were all standing around us in a circle and praying for us. One of them said, “We saw all of you in a circle praying. God then told us to stop and pray for you.”

I also noticed that people coming out of the store saw us praying. Some of them had their hands outstretched like they were also praying for us. I don’t see this happening very much at other King Soopers stores. This must be a tighter community for people to reach out like that. Soon, one of the older couples stepped forward and asked, “We just finished praying for you. Is there anything in specific that we can pray for you about? Like what needs do you have that we can pray for?”

The men from the families told them exactly what just happened here. He told him that Blue Mustang has just given them money to buy groceries. The little girl stepped up and said, “And he is a man of God.”

The old couple then said, “We want you to come over here by the van. We want to show you something.”

The old gentleman opened up the back door of the van. Inside there was a single suitcase. He then proceeded to open the suitcase. It had places to put 12 envelopes. They have already given envelopes to five families. I found out later that these couples, when God tells them to, drive around and find families who are in need. They stop and bless them. I asked, “Do you do this all the time?”

They replied, “No, we only do it when God tells us to.”

They then handed one family envelope number 6 and the other one envelope number 7. The old gentleman said, “You do not have to open them up right now. This is what God said for us to do and that is what we are doing.” They looked at each of the families and said, “Keep your eyes on God’s Kingdom and he will answer all your prayers for his Glory not yours. It is for His will; not yours. You may ask for a million dollars but it is up to God what you are going to get.”

We then placed all the couples in the middle. The families and I surrounded them and prayed for them. What was really interesting, the two little girls we’re inside the circle with the old couples. They laid their hands on each one of their backs and said a prayer for each one. I was watching all this unfold before my eyes. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

The families and the couples said their goodbyes and they exchanged contact information. I too, gave my ministry cards to both the families and the old couples. The old couples climbed back into their van and they left. One of the wives said, “I am curious. I just have to know what’s in one of those envelopes. I want to see.”

Her husband said, “Well, just open them.”

As they carefully tore into each one of those envelopes, each one had $1,000 in them. I said, “That is God. That definitely is God.”

One of the little boys said, “The power of prayer works. We have to pray and trust God. Even if it would have been $10, we have to thank him for that.”

They then laid their hands on the envelopes and prayed over them. They prayed for those families that blessed them that God would bless them. They laid Blue Mustang’s money on top of theirs and prayed that Blue Mustang would get blessed double on top of that. Bless him today wherever he is at. Nehemiah prayed some more. I said, “I just love the way you pray.”

Nehemiah said, “My dad and my mom taught me how to pray. But it’s the relationship with Jesus Christ that makes things different. I love talking to him.”

The little girl confirmed, “You are right. It’s not about a religion. It is about a relationship with the father whose name is Yahweh and his son Jesus Christ. It is about them and not us.”

I said to myself that these kids are just amazing. Ruth, one of the wives stepped up to me and asked, “Do you want to see the grocery list that I made this morning before we got here?”

I said, “Yes, I want to see it.”

She then pulled a list out of her purse and there was a full-page of items that she had listed out that she needed. She said, “I made it in faith that God was going to bless us.”

The families began hugging me. Their little girl would not let go of my hand all the time that we were together. We began walking around the parking lot and I began sharing more with the parents. One of the little boys grabbed hold of my other hand as we begin talking. The white van that left just a few minutes ago showed up again with everybody still in it. They got out and said, “We are so sorry. We forgot to ask if you guys have a place to stay.”

The families immediately said, “Yes, we do have a place to stay. We are going to be moving into a bigger apartment next week so we can all fit in it.”

The driver of the van then said, “In a month, my rental home will be open. It has seven bedrooms. There are four bedrooms on the top and three bedrooms on the bottom. If you guys want to move there we can make that happen.”

The driver’s wife spoke up and said, “It has a big backyard. It will be great for your children to play in.”

Both families took the opportunity to live in their home. The old couple said, “As we were driving away, God reminded me about our home that was about to become available. He said for me to come back and let you know about it.”

The families were blessed again. One thing you will notice in my stories is that all the families are walking out in faith. They are praying and they are expecting a miracle. When you pray, you must expect a miracle. I am living proof that our God is real and answers prayer. I cannot wait until God reveals himself to new couples next week.

Blessing Denver Park families

I went to the King Soopers I normally go to on Saturday morning. I picked up the supplies that I needed to witness to the gangs that day. I went back to my pickup and sat there. My King said, “Sonny I want you to go to a park. The park is located seven blocks to the south and three blocks to the west.”

I thought to myself that this was strange because people come to the store to buy groceries.  As I was trying to resolve this in my mind, my King said, “Just go!”

There was a park there just as my King said. When I arrived, there was a car and a van already there. As I looked the situation over, I noticed the parents of two families in the center of a circle of kids. I found out later the wives happened to be sisters. Their eight kids were holding hands around the outside of the circle and were praying. I still couldn’t hear what they were saying because I was too far away.  As I got closer, I could hear more of the children’s prayer about getting groceries today. I am beginning to learn that getting groceries doesn’t necessarily have to start at a store but it is where God sends me. These children were praying in faith. Later they shared with me that the parents began praying first. The kids then gathered around them and they continued praying after their parents did.

I came within ten feet of the families. I could hear one of the older kids begin to pray. She said, “God you heard my parent’s prayer. We are in need of a miracle today. We do not know what to do. Personally, I am getting tired of eating bologna and bread. But we are thankful for it. But I could really use a bowl of cereal today.”

This was a simple prayer but she is reaching out to God in faith that He would supply their needs. I was beginning to cry because these children were all crying out their hearts to God for a miracle. The parents were already crying as their kids began praying. Could you just imagine what it was like having your kids praying around you. I just continue to stand there until all the other kids finished praying. All the time while they were praying nobody was looking around. They all had their eyes closed so they did not know I was there. When the oldest girl said “Amen” they all open their eyes. That is when they noticed me. I did have my Bible in my hand. There’s something about the word of God that brings peace to his people. The parents stood up and asked, “How can we help you?”

I said, “I am here to help you today. My King brought me here directly to you. You need a miracle today.”

They then asked, “So you know what we need?”

I said, “Our God knows everything. He brought me here to you but Blue Mustang helped you to get groceries today.”

With a puzzled look they said, “Blue Mustang!” They always respond like this whenever I bring up my two brothers.

I responded, “Blue Mustang sets aside money for two families each week for families who need groceries.”

Like many of His people they do not totally realize how powerful our God is and the cool ways He demonstrates it. I have been doing this coming on six years and my King reveals his love differently to each family He sends me to. The families said, “You don’t even know us. Blue Mustang or Terry Bird have no idea who we are!”

I said, “That maybe true but they pray constantly for me, this ministry and for families like you who are hurting and need help.”

Their daughter who was six years old wanted to know more about Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. Her little brother said, “Don’t be silly! Everybody knows that Terry Bird is Big Birds brother.”

After I told them more about my brothers, the younger kids responded, “Those are the coolest names ever. We would like to have a cool name too.”

The oldest girl whose name is Sarah said, “God answered our prayer. We needed a miracle and we received one.”

Both families shared with me that they live in a one-bedroom apartment. In their refrigerator was 3 slices of Bologna, one loaf of bread and one slice of cheese. It is time to bless the families. I said, “Here is the money Blue Mustang gave me to give to you guys so you can buy groceries.”

I handed $140 to each family. While I was doing this, there were seven old couples walking and exercising around the park. They had been watching us the whole time. I was concentrating on talking with these two families and I never noticed the seven old couples. I never worry about my surroundings because I know that my King always has my back covered. Those seven couples came over and made a circle around us. They looked at the parents and asked, “How can we pray for you? We saw the children pray for you then we saw this man walk up to you. What’s going on and how can we help?”

The families shared a little bit about their life, how they’re living in a single bedroom apartment and that they’re struggling and having a difficult time getting groceries. They said, “We just moved here but we will not get paid for 2 weeks.”

One of the couples spoke up and said, “So you need a bigger place to live?” The old gentleman said, “My mom just passed away and she has a five bedroom home that we are thinking about renting out. We need to get it rented out so that we can continue to pay the mortgage.”

So he made an offer to the families to come and live in the house. The couple said, “The house has a kitchen in the basement. There are three bedrooms downstairs and five bedrooms upstairs. If you want the home we will give you two months rent-free.”

His wife said, “No, we’ll give them three months free.”

They did not care if the families stayed together. It would be an opportunity for the families to split the rent. God supplied the home for them. The old couple did not ask for a security deposit or down payment. Soon the families will be able to move into a nice home. The family wanted to thank Blue Mustang for what he did. The little girl said, “Do not forget about Terry Bird!”

The family then said, “We want to thank God for Blue Mustang, the prayers of Terry Bird and for this man Sonny who brought us the money for groceries.”

The seven couples then said, “Why don’t we go to the store and buy you groceries. You can use the money that this man gave you for gas or whatever.”

The little girl exclaimed, “Blue Mustang gave us this money to buy groceries. Not to put gas in our cars. We are going to use it for food especially cereal.”

The parents then said, “She is absolutely right. This money is not designated for gas but its designated for food.”

The old couple said, “That is okay but let’s go to King Soopers and buy groceries. We want to make sure you have enough food for the week until you get moved in. Then we’ll get more groceries after you get moved in. Oh, by the way, the house is all furnished. It has beds, couches and other furniture.”

Both families could have easily stayed at their apartment and prayed but God told them that they needed to go to the park and pray there. Because He knew the people that would be there that day. The kids could play while adults prayed. That is the reason why God sent me there because He knew that families would be there because He sent them. People need to understand that when God sends you some place, you need to go there. God doesn’t need anybody to debate Him or complain like “Really! Do I have to go to the park now?” Wherever I go, I will always get to watch what God does. I notice how cool my King is whenever He reveals himself to someone. His plans come out perfect even if I mess up.

The kids started running around the park. All the while they were running around the park, they were thanking God for what just happened. They kept repeating, “Thank you God for answering our prayer and thank you for being so faithful.”

They learned how to pray and praise like this from their parents. It is a responsibility of our kids to pick it up but we have to confess it in front of them so they realize that we are serving an awesome God.

Sarah said, “Before you go, I want to pray for you, Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. Even though Sarah was only 11 years old, she prayed like an adult. It was amazing how she prayed. She held my hand and prayed for my protection. She then said, “I will never forget this day for the rest of my life on how God answered our prayers.”

I said, “God hears our prayers even if we don’t need something. He still listens and He still hears them. It is on his timing when He answers your prayer. This shows that we should never stop praying.”

Sarah then said, “You are the bravest man we have ever met.”

Her mom then stepped in and said, “You must have been chosen by God to go and witness to gangs. Because they are mean.”

I said, “They are mean but they all have broken hearts. Many times they have been thrown out of their homes and their hearts are damaged worse.”

After this, the seven couples prayed for us. They then said, “Let’s go to King Soopers and buy your groceries.”

The families did use Blue Mustang’s money for groceries but his investment was multiplied greatly by God. We know that there are other families out there that need help. We need to pray for them and that others will step up to bless them. As for me, I will continue to go after them to let our King rock their world. I know that it is physically impossible to bless someone’s life without their blessing touching my own life.

Praying Outloud Brings Family Blessings

It was a Saturday at the end of August. I ate breakfast with Blue Mustang and he gave me $280 to bless families. As I left for Denver, my King directed me to a King Soopers on 144th Avenue in Denver. Normally he has me park facing west but today he told me to park facing east. I was wondering why God had me do that because the sunlight in the morning is difficult to look through. But my King confirmed to me again that I needed to face east and pray. So as I sat there, I rolled my window down and began to audibly pray to my King. In my prayer, I was praying for the families that I was going to meet today. I turned the music on in my pickup for some background praise music to set the mood. I continued praying about the families and praised my King. I had my eyes closed while I was doing this so I did not see the lady that came up to my pickup. She began tapping on my door. Her tapping semi startled me. I asked, “How can I help you?”

She said, “I never heard anybody pray like that before.”

I like to pray out loud when I pray to my King. Not only were their windows rolled down so were mine. She then said, “It sounded like you were talking to somebody sitting next to you.”

I said, “We are supposed to have that type of relationship with our King that we can just talk to him about any of our needs. Today, I’m just asking my King to prepare the hearts for the families in need that I am going to help today.”

She then started crying as I said this. She replied, “My husband John and I along with our three kids were praying just now for a miracle so that we could buy food today. We were about ready to go into the store and see if we could set up an account in some way to purchase food until my husband gets paid. We just did not know how to present this situation to the manager. We just need food and groceries to get us by for at least one week. As we pulled up near your vehicle I could hear you pray. I said to my husband I need to go over and talk to this guy. He seems to know how to talk to God.”

She then asked me if I could pray for her. I then got out of my pickup with my Bible in one hand and got ready to pray. Her husband John and their three kids began getting out of the van at the same time. Their little 5 year old daughter introduced herself to me and said, “My name is Samantha. But I like Sammy for short. It almost sounds like your name, but slightly different.”

Before I got the first word out, Sammy reached out and grabbed my free hand. It was an emotional moment when her hand touched mine. I am a total stranger to her but yet she came up and she held my hand. Children are amazing. Their hearts are pure when they’re young and they still believe nothing is impossible. I totally understand why Jesus Christ said, “Let the little children come unto me.” He totally understood what childlike faith is.

I said, “God brought me here to bless you. I was waiting here for you. God told me exactly how to park so that you would hear me praying.”

She said, “We came here looking for a miracle.”

As I was getting ready to pray, a 1968 Buick family car pulled up. This car was huge in size. It looked like a boat. A family of four got out of the car and walked towards us. They said, “We noticed that you guys were praying. We were wondering if we could do anything to help you pray.”

John said, “When we pulled up, we could hear this man praying.” He then shared everything that I said to his family.

The other couple then said, “God also asked us to come here to pray and to expect a miracle. Because we need groceries too.”

It was so cool how this last family thought of us even though they were needing groceries. Their first thoughts were, “How can we pray for this other family?” That was more important to them then getting fed. The needs of other people were in their hearts. I then had both families come together into a circle so we all could pray together. The adults began praying first. Sammy still had a tight grip on my hand. I started the prayer. John said the next prayer and his wife Ruth followed him. The last couple, whose names are Phil and Rosemary, prayed last.

Sammy closed with a prayer of her own, “Thank you Jesus for bringing Sonny here and for Blue Mustang for allowing us to get groceries because I really needed some milk right now.” She then ended, “I believe in miracles.”

I asked her, “Where did you learn how to pray like that?”

She said, “I hear my Mommy and Dad pray for me when I go to bed. They almost sound like you but not really.”

I asked, “What do you mean by that?”

Sammy replied, “They only pray for a little bit and then it’s over. But when they go away, I pray to God to. Sometimes I fall asleep praying.”

She was so honest, just sharing everything in her heart. It is now time to bless the families. I said, “This is what God has given to Blue Mustang that he has given to me for you.”

I had already shared with her earlier about my brothers in this ministry. When I mentioned their names, like most kids, they think Blue Mustang and Terry Bird are cartoon characters. I always love it how kids are fascinated with my spiritual brothers.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the $280 that had already been sorted into two separate piles. I handed each family $140. They began crying as they realized that their miracle just happened.

Sammy then said, “Does this mean I can get cereal and milk?” I confirmed that she could. She then exclaimed, “Oh, I just can’t wait! I love Captain Crunch cereal!”

I said, “You know what? So do I!”

I went back to my pickup and opened the back door. I pulled out a large brand new box of Captain Crunch cereal. She then said, “You really must love Captain Crunch cereal too.” I then saw the expression change on her face. She solemnly said, “Yeah, if I could only have a glass of milk.”

I said, “So you need a glass of milk?”

She said, “Yeah, I would just put the cereal in that glass of milk and have a snack.”

I turned around to go to the back to my pickup. I had my cooler in there. I always keep a gallon of milk for the gangs because they love milk with their cereal and donuts. I gave her one of my plastic cups. We poured some cereal and some milk into the cup. She started eating and I could see her eyes roll back from the delight of eating something she has not had in a while. She exclaimed, “This is heaven.”

I just loved the way she said that. It’s amazing how simple it is to us but extraordinary to her to have cereal to eat. Both families wanted me to go shopping with them so we went into the store to get groceries together. Both families separated and bought what they needed but not what they wanted. Sammy brought that box of Captain Crunch cereal of mine into the store and began sharing the cereal with all the kids from both families. They continued to snack while they shopped.

The manager who was a Christian came up to us and said, “I have never seen a kid hold a box of cereal all the time while they were shopping. I saw them come into the store eating the cereal. I assumed they were just hungry and God showed me they were starving. I then went to the employees and talked it over with them.”

The manager had two $200 gift cards to give each family. All the employees had pitched in to bless these families. He wanted to make sure they had enough to be able to come back and get more groceries later. I then explained to the manager where the cereal came from. I said, “I always keep a box in my pick-up just in case I don’t get a chance to go out and get anything to eat. I can just snack on the Captain Crunch cereal to get by.”

Everyone who knows our King and has a need should be praying like these families. I experience God answering their prayers time after time. I am proof that he does. Next week it will be the same. His people will be praying to him. He will hear their prayers and he will send me or someone else who has a heart to bless. Even as of this writing, my King is hearing his people’s prayers and will send someone to their aid at the proper time. Please believe in a miracle. Step out in faith and make it happen. Always remember the scripture:

Matthew 7:7-8

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Our actions are what God is looking for. It is now time for me to witness to the gangs to bring them the message of Jesus Christ. He is ready to change their lives too.

New Jersey Gang

After that gang in New York gave their life to Jesus Christ, the undercover police flew me the next day to New Jersey to meet the next gangs. As I landed in New Jersey, the undercover police asked, “Do you ever get air sick.”

I said, “No, I do not.” Then they asked, “Have you ever been in a helicopter?”

I said, “I have been in a helicopter one time.” He asked, “Did it make you sick? ”

I said, “No, I love helicopters.”

He said, “We are going to fly you in one over where you are going to go. We are going to it in the cover of night.” When it came time to go, I climbed into this extremely fancy helicopter. The helicopter was capable of having two people in the front and three in the back. As I sat down in one of the seats, they strapped me down and put a microphone on my head so they could communicate with me.

The pilot said, “We are about ready for take off. Can you hear me okay.”

I said, “I hear a lot of static.”

The pilot got out of his seat and found another headset for me to wear. This one worked. I could hear him fine. The engine on the helicopter then came to life. Just before we lifted off, He said, “We are going to launch straight up then we’re going to take a hard right. I’m just letting you know just in case you might get sick.” I had to convince him again that I was not going to get sick.

He started flying over that area in New Jersey where the gangs where residing. It was weird flying in the dark over the city. When we flew over the city, we could tell where there was gang activity by the amount of darkness present. It is like you’re flying over communist North Korea which is mostly dark at night. On the other hand, in capitalist South Korea, the whole sky is lit up by the freedom present in the cities. We flew further over this dark area of the city.

The pilot asked, “Do You See of those lights in that one building? That building has been taken over by one of the gangs.” They pacified me by telling me that they don’t bother us flying over them at night. He continued, “They hear planes flying over head all the time and they do not shoot at us.” The pilot continued flying until we got to where the second gang was. We were approximately 11 blocks from the other building.

The pilot said, “This gang lives in two buildings as you can see by the lights in each building.”

I asked, “How did they get control of all these buildings?”

They replied, “They physically ran the owners off and took their property. If we go in there to try to do something about it, they just start shooting at us. We just let them shoot at each other and if they kill themselves so be it.” He looked at me intently and said, “This is where you come in Sonny.”

I said, “No, this is where Jesus Christ comes in. He revealed to me that the Holy Spirit has been preparing their hearts. Now it is time for me to take them His message. I just get to see it.” I am not sure if he comprehended what I just got through saying but he said, “Okay, I just wanted to show you the layout. One gang has 35 members and the other has 27. We can only drop you within eight blocks of their location. Any questions?” We prayed to our King that his glory would be revealed. He then asked, “What do you need.”

I said, “I’m going to need some wagons. I am going to be serving them breakfast. I need enough space to put the donuts, milk and orange juice to feed the 62 people in both gangs. I also have to carry some Bibles and crosses in for them.” They too had the Costco wagons for me to use. It is really easy to tie the additional wagons to the first wagon to make a wagon train. They dropped me off at my rendezvous and we placed all the food and Bibles in the wagons. As I was getting ready to begin my trip into the Danger Zone, three homeless guys happen to see me loading the wagons with supplies. They noticed all the food I had in my wagons.

They came up to me and said, “There is a lot of food in there.”

I knew that they were hungry and said, “Do you guys want some donuts?”

They replied, “That would be great.” I opened up one of the boxes and gave each one a donut. They asked for orange juice to drink. I gave them each a glass of orange juice. One homeless guy then said, “It looks like you’re going to a big picnic.”

I said, “Yes I am. I am going to minister to those gangs over there. Before I go there, I need to ask you a question. Are your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Yes or No.”

One guy responded, “No, we are crazy guys and we live for ourselves.”

I said, “Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised; not even for me.”

He said, “I used to go to church once when I was little. My favorite song was ‘Jesus loves me’.”

I said, “Why don’t we sing it?” I was there with them and the undercover police and we all sang that song. Halfway through the song, the homeless guys all began to cry. They all remembered from their youth what the words of that song meant to them. Soon the undercover police were crying. Then  as we continued singing, I began to cry. One of the guys stepped up and said, “I want to rededicated my life to Jesus Christ.”

I said, “What you see today is temporary. Jesus Christ and his Kingdom are eternal.”

Another homeless guy said, “That is so true. Do you have a Bible for me.” I gave each one a Bible and they both gave their hearts back to Jesus Christ. The expressions on these guys faces changed dramatically after they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They came to me looking tough and without hope. Now they have hope and meaning to their lives. The homeless guys left.

The undercover police that were here have not spent very much time with me. They were amazed with what they just experienced. They exclaimed, “Sonny, does this happen to you every time you go somewhere.”

I said, “This is what is supposed to happen to all of us. We are all supposed to carry God’s Kingdom to the people we meet.”

The undercover cops prayed over me again before I left. I said, “Whatever you do, do not come in and rescue me. Don’t send any drones or anything to try to take videos. You know what happened last time I was here. If you see me fall, you can come and get me later. I’m giving you some phone numbers so you can call these people just in case I fall. If you go in there and try to rescue me you will probably get killed. My King brought me here not to kill me but to bring salvation to this gang.”

The undercover cops said, “We won’t interfere but we are going to set up so we can watch you. You will not be able to see us.”

I started walking down the street and noticed that there were cars burned on both sides of the streets. The building walls have holes in them and broken windows. I was thinking in my heart that at one time these once were all businesses that belonged to people. And now they’ve lost it all to these gangs. I finally got to where the gangs were. What I saw was both gangs that I was going to be witnessing to were facing each other. Both sides had their weapons drawn. Five Guys on the right hand side of me had weapons that I have never seen. The rest of them had pistols. They were yelling at each other.

One gang said, “If you cross the line again, you are going to get shot.”

I stopped while this was all going on. God said, “Why did you stop?”

I said, “But God they’re facing each other.”

God replied, “Get in the middle of both gangs and tell them that I love them.”

I began pulling my three wagons of donuts between the gangs. I was beginning to wonder if I had enough donuts to feed everybody. I was planning on just witnessing to one gang now. God said, “I will supply whatever is needed.”

When I got directly in the middle of them, the two leaders came out and said, “What in the world are you doing? Are you stupid or something. You’re going to get shot here.” He had his bodyguard throw me on the ground to make a point. That pavement sure is hard. They started looking in the wagons then they asked, “What’s in the wagon?”

I said, “It is food for you guys. I brought donuts, milk and orange juice strictly for you guys. Let’s have breakfast.”

Again they said, “You are going to get shot. We do not like you.” He had his bodyguard throw me on the ground again to show that he was still serious. Again, I got off the hard ground and stood up before them.

I said, “Before you guys shoot me, let me pray for you guys first.”

Now they were really confused. They said, “If you pray for us, then we can shoot you. We like that.”

I said, “Yes, it will be okay because I will win and get to go to heaven to be with Jesus Christ. I am going to pray for you that I get to meet you when you go to heaven. But you have to make a choice.”

The leader said, “Hurry up and pray for us.” I started praying for each man individually. The Holy Spirit revealed things to me about each man as I prayed. Meanwhile, they were all lining up to eat donuts. I prayed with one gang then walked across the street and prayed for the other gang. I prayed for both leaders last. One leader said, “That was pretty powerful praying. You did not even know us but yet you prayed for all of our families. I have not even seen my parents in ten years. I’m a leader and I’ve been out here struggling and trying to survive here.”

I asked, “Why did you walk away from your parents?”

He replied, “It is pretty easy when they’re drug addicts and drug dealers. I did not want that life but yet here I am doing that in this life. We sell drugs or whatever we need to do to make money.”

I then said, “This is not why God created you. This is not your purpose in this world.”

The leader retorted, “Oh yeah. What is my purpose!”

I said, “It is to go and make disciples of all nations. You cannot do that with pistols or drugs. You cannot disciple people while you’re doing that. Everybody has a Ministry. A nation could be 7 blocks from here in New Jersey.”

Both leaders looked at me and said, “You’re the bravest and dumbest guy that we’ve ever seen.”

I said, “I am brave for Jesus Christ but do you really think that I’m dumb for what I’m doing. You see, I know where I’m going and it’s not dumb. But the question is; do you guys know where you are going?” I paused a second to let them think a little bit. I then asked, “Are you guys good swimmers?” They confirmed to me that they were. I then said, “If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you will be swimming in the Lake of Fire for eternity. It is not just for the weekend.”

I was having an impact on them. Then they asked, “Are you a full-time preacher? Do you ever not stop talking about Jesus Christ?”

I said, “Only when I am asleep because then I need to rest.”

He said, “That’s a good one.” He then changed his tone a bit and said, “It’s a lot to think about right now.”

I said, “What would it be like if you were a dad and your son would call you and ask how you were doing?”

The gang leader said, “That would be pretty cool. I would like a son who would do that.”

I then said, “Why don’t you call your dad and do that?” He began thinking about calling his dad. I turned to the rest of the gang members to see if they had any prayer requests. I said, “If you have a family member that is sick, I will pray for them.”

One gang member stepped up and said, “I have an aunt who is very sick. She’s in the hospital right now.”

I said, “Call her and I will pray for her.”

He gets on his phone and calls his aunt. She said, “Hi Ricky! Are you okay?” All gang members when they called their parents and haven’t spoken to them for a while, get asked if they are Ok. They know that they are in a gang and there’s usually something serious that usually makes them want to call home.

He said, “There is a guy here whose name is Sonny. He is telling us about Jesus Christ. He asked me if I had a prayer request and I said that I did. I asked him to pray for you because you are sick.”

His aunt began to cry. His mom and dad happened to be in the room visiting his aunt that day. His aunt said, “Your mom and dad are right here.”

The minute she said that their son started crying. He had not seen his parents in three years. His parents also started crying. It was nearly ten minutes before I could even pray for her. I finally had a chance to pray for her. God said, “Whatever you do, do not try to pray a book.” God knows me too well. Sometimes I like to pray and say a lot. When I got done praying for her healing, I said, “I need to ask you a question. Do you believe that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ? The Bible says we are healed by his stripes.”

The aunt said, “I believe that.”

I then asked, “Is there any unforgiveness in your family that you have not forgiven? Is there a family member that you have not forgiven. The Bible talks about if we do not forgive he will not forgive us. Remember it is not what I say.”

The aunt replied, “I have been mad at my brother for seven years and I have not talked to him since. He talked smack about me and my family. I do not talk to him and I have not forgiven him.”

I said, “Today is the day of salvation. You need to call your brother and tell him that you want to forgive him. If you are going to see my King you need to be clean.”

She then asked me if I was a full-time minister. I said, “Only when I’m awake. The rest of the time I need my rest.”

You should have seen that room. Everybody begin laughing. I was on speaker so I could hear everything going on in the room. They laughed for a while then things began to get serious. The aunt said, “I am going to call my brother today. Could you pray for my husband. He is angry at God for putting me in the hospital.”

I said, “It is not God who put you in the hospital. You should have never taken the vaccine. That second shot is what put you in the hospital.”

God showed me that she had all kinds of blood clots in he body. They had a suit on her that was trying to stimulate her body to break up the blood clots within her. That suit physically shakes her in the bed trying to dislodge all the clots.

She then wanted to rededicate her life to Jesus Christ. Remember we are still on speaker phone. While all this was going on, the gangs on both sides were listening in on the conversation. The speaker phone was loud enough so they could hear God’s message being told. Before he made the call to his aunt, all the gang members were spread out all over the place. When he made the call everybody kept converging closer to us to hear better. Soon everybody from both gangs completely surrounded us to listen in on the conversation. After we finished talking we hung up the phone. The bodyguard, who kept slamming me on the ground, apologize to me. He said, “I hurt you pretty bad man. Are you mad at me?”

I said, “No, I have forgiven you as my King has forgiven me.”

He again said, “I hurt you pretty bad but yet you want to forgive me. I’m sorry that I did that. I am not going to hit you anymore. Please forgive me. I am just sorry that I ever did that.”

I said, “I have forgiven you. It is okay.”

He then asked, “Is it really that easy to forgive someone.”

I said, “When Jesus Christ is in your heart, it is very easy to forgive someone.”

He then confided in me and said, “I need to forgive my parents. When I was 12 years old my parents gave me to my grandpa and grandma. They just couldn’t handle me anymore. One day they just packed up my bags, took me to my grandparents and dropped me off. I watched as they drove off. They never even looked back. I just stood there on the sidewalk crying as they left me there standing alone.”

I said, “It is pretty hard to forgive somebody who just abandoned you. I know what it feels like to be abandoned. We have to forgive. It is between them and God what they did. If you carry that anger, hurt and bitterness, you carry that for what. None of that stuff is ever going to heal you. Just give all that stuff to God. Let God do the healing. You just love them and forgive them because they are your parents. Also do it for God. The Bible says honor your parents. There is no stipulation about not doing it if they’re not very good parents.”

He said, “I get it man. I’m beginning to understand. I am going to call my dad right now.”

All the gang members were close enough to hear him speak on the phone. They were really curious about what he was going to say. I feel that many of them had similar circumstances and they were trying to figure things out. They were hoping that they might learn something from what this guy was about to do. His dad answered the phone. He said, “John, are you okay? How’s it going? I haven’t talked with you for a long time. Where are you?”

John said, “Dad there is a guy here who is telling me that Jesus loves me. He said that I need to forgive you or God is not going to forgive me. I forgive you both for leaving me at Grandma and Grandpa’s that day. You abandoned me but I still forgive you. If I don’t forgive you I will never see heaven.”

His dad started crying. His mom was also listening and she began crying. They asked, “Do you want to come home?”

John said, “Yes.”

His parents asked, “Just tell us where you’re at. We will come and get you.”

At this moment, both gangs started walking away and pulling out their phones. They all started calling their parents. I did not beat them up with the word of God but I did show them what he is capable of doing through prayer. When John forgave his dad and those men saw what he did they decided they wanted to do the same thing. Both gangs were getting ready to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. About this same time, a bunch of cars started showing up. It was hard to believe that an hour and a half ago they were all aiming pistols at me and John  grabbed hold of me throwing me on the ground. Now they’re calling their parents wanting to go home. The big thing that they were doing was forgiving. All the gang members told their parents that they did not want to leave until they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They all lined up with their parents standing next to them. Everyone was crying as they were waiting to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I then asked them  “Do you want your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If you do, raise your hands.” All the gang members raised their hands and even their parents raised their hands also. Even though many of the parents were already Christians, they raised their hands anyway just to support their sons. There was a lot of crying going on as the sons gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The parents either rededicated their hearts or gave their hearts to Jesus Christ for the first time . There wasn’t a dry eye anywhere. Everybody was crying as the Holy Spirit began moving in their hearts.

The leaders came up to me and said, “Everybody who comes around here, we hurt them. I couldn’t even pull the trigger on you. I was ready to take you out, take everything you had and dump you in the river. I couldn’t even pull the trigger on my pistol so I just put it away. My hand cramped up severely when I tried to grab hold of my pistol. God is real because he saved your life today.”

I said, “He also saved your life today because I am already saved.”

Both leaders said, “We just cannot wait to see our parents.”

I found out later that John left his grandparents because they were leaving church and were killed in an automobile accident on the way home. He loved his grandparents because they did a good job of bringing him up. But after that he was on his own. He became angry at God for letting that happen. I said, “God did not cause the wreck but it was their time to go. I cannot explain why God allows those things to happen. But he has a purpose for everything that does happen. It is like today. My life is not in your hands; but it is in God’s hands. If you would have shot me today and killed me that would have been God’s will to bring me home into his Kingdom. That means I have accomplished everything that he has sent me to do. Your grandparents in the same way accomplished everything that they were supposed to do and God brought them home.”

John said, “Sonny, I get it; I get it. What is interesting is the leader told me to stab you. But I couldn’t do it. I said I am not going to stab a man that brings me Bibles and food. If you want to stab him, stab him yourself.”

Saying that to the leader takes courage. Even disrespecting a leader like that can get you into a lot of trouble but he was being bold.

One of the leaders parents had to drive a fairly great distance to get here. No one left until his parents arrived. Those gangs both had bonds with their members in order to hang with each other like that. Some of them said to each other that if your parents don’t show up come stay with us. We will adopt you. When John’s parents came, they immediately apologized again to him for dropping him off at their grandparents home. One leader introduced me to all the families. He said, “This is Sonny. He loves Jesus Christ. He brought us breakfast this morning. He reminded us of a song that Jesus loves me. He said he told me that he’s already been worshiping God because he sang that song before he got to us.”

After we talked about Jesus Christ and the awesome things that he does, everybody started going home. The three homeless guys all of a sudden showed up. They said, “That was the most beautiful thing we have ever seen. We saw the whole thing from a distance. God is so faithful isn’t he.”

I said, “Yes like I said, what you see now is temporary. But spending life with Jesus Christ and his father Yahweh is for eternity. That is going to be fun. The grapes there are as big as Volkswagens.”

One homeless guy said, “Are you serious? We are going to have a big face when we get there to eat that.”

I said, “I will greet you when you get here.”

Another asked, “Is it true that we get new bodies when we get there.?”

I said, “Yes I am short now but when I get to heaven I’m going to become a tall man. I know that the angels in heaven are all tall. They have huge hands and the shield and the swords they carry are huge. But I’m not sure if we’ll be as tall as they are.”

The homeless guys and I parted ways. These are the only two gangs in New Jersey that my King wants me to see. The undercover police took me back to my room so I could get ready to fly to Chicago tomorrow. My King has a large gang there for me to witness to. These guys are part of the MS-13 gangs and they are pretty mean. I am praying that my King will watch over me as I witness to them.

New York Gang Falls to Jesus Christ

It was Tuesday and I finally got permission to fly into New York. This covid thing is definitely causing a lot of problems when it comes to traveling. When my King needs for me to go, He makes it happen. I climbed aboard their private jet and flew directly to New York. They circled the jet over the area where I was going to be witnessing; so I could view the layout. I said, “I’ve been here before.”

My informer said, “A lot of things have changed since you were here last time. This gang that we are showing you has 42 members and they all drive nice cars. They have a good business with the drug cartels. We can never get them at the right time to arrest them.” I continued watching the airial monitor as they were speaking. He then asked, “What do you need for tomorrow?” I already had the Bibles and crosses in my possession for these guys.

I said, “I’m going to feed them breakfast. I need donuts, milk and orange juice. I will need wagons to take all this food in.”

The informer asked, “You mean like the Costco wagons.”

I said, “Yes, they need to be big.”

He replied, “We have two of them for you. Just remember we can only get within seven blocks from the area the gang controls.” They drove me to that point and dropped me off with my supplies.

They said, “Sonny, we just cannot get any closer than this.” I looked to see what was in front of me. It looked like a war zone from here to where they live. I swear that it looked like I was going to walk through a Hollywood movie set. The undercover police warned me that anytime a car drives through here, they just start shooting at it. The gang does not trust anybody.

I said, “Okay, I will go on foot from here.” I started my journey walking down the middle of the street. I never walk on the sidewalk. There is a lot of curbs on city sidewalks and it is tough getting the wagon wheels rolling over all the bumps. I am also more visible to the gangs on the street. It is dangerous to sneak up on a gang. It is not like traffic is a problem. While I was walking, I began praying as I observed my surroundings. The houses had broken windows and were all shot up and everything was tore up. There were burnt cars along the street and lots of damage.

Suddenly a homeless guy showed up on the street in front of me. He warned me that I should not go any further because the gang ahead of me is mean. They just shoot at people for the heck of it. While he was talking to me, he noticed the food I had in the wagons.

He excitedly asked, “You got donuts?” I said, “Here.” I opened up one of the boxes and gave him a couple of doughnuts. I picked up a glass and poured him orange juice which he had requested.

My King revealed to me that this man has been living for himself. I said, “Let me pray for you. What you see here today is temporary. If you give your heart to Jesus Christ, he will save you. Jesus Christ is eternal. When you die, you will be in God’s Kingdom. Your name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” The homeless guy began crying.

I then said, “You stopped for a donut. Jesus Christ will give you the real food.”

He began thinking more about what I said in turning his life to Jesus Christ. He then said, “What do I have? I have nothing to lose.”

I said, “Yes, you have everything to lose. You have your soul.”

The homeless guy paused a minute to process what I just said. He then said, “Yes, I am going to give my heart to Jesus Christ now. Everything that I am is here and I have nothing to take with me.”

I began praying over him and I gave him a Bible. The homeless guy then said, “I will be praying for you as you go in. Thank you very much for giving me breakfast.”

I gave him one of my Ministry cards and I continued walking. When I got real close to where the gang was at, two guys came up and suspiciously asked, “Are you lost?”

I said, “No I’m not. I have been found.”

With a puzzled look they said, “You have been found! What does that mean.”

I said, “I have been found by Jesus Christ.”

They then replied, “Oh, you are a preacher then? You came to the wrong place. We want nothing to do with God here.”

I said, “Are you sure? If you listen to a couple of verses you will get free breakfast. But if you don’t want to hear what I have to say, I will take the donuts and I will go feed the homeless.”

He then said, “Oh no, wait right here.” He ran back into the building and soon all of them were coming out. There was a total of 42 guys who came out. One guy started poking me in the side with his pistol. Another guy had a pistol behind my head. He then said, “If this a booby trap, I am going to shoot you.”

I said, “No man. I came here to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you. I also came here to give you some food. I have donuts, milk and orange juice for you guys to eat. I did not come here to hurt you but bring salvation to you. My King has a purpose for you guys. What you are doing now is not it.”

The leader said, “You talk pretty bold man. You are going to get shot here.”

His bodyguard came from nowhere and grabbed a hold me and threw me on the ground. The bodyguard said, “How come your God is not protecting you now?”

I said, “He is; you see that I’m still alive.”

He then challenged me again by saying, “Once you get up, I will body slam you again.” I got up and as expected he threw me down on the ground again.

The Holy Spirit must have distracted him because he then asked, “You really did bring us donuts? Don’t you know where you are? Don’t you know what happens to people like you who come here?”

I replied, “This is all temporary and the pain is also temporary. My heart and my life belong to Jesus Christ and that is eternal. If you kill me here, I will win because I am going to see my King.” I paused for a moment to let them think about what I said. I continued, “Before you guys shoot me, let me pray for you.”

Then the leader asked, “Then you will walk away?”

I replied, “Yes, I will.”

Before I had the chance to start praying one kid came up to me and hit me in the side with a pool stick. I swear that I felt one of my ribs crack. My King must have been there to weaken the blow because the stick exploded into two pieces. The one-piece flew off and hit one of the other guys right in the groin. You should have seen him go to the ground in pain.

My assalent then threw the broken stick down and said, “Dang, you broke my pool stick.”

I responded, “You hit me with that pool stick and I was protected by my King. That is the reason it broke.”

That shook them up a bit so I could begin praying for all of them. While I prayed, they all began to dig into the donuts. I did have cups for them to pour the drinks into but they threw the cups on the ground and passed the bottles around, drinking directly from them. My King told me things about each gang member as I prayed for them. I had a specific prayer for each of the 42 men that were there. As I finished up praying, I prayed for the leader last. When I approached him, he asked, “Do you have any last words to us?”

I said, “My words to you are Jesus loves you and He has a purpose for you. It is to serve Him and not the enemy. The devil is the enemy and what you’re doing is destroying your hearts and destroying your families. When was the last time you called home?”

The leader replied, “It has been eight years.”

I then said, “I bet they miss you. I have one other thing. Do you have any prayer requests for you or your family?”

The leader told me, “When I walked away from home, my dad was an alcoholic and he probably still is. Could you pray for him?”

I said, “Why don’t you call him? I will pray for him over the phone.”

The leader looked around to see how his men were looking at him before he called. He then said, “Okay I’ll call him.” He dialed his number and his dad answered the phone. His Dad asked, “Are you okay?” His son was not sure what to say to his dad so he turned the conversation to me.

His son said, “Dad, there is a guy here who is telling me about Jesus Christ. He wants to pray for you. I am going to give the phone to him.”

His dad quickly said, “Has he been telling you about Jesus Christ?”

The son said, “Yes Dad.” and handed me the phone.

I said, “My name Sonny. Your son wants me to pray for your addiction to alcohol. God is capable of taking any addictions that you may have from you.”

His dad responded, “I have been sober for two years. I still fight the temptation to go back and continue drinking every day. I have given my life to Jesus Christ.”

I said, “Let us pray that God removes those thoughts completely from your head.”

As I started praying for him, I could also hear his wife crying in the background. She asked, “Who is praying for you?”

Her husband replied, “His name is Sonny. He has been telling our son about Jesus Christ.” She started crying harder.

The gang leader felt uncomfortable with his mom crying and said, “I need to walk away right now. I need to do some thinking.” He grabbed his phone and a couple of doughnuts and then left.

I kept ministering to the whole gang while he was gone. I spent all day with them sharing the word. They all had prayer requests that I prayed for and many of them were family related. They soon began calling aunts, uncles and whoever was a part of their lives. I noticed the homeless guy I witnessed to earlier was sitting over by some trees. He was watching everything while I was praying over these men. I went back to ministering to these broken young men.

The sun was about ready to set and I said, “It is almost time for me to go.”

The gang said, “You are the only one we’ve ever let get this close to us. You showed us love instead of hate. You did not beat us with the word of God but you feed us and just told us about the love of Jesus Christ. You read scriptures to us and nobody has ever spent the time to do that. Everyone is always afraid of us.”

I said, “I am afraid of you guys too but I also know that you guys are broken. This is the ministry that my King has given me to come to the lost and the broken hearted. You guys are like lions. Lions can devour people. But you guys have hearts that need to be saved.” I could see the hearts changing in these young men.

The leader finally came back and said, “My dad is different. He hasn’t  been drinking in two years. That is a very big thing that he has done. I have asked him to take me home.”

All of a the sudden, his men stopped what they were doing. One guy asked, “Does that mean we’re not a gang anymore?”

The gang leader then looked directly at his men and said, “You guys determine where you want to spend eternity.” I can tell the way he was talking that his dad must have been talking scriptures with him and talking about eternity because the leader has also changed. Even his men could see the change in him.

The guy who threw me on the ground apologized to me  saying “I am sorry that I made you bleed. I wanted to shoot you so bad when you walked in here because we just didn’t trust anybody. If you want to pray for us again, go ahead.”

It was time for them to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I said, “All of you who want your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, come forward.” As I finish this sentence, all kinds of cars started showing up. I will be asking them this same question later. The cars were all the parents of the young men. While I was ministering to everybody, they were calling their parents wanting to come home. Usually the gangs don’t start calling their parents until they’ve given their hearts to Jesus Christ. These guys just could not wait. When the parents got out of their cars, they began running towards their sons. I stopped everything I was doing and waited. When everybody arrived, I had the parents and their sons come together. I found out 60% of the parents were Christians. It was time for the rest to come to Jesus Christ. I called everybody to come forward again to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. The parents who were not Christians also came forward with their sons and gave their lives to Jesus Christ with them.

Many of the parents shared with me that they have been praying for this day for a long time. And it has finally come to pass. We got to celebrate. Soon a bunch of Pizza Hut cars started showing up. When the delivery boys got out of the cars to hand the pizzas off, you could tell they were terrified coming into this area. Soon everybody was enjoying the pizzas.

The gang leader got up on the balcony of one of the buildings and said, “Just because we have given our hearts to Jesus Christ does not mean that we cannot be friends. My dad said he is willing to have small groups for discipleship. Any of you guys who want to be part of that come with us. We can share our contact information so we can have Bible studies together.”

Could you imagine that in the morning they were aiming pistols at me and body-slamming me on the ground. Now that it’s evening, they were wanting to have Bible studies. It is sometimes tough to get beaten up like that but in the end, serving God and doing what He wants will become Victorious. I will never enjoy being body slammed but the rewards of seeing someone coming to Jesus Christ outweighs the pain. When they all went home, they might have grabbed an item or two but everything else was left in the buildings. They all wanted to put this life behind them. It is also interesting how they controlled such a large block of buildings. They were so dangerous that no owner could even collect rent on those buildings or occupy them themselves. The gangs will physically walk in, put a gun to your head and ask you to leave. No one has the courage to tell them to leave so you are without your property.

But it is the beginning of a new day. The law enforcement told the owners that the gang cleared out and they could go back into their property and claim it. I also found out there were five undercover police watching me the whole time just in case I got shot but I never knew who they were. We actually drove ourselves out of that area.

The homeless guy showed up and stopped us saying, “That was a miracle that just happened. You made a believer out of me that miracles can happen.”

The undercover police, who kept their identities, asked if he wanted a job for cleaning up some apartments.

He replied, “No. I have already gotten a job. While I was watching Sonny at work, the owner of those buildings was also watching what was going on. He hired me to help him clean up his buildings. He noticed that the guys were leaving the area and needed help to clean things up. That homeless guy watched me all day and God gave him a miracle.

This is the only gang that my King wanted me to see in New York. He is now sending me to New Jersey.

Colorado Springs Rescue of One Becomes Entire Gang

I just got off work on Tuesday and I was thinking about going home, taking a shower and resting for the rest of the evening. God said, “No, you have to go to Colorado Springs now.” Normally, I do not get a request like this on a Tuesday and I usually fill my tank midweek. I would never fill my pickup on a Monday because of all the traffic at the Costco pumps on that day. But for some reason I filled my pickup on a Monday so I had a full tank of fuel to make it to Colorado Springs. Halfway there, I received a phone call. It was a young lady from one of the gangs. She said, “Sonny, I know you live in Loveland but could you come to Colorado Springs. I want to leave the gang.” She then shared with me that the testimony about Blue Mustang and Terry Bird and the other people involved convicted her to want to go home. She had a good recollection of everything that I said. I do remember who she was because she thanked me a lot for the burritos and the other food that I brought down to to them. She then said, “What you did had a great impact on my life and I cannot sleep at nights. I just need for you to come and get me.”

I said, “Yes, I can come. In fact God has already sent me to you.” She exclaimed, “Really!” I said, “I am already passing through Denver and I am heading towards you right now.” She then said, “God really is amazing. I just want to get out of this gang. I just want out!” I usually rescue women from gangs around midnight. That hour is when the gangs are usually asleep. I pull into the alley, the girls get in and I leave. No one knows that I’ve been there until morning. I do this to make sure that nobody gets shot or hurt. But today was to be daylight rescue. She gave me the address where she lived in Colorado Springs. When I got there, I made no effort to hide myself. I parked in front of the house. The entire gang was standing outside as I pulled up. The gang leader whose name is Jonathan said, “Sonny what’s up? Did you bring anything for us to eat?”

I pointed at the girl who called me and said, “No man. Not this time. I have come here to take her back to her family.” Jonathan said, “Yeah, she told us that she was going to go back home.” Jonathan then looked at me intently and said, “You know what. I’ve only met you one time but when you talked about John 3:16 , that just tugged at my heart. Then when you brought food from Blue Mustang and you told us about this guy named Terry Bird. I think that is just crazy.” Jonathan then became serious and said, “I think that serving God like you do is so cool. I just love that. I inturn don’t serve anybody but myself. I have been reading that Bible that you’ve given me and always ponder John 3:16. There are givers and there are prayer warriors and sometimes they are both like Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. I just laugh every time I say those names.” Jonathan paused a second then asked, “Are those real people?”

I laughed and said, “Yes, they are real and I love them.” Jonathan began thinking about this relationship I have with these guys. Jonathan then said, “I never belonged to a family. I was abandoned when I was really young.”

I said, “God’s Kingdom can be your family. His family knows you, loves you and created you.” The Holy Spirit was hard at work on Jonathan’s heart. Jonathan replied, “You came here to take one girl home. Maybe you came here for all of us to give our hearts to Jesus Christ and go back to our families. Last weekend, I went to Denver trying to find you but I never saw you.”

I said, “I did give you my ministry card last time. You could have called me. He said, “Yeah, but I threw it out the window.” I said, “That was good, somebody else did find it. Two days ago, there was a guy out on the streets that called me. He said he found my card laying out on the street. He was on his way to the overpass so he could jump. But when he found the card you threw out the window, he called me. You saved somebody’s life. God used you and because of you this man is still alive today.” Jonathan started to cry. I said, “That is the first thing that God has used you for.” Jonathan must be trying to share Jesus on the street. He said, “I love being out on the street and talking about Jesus. If Blue Mustang and Terry Bird can help people like that, I want to be able to help people like that.” Now I was starting to cry because of the words he spoke. His men felt the same way he did. They said, “We don’t want to go home unless we know the Jesus Christ you know.” I felt it was getting time to celebrate.

I asked, “Is everyone getting hungry?” They replied, “Yes, we are starved.” I said, “I’m going to go get something and I will be right back.” The gang asked, “Hey, can we ride in your pickup with you?We just love that ‘Kingdom music’ that you play through those speakers. Those guys sure know how to play music.”

I said, “Yeah, I can put five people up front with me. They said, “No, we want to ride in the back. You have subwoofers back there and we want to listen to that.” I said, “Blue Mustang helped me get that awesome sound functioning back there.” While we were driving, everyone decided they wanted to go to Little Caesars to get pizza. Everyone was still carrying their pistols and you could easily see them on their shirts while we were driving down the street. It was so fun watching the expressions on people’s faces as we stopped for red lights. When we pulled into the Little Caesars parking lot and parked, everybody jumped out with their guns still visible while we walked into the store. Just remember these guys have not given their hearts to Jesus Christ yet. You should have seen the eyes on the manager when those guys walked in with those pistols strapped on. He cautiously asked, “How can I help you guys?” I said, “We need 12 pizzas.” Then Jonathan stepped in and said, “Sonny, I don’t think that will be enough. We need 14 pizzas.” We ordered them all with pepperoni and jalapenos. It took a few minutes to get that many pizzas ready. I stepped up to the counter to pay for them. I had my card in my hand to put into the slot. This older gentleman who was standing beside me had his card already out also. He raced me to the credit card machine. He stuck his card in before I could put mine in. He said, “I beat you to it, man.”

I said, “You know that is 14 pizzas.” He said, “Sonny, it is all about the blessing. Never forget that.” I found out that this guy watched me when I was bringing Jesus Christ to the Chinese Mafia a few years back. He was there all three times when we met to bring them the message of Jesus Christ. When the gang members were riding in the back of my pickup, he realize that the pickup he saw was mine. He began to follow me and God said, “I want you to pay for the pizzas this man is getting.” He never knew my name because he only saw me from a distance. He knew who I was today because my name is visible on my pickup. When anyone pulls up beside me they can read my name. He was listening to me talk about Jesus Christ to this gang all the time while we were getting out of the pickup and going into the store.

Jonathan asked, “What’s your name.” He said, “My name is Paul. The Paul in the Bible was a mighty man of God.” So Paul started preaching to this gang. Meanwhile, my pickup was still running outside and some of the gang members were still sitting in back listening to the music. Before I went outside, I picked up some 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper for them to drink with the pizzas. Of course, gang members don’t use glasses. They just screw the cap off and passed the bottle around. Then they asked Paul if he was a giver like Blue Mustang, Terry Bird and Sonny. Paul said, “It’s not about the giving. It’s about blessing. Those men you are talking about are a blessing from God and you don’t even know who they are.” He then pointed at me and said, “This guy does an amazing ministry reaching out to bring you guys to Jesus Christ. I was told by God to stop here because there was going to be a man who is going to buy a lot of pizzas. He wanted me to pay for them to bless you.”

We all went outside the store and went to the pickup. I put the tailgate down and laid the pizzas out. I blessed the food and we began eating the pizzas. It was now 7 p.m. and there was a lot of light out for everybody to visit. Jonathan said, “Paul, you bought the pizzas. Why don’t you join us.” Paul said, “I would love that.” Paul only ate one slice. As we were beginning to eat, suddenly all these cars began pulling up. I found out it was all the families of all these boys and girls that were with me. The Holy Spirit is working on their hearts as they started calling their parents. They had a strong desire to go home. Soon the whole parking lot was full of families from the gang. Some of the Dads came to me and said, “You reached out to my son. I need to rededicate my life to Jesus Christ. My son is coming home and that is a miracle! I want to be the father that Jesus wants me to be.”

The families began going into the store and order more pizzas. The store was having a difficult time keeping up with all the orders. The manager came outside and said, “We have been struggling to sell pizzas at this location. You guys just made our day by ordering all this food.” This all started by going after the one. My intent was to bring a girl out of a gang. While the Holy Spirit had prepared their hearts when I previously met them, now they all wanted to go home.

While the celebration was going on in the parking lot, the police were driving by and noticing all the commotion going on. The police could see all these guys wearing their pistols. Most of them kept driving by. One of the passing patrol cars started driving real slow into the parking lot. He kept driving until he parked in front of my pickup. He got out said, “So you are Sonny?” I found out that he did a license plate check on my pickup and that’s how he knew my name. I found out later that the undercover police and other cops that knew me, were disappointed when he stopped because he could have ruined something by showing up in front of the gang. The police officer told them, ” I need prayer and this guy is like a magnet. I just felt like I was drawn to stop.” I prayed for him and that police officer rededicated his life to Jesus Christ right in front of the whole gang. Jonathan said, “Are you hungry, sir? We have pizza here.” The police officer excitedly said, “I will take a piece. I’m starving.” Jonathan said, “You have came to the right place.” Now there was a police officer eating with the gangs. You just wondered if he ever had to arrest any of these guys. The police officer then asked, “So you guys have given your life to Jesus Christ.” Jonathan said, “Yes sir, we are about to. We are tired of this life. We have a new purpose for our life.” The police recommended him not to be carrying those pistols around anymore. Jonathan replied, “We live in America. There aren’t going to be any terrorist messing with us.” At that response the police officer said, “That’s okay. Let’s just eat pizza.” The police officer even went into the Little Caesars store and he bought the entire shelf of soda pop and began passing that around. Again, no glasses were used. They just passed the bottles around. The police officer then climbed up on my pickup and stood where my speakers are. He asked everyone to come closer and gather around the pickup. The gang all started moving closer together as they were looking at each other wondering what was about to happen. The police officer said, “I want to pray for all you guys.” The police officer then made an altar call and asked, “All those who want to come forward and to give your life to Jesus Christ, stand here.” God sent him here to refresh his spirit. He can now say that he led the entire gang to Jesus Christ. He was responsible for many of the parents giving their life to Jesus Christ.

An older gentleman pulled up in a 39 Coupe. He must be in his mid-80s. He asked, “Who is Blue Mustang and Terry Bird. The kids were talking to me about how they were bringing food to us. I feel like we need to pray for those guys.” So we got together and prayed for those guys. It was finally getting late and everyone was was ready to go back to the house to get their stuff. They realized that this is it. They are now ready to go home and start a new life with Jesus Christ. And you could see the tears in their eyes as they were pondering that. I continue to minister with them late into the night. I asked, “Do any of you guys have any prayer requests?” Everyone of them had at least one prayer request. Some of the Christian parents came up with me and helped pray for the prayer requests that I received. Everyone from the street could see that we were praying. We had many cars stop and they said, “I see that you guys are praying. I need prayer really bad.” So we ended up praying for many people who came directly off the street. One of the prayer request off the street was the guy who lost his landscaping business because of the covid. The police officer came forward and said he had a brother who needs a supervisor for his landscaping business. I will check with him. I found out he is now employed there.

There were over 220 people here who got saved in this parking lot this evening. In fact, it got so late that I didn’t even have time to go home. I had to go directly to work and I got there 20 minutes before work started. But as I got ready to start work, God energize me. Even though it would have been great to rest, I would never trade it for this experience that he let me see. God gets the Glory and the Victory and I got to see it all. One of the people I worked with came over and asked me if I had anything to eat. I said, “Yes I do.” I had two sandwiches in my lunchbox and I said, “You can have it all.” He was grateful and gave me thanks for the lunch. A few minutes later, my supervisor came to me and said, “God said that you were hungry. So I ordered lunch for both of us.” Everyone at work found out that I did not have any sleep the night before. They all came up around me and prayed for me during break time. It is great to have a family even at work.

Just Blessed Family Blesses Another Family

It was Saturday and time to bless more families. I stopped at the same King Soopers store where multiple blessings have occurred. God has not revealed to me anyting about who I was to meet. I was craving an apple and a banana. I decided to go into the store and buy some. After I purchase the bag of apples and bananas, I went back to my pickup and put the tailgate down so I’d have a place to sit down outside. I picked an apple out of the bag and started eating it and praising God for my opportunity to serve him and whoever he might send my way. Up to this point, God still has not shown me a single thing about what might possibly happen. I was wondering who God might send my way today. As I was eating on the apple, this little girl, whose name is Lydia, comes running up to me and asks, “Hey mister, can I have one of those bananas.”

I said, “Sure, it would be great if you had one of my bananas.” Soon her parents and her two siblings came also. Their kids asked, “Could we have an apple? Is that okay?”

I said, “Yeah, help yourselves.” The parents began to apologize and said, “We are so sorry. We were just sitting over there where we observed you putting your tailgate down. The kids saw you put out the apples and the bananas. The kids wanted to run over and see if they could have some.” I said to myself this family is hurting.

I said, “Please help yourself. I don’t care if you take it all. I have already had a banana and an apple and that’s all I want. You guys can have the rest.” Lydia said, “Thanks a lot Mister. I’ve been craving fruit for a long time.” I then asked, “How are your groceries at home?” The mom, whose name is Lisa, began crying when I asked that question. I then said, “You guys don’t have any groceries, do you.” Lisa said, “No we don’t. We just moved here from Kansas. My husband is working but we are just not making it right now.”

I said, “That’s okay.” While I was praying with them, an old couple pull up next to us in a 39 coupe. They saw me praying with the family. They asked, “Could we pray with you also?” They then asked, “How can we pray for you?” When they began praying for the family, they asked God that he would bless them and encourage them. They then looked at me and asked, “Do you have something for them?” I said, “Yes, I do.” I then told everyone about Blue Mustang who gives $140 to bless people. I then pulled $140 out of my pocket and gave it to them and said, “Now you can go and buy some groceries. Just remember this is not for smokes or liquor.” The family confirmed to me that neither one of them smoked or drank. They said, “We love God and we were trusting God to help us. He brought us here and told us that somebody would help us.” He was trying to teach the family patience like me. He said, “You are to stay in this parking spot and not move. Somebody would come and feed us.” Lydia then said, “You gave us all that money so we could go buy groceries.” The old couple responded to that cute little voice. Both of them reached into their wallets. The husband said, ” I am going to give him $140. His wife then said, “Well, I’m going to give them $140 also.” It was almost like there was a competition between those two. Lisa then went back to the van and started to make a grocery list.

About this time another couple walked by as we were eating the apples and bananas on the tailgate. They asked, “Are you guys having a picnic?” Lydia said, “This man gave us apples and bananas. Would you guys like some? We have plenty right here.” Lydia then started sharing the fruit with the other couples kids. Lydia thought it was important that she should also bless people. When Lydia did this, the other couple started crying. They said that they came here just to get some sandwich stuff. Lydia then asked, “Do you have enough food at home?” They acknowledged that things were tight. Lydia’s parents stepped in and said, “We have been blessed with a lot of money here today. How about if we go in to the store and buy groceries together.” The family wanted to share what they had with the other couple. This is what God likes is when we help those in need. He never intended for us to hord everything for ourselves. The satisfaction of rocking someone’s world by blessing a need is euphoric.

The women went in shopping as I was waiting. The old gentleman looked at Lydia’s Dad and said, “Why don’t you and I go fill up your van while the ladies are shopping.” They drove the van up to the gas pumps. Just as they neared a gas pump, the van ran out of gas and they physically coasted up to the pump. The old gentleman filled his van up with fuel. They had to crank the engine a little bit in order for the engine to start up. The husband said, “We were totally out of options. We did not know what to do. But when God said come here, we did everything in faith. When we saw you drop the tailgate with the apples and bananas, we were certain that you were the one who was going to take care of this situation.” We then went back to the store to wait for the women to finish shopping.

They came back out with full carts of food. I asked, “How did everything go.” Lisa said, “We found everything we needed but when we checked out, they gave us a 50% discount and they don’t even know it us.” I said, “But God does know you.” Someone in the store must have been watching as all of this was unfolding. They are starting to know that when I show up here God is usually having me bless someone. Lydia said, “I prayed with somebody while I was in the store. You made me realize that no matter where we go that we always have an opportunity to pray for someone.” Lydia is amazing. Both families will remember this day. It was so cool how the first family shared their blessing with the second family whom they did not know.

It is interesting to know that God values when we help other people out. If Blue Mustang did not give me the $140, I would not have even been here today. I would have been going directly to the park and witnessing to the gangs. It is a true joy to be able to help those who are in financial dilemmas. It just confirms to others that we want to honor Jesus Christ by showing love to others. I always pray and honor Jesus Christ first before I give anyone anything. It is important that they know it is because of him that I am here.

Single Mom is Blessed

It is Saturday June 19. I began heading to Denver and I was anticipating that God would be sending me back to the same King Soopers store to bless another family. But as I was getting close to what I thought would be my destination, God said, “Sonny, do not stop here. I want you to drive over to a specific Dollar Store.” He directed me there and told me where to park. I sat there for nearly 20 minutes before anything happened. My King is still teaching me patience. I have learned to pray for the hearts of the people whom my King wants to bless. Then I saw this single mom and her son walking toward the store. God revealed to me that was her. Other things that he showed me was her son is 2 years old today and was about ready to have a birthday party. He also showed me that she only had a partial bottle of milk and a partial bottle of orange juice in her frigerator and there was nothing else. Her husband cheated on her and decided to abandon her and go in another direction with another woman. She has been doing her best to raise her son on her own. They were going to have a birthday celebration for her son Caleb at the park today.

I watched her as she began shopping. Her son Caleb was getting hungry and wanted a snack. She said, “We only have enough money to pick up a few things.” This is the time to break the ice. I introduced myself to her and said, “God has revealed to me that you have only a partial bottle of milk and orange juice in your refrigerator and basically you have no food in your home.” She began to cry as I revealed this to her. I then said, “Blue Mustang blesses people each week with their finances.” I handed her $140 to buy groceries. She started to cry even more and began opening her heart to me. She has been praying fervently that God would do a miracle in her finances. I carefully listened to every word she said. I was not paying any attention to anyone around me; but an older couple was listening and watching. She picked up the things she needed for the party and a snack for Caleb. I told her that I was going to pay for her items at the checkout. The manager running the check out said, “No, I am going to pay for her items.” God was already beginning to multiply the $140 that I gave her. We then left the store. The old couple in the store brought out six more balloons. They came up to us and gave her the balloons and $200 in cash for groceries and said, “We heard your story and we want to help out.” God just multipled the $140 again. The mom was excited and was giving Glory to our King for answering her prayers. About that time her mom came by to check out to see if she had enough money to buy all the supplies. She excitedly told her mom everything that just happened. It was definitely a shock to her to discover that total strangers would bless her daughter like this. But she to gave Glory to our King.

They invited me to come to the party. My King said that would be okay to go. I think he had other plans to show his love when I got there. As the young mom began celebrating Caleb’s birthday, she started sharing the wonderful news on how God blessed her and Caleb at the Dollar Store while pointing at me. I finally had an opportunity to address the crowd. I began telling them how our God loves us so much and he really wants to bless us. They were so excited about how God took care of Caleb’s mom. 124 people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ at the park this day. Blue Mustang and I want to continue to be there for God so he can continue to bless his people who have financial needs. It is continually fun to see how God blesses people. I am glad that God has added blessing his people this to this ministry that he created.

Isaiah 41:10

It is Saturday morning. I asked God if I needed to go to the same King Soopers store today. He confirmed that I needed to go there. God had me go to that same King Soopers on Saturday. There is something about this $140 that Blue Mustang gives me and how God is always applying it to families. They are hurting and they need it when I get there. The next step God then multiplies it. Again my King has me park in the exact same spot in the parking lot. God has taught me patience but I am still working on it because nothing ever moves fast enough for me. God is always telling me, “Sonny,  just be still and know that I am God.” To keep myself busy, I begin to pray for the hearts of those people who I am going to meet today. I was sitting in the quiet of my pickup. I closed my eyes and began praying for those whom I was to meet. I also began worshipping God while I was sitting there waiting. Suddenly, somebody tapped on the passenger window on my pickup. I rolled my window down and asked them how I could help. He said, “I know this that you have the verse Isaiah 41:10 on your pickup. We pulled up here next to you, hungry and not knowing what to do. We looked the verse up and it is a very powerful verse.

10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I just wanted to thank you for putting that verse on your truck. We needed that word today. We were not sure why but there were King Soopers a lot closer to us but God said, “No, I want you to drive over to this King Soopers.” We told our daughters to have faith that God had something planned for us today. I said, “Let me get out of the pickup and talk to you.” I then told him that my King had me put that specific verse on my pickup. People do read it as they pull up beside me. It is fun when I pull up to a stop light. You can see the driver signaling to the passenger to look up the verse that’s on my door. This verse gives so many people hope.

The couple’s name was Rachel and Fernando. The daughters are Megan and Nancy. I said, “How can I pray for you guys?” Rachel got out of the vehicle and said, “We are hungry. We only have one loaf of bread at home. God had us drive over here. He said that there would be someone here with a word. And the word he wanted us to see was on the side of your pickup.”

I said, “Jesus Christ loves you very much. Now I want to tell you about Blue Mustang.” They exclaimed, “Blue Mustang.” Megan said, “I like Mustangs. They are the coolest cars in the world.”

I continued, “God has put it in his heart to buy food for families.” Megan said, “God bless Blue Mustang because I am hungry.” I said, “Let’s go in to the store and do some shopping.” I have asked myself why I just don’t give them the money but that is not what my King wants me to do. The time we spend with people is as valuable as financially giving to people. We always need to remember this. I learned this lesson from witnessing to the homeless people on that one extremely cold winter night. My presence with them changed their lives forever. Now they are out on their own supporting homeless people just because of the time I invested with them.

When I walked into the store the manager saw me. The manager soon walked away. The assistant manager then came out. She also knew what I was up to and she held her to hands together symbolizing that she is praying. We walked around the store together and I said, “Whatever you need, just put it in your cart and I will take care of it.” Rachel said, “I know exactly what I need for the week.” As she began shopping, I began talking with Fernando and their daughters. Rachel had the cart pretty well full by the time she got everything she needed. We headed for the checked out. The bill came out to be $217. The assistant manager put her hand on my back to prevent me from getting out my wallet. She said, “This bill is taken care of.” Both the assistant manager, manager and the employees that worked this shift all contributed to paying for their groceries. The family is Christian and they all love God. After we got the groceries sacked, we headed back towards the parking lot. I looked at them and said, “We need to go and fill your vehicle with gas. I put the $140 in an envelope that always says “Be Blessed” on it. I said, “This came from Blue Mustang and God. You do not need to look inside to see how much it is.” But the little girl smiled at me and said, “Don’t you remember you? You told us that Blue Mustang always gives $140.” I chuckled and said, “You are right. ” Another manager comes out that takes care of the shift changes. He asked, “Sonny, are you are you blessing another family again?” He saw the envelope I gave them and said, “Why that blue Mustang!” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a gift card. He said, “Here, I always have five $50 gift cards on me for blessing people. Give this card to them.” Of course their fuel gauge was pegged on the E. We went over to the gas pumps where  Isaiah, the store manager,  filled their vehicle with fuel.

The parents acknowledged to their daughters that God was faithful today. He brought us here today and a miracle happened. I also know that the daughters are going to remember this day for a long time. My King gets the Glory and Victory. We are not through blessing families. We are having way too much fun to quit doing this.