Father’s Day Card Miracle

Saturday I went to a park in Commerce City. Before I parked, I observed my surroundings. There were five different gangs at the park. I had already picked up all the breakfast burritos, granola bars, donuts and drinks. With five gangs, I was beginning to doubt whether I had enough food for everyone. I only had five dozen burritos. I was thinking maybe my King might have to do the the “five loaves of bread and two fish” miracle in order to have enough to go around. As I was pondering this question, two of the gangs all of the sudden got in their cars and left. I have seen this behavior from these two gangs before. I will watch them as they talk to each other; then they all get into their cars and leave. They must have some business deal going on.

As I turned my attention to the other three gangs, the two older gangs began surrounding the younger 18 member gang. It looked as though that gang was going to get into a lot of trouble. If you have not established territory at a park, the other gangs can remove you by whatever means they want. The situation was not looking good and God knew it. He said, “Sonny, drive your pickup onto the grass right between both gangs to intervene. We have to stop this.” Normally, I would never drive up on the grass at any park. But when my King said go, I did as he asked. I have learned hesitation can be harmful to those he wants to protect. The action of my pickup going between them definitely distracted what they were about to do. I did know the leader from the gang on the left. He came over and tapped on my window with his pistol barrel. I rolled down my window and asked, “Are you guys hungry?” He said, “What are you doing man?”

I said, “I brought you guys food to eat. If you don’t want it, I will take it to the homeless. They will eat it up.” He exclaimed, “Oh no. We are very hungry.” He then asked, “What is your name?”

I replied, “Look at my door. What does it say?” He read my name on the pickup. I continued, “That’s me.” The leader of the gang on the right, Rico, came around and said, “This is Sonny. He always gives us breakfast. This guy serves good food.” In a less enthusiastic tone he then said, “He talks about Jesus Christ.” His tone then switched and he said, “If you don’t like that, you can leave now and will eat the food.” The other gang leader said, “No … No .. No.” He then looked at me and said, “What do you have?” I told him what I have. He loved what I brought. God knows our likes and dislikes and he has me bring what they want. I have learned the phrase “Serve them first and they will listen”. Rico said, “Put your weapons away. Sonny is a good guy. He won’t hurt any of us. Let us call a truce.”

I asked, “What are you guys doing to this younger gang?” Both gangs said, “We are going to teach them a lesson. You do not show up at a park without first owning that part the park. We own this park. If they are going to be part of this park, they are going to have to fight us for it.”

I said, “Let us not fight right now. Let’s just eat.” The gangs were hungry and wanted eat now. They said, “Okay man.” I laid out all the breakfast burritos, donuts, milk and orange juice. The girls dug into the donuts like crazy. They talked about how good they tasted. All the gangs thoroughly enjoyed everything I seved. I then asked, “Are you guys ready for a word from God?” They replied, “Come on man. We’re eating breakfast right now.” I said, “Remember, you are eating breakfast because of Blue Mustang and others who made this meal possible.” With hesitation, they said, “Go ahead and talk about Jesus.” I always read John 3:16 because it’s such a powerful verse. It defines why I am here. I read it very loud because they were a lot of people present between the three gangs. One asked, “Why would Jesus come down or step down from heaven for me. I have done a lot of bad things.” He paused to think about what he had heard about Jesus when he was younger. Then he said, “So, he knew who I was even before I was born and he knew that I would become this. But yet he still came.” He still was having a difficult time understanding the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us.

I said, “Again, it is because he loved the world so much. He loves you. He knows you by your name. He created you not for this world but for his Kingdom. But you still live in this world to serve him.” He then said, “If he died for our sins, why do I have to ask for forgiveness?”

I replied, “It is a choice that you have to make to accept him. If you do not ask for forgiveness, you will not see his Kingdom.” I then asked, “Are you good swimmers? Because if you don’t you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity. After you give your life to Jesus Christ he will give your life a new purpose. You will go back to your families and he will show you what to do. You need to seek his heart.” I then held up my Bible and said, “His heart is in his word.” The gang then said, “You make it look real easy.”

I said, “Accepting him is easy but it’s the walk that can be challenging. You need to serve him daily. Not to live for ourselves but to serve others as Jesus did.” Then they asked, “What else do you have for us?” I walked over to my pickup. I had a box that I picked up from work. My King had me go to the Dollar Store and pick up Father’s Day cards for all of them. Of course he told me how many I would need. I brought the box over to the table and started passing cards out to all three gangs. They gave me that strange look and exclaimed, “Father’s Day cards.”

I said, “Every one of you have a father. Just write something to your father. Just say something like thank you for creating me. Even if you may not have a perfect father, he does love you. We are not perfect either.” I could tell some did not have a good relationship with their dads. Then I said, “If your dad wasn’t a good Dad, you need to forgive him. Just write down on the card ‘Happy Father’s Day’ if you have nothing to say.” I began passing out a bunch of old pens that I had stashed away for them to write their messages. They all sat down and started writing messages in their cards. The girls were the first ones to start crying. One of the leaders asked, ” Why did you bring these cards? This is hurting me.”

I asked, “How long has it been since you seen your mom and dad?” They began responding to my question. Many of them said to me that that’s been over three years. I said, “You put a name and address on your envelope. I will put a stamp on it and I will mail them for you.” One girl said, “You don’t have to mail mine. I have decided to go home. I am going to call my parents right now.” When she said this, it was like someone throwing a stone into the water. When the ripples moves across the water, it changes everything. The gang they were going to beat up all began calling home first to ask if they could come back home. They did all of this in front of the other two gangs. The girls from those gangs asked, “Are you guys really going home?” They confirmed that was the plan. One of the girls then said, “I am done with this life. I’m calling home.” The other girls got the push they needed to do the same. They began calling home also. The remaining gangs both looked at each other. Finally, they began speaking up and said, “I am ready to go home also.” Another then said, “I’m going to call home and talk to my dad.” None of them were sure if their parents would even take them back. I encouraged them to try. That young gang that was trying to establish a position at the park, ended up wanting to go home instead.

It was strange when God asked me to get them Father’s Day cards. I said, “I am here to deliver them a message.” My King acknowledged, “You are delivering a message. Just tell them what I tell you to say. The cards will be the catalyst.” I had to apologize to my King for trying to figure this thing out and not seeing his plan. Some of them bypassed the cards and immediately called their parents. Eventually everybody wrote something in their card. You could hear some arguing going on between some of the gang members and their parents. They were still trying to figure things out. The young gang all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. One thing that happened from all the discussions that the boys were having with their parents, they soon began showing up here at the park. Each boy began handing their Father’s Day card to their dad. When they started reading what they put on their card, they began crying. From listening to their conversations, I could tell about 40% of their parents were already Christians. I walked over to those parents who were not and asked them if they wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ. One of the parents said, “If my son is willing to give his life to Jesus Christ, I want to do the same.” I began praying for those parents. While I was praying, more parents started showing up. The boys were all making phone calls to their dads. I kept jumping from gang to gang to pray and answer questions as more showed up. Luckily, the young gang had already accepted Jesus Christ and they began getting ready to home with their parents. By the end of the day I felt like a pinball machine but I was sure having fun doing it. Soon, all the gangs were crying with their families. There were eight in one gang and fourteen in the other gang who gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Those that didn’t accept Jesus Christ did talk with their parents but they eventually went to their cars and left. It is a beginning. I have planted seeds into their life. It was a beginning of healing and restoration of the family.

The Dads were amazed by what just happened. They asked, “You bought them Father’s Day cards. And that is what started all of this.” I said, “That is what my King said for me to do. The cards get them right in their heart. It is now time for you decide disciple your children. Love them and do not ignore them like you did before. Show them who Jesus Christ is through your life.”

Those three gangs were all ready to fight. The Holy Spirit transformed their hearts and now they’re either giving their life to Jesus Christ or going home. Fighting is the last thing on their mind today. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

The Ranger that was on duty at that park that day knew what I was up to and did not do anything about me driving on the grass. We met earlier in my Ministry at this same park. He was an alcoholic. Somehow was able to keep this job of being a park ranger. One day, he was so drunk that he passed out in the back of his park pickup. I could smell the liquor on him when I walked by the pickup. My King said, “Sonny, stand there and wait till he wakes up. You talk to him about me.” When he finally awoke, I asked him if he was hungry. I said, “I have a Double Cheese Whopper and a Coke. Let’s sit down at this table and eat.” The ranger just barely made it out of his pickup. I started reading the word of God to him. I read John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 to him and explain these verses to him. I said, “God has a purpose for your life. He’s not here to harm you. He wants you to get rid of that liquor and take hold of this world.” I gave him a Bible. God at this moment sobered him up. He began puking all the stuff up that was in his stomach. He has not touched a drop of liquor since.

He saw everything how the gangs turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. He saw the transformation of their anger into joy. He went home and called his family to share what he witnessed. He wanted to bring them here to the park. Most everyone has left the park by now. I was sitting down on a bench and just praising God for what just happened. That is when I saw the Ranger bring his family. There were a total of 30 people involved in that family. When they all came around where I was, he pointed at me and said, “This man is the real deal. He will tell you about Jesus. I am sick and tired of the fighting amongst our family members. We fight all the time for no reason. I want this guy to pray for us as a family. I saw everything that he did with these gangs today and he will tell you that it was God who did everything. I want to be able to get together as a family and not fight.” He looked at his family then looked at me and said, “Sonny, please pray for us.” As I prayed for them, they started confessing. One brother said, “I have not talked to my brother for seven years.” as he pointed him out. One said, “I had four brothers but I only talk to one of them.”

I said, “Everyone here has to forgive and let go of anything that happened in the past. Yesterday is gone but God’s mercies are new everyday. You have to be able to forgive or my King will not be able to forgive you. If anybody needs forgiveness, I want you to walk up to them and ask for it.” After they began doing this, they began hugging each other and crying. I then said, “Any of you who wants your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, come over here.” They all came to turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ. After they accepted Jesus Christ, they did something that they never did before. They call Pizza Hut and had them deliver pizza to the park. They all sat down together as a family without fighting. They have been fighting constantly for over eight years and now they are hugging each other. The Holy Spirit is powerful enough to transform anyone’s heart. Sometimes the only thing that is needed to make it happen is to pray and have a desire to change.

Turning Garbage into Blessings

I made a trip down to Denver on Saturday to witness to new gangs. God had me pull into the same King Soopers he has asked me stop at many times. I assumed the reason he had me stop was going to be another family that needs to be blessed. It was around lunch time. I already purchased a BK Whopper and a drink. As I was eating my meal, I was getting impatient and said, “Lord, I don’t see anybody here that needs anything.” God replied, “Be patient! Just finished your meal and enjoy it while it’s hot.” I finished eating and continued to watch. A family appeared between two empty parking places walking to the store. God said, “That is the family I want to bless.” The family had one girl and two boys. I got out and started following the family to the store. I heard the wife talking to her husband. She said, “I have this list and I don’t know why I even made it because we can’t afford to buy anything on it.” I could feel her disappointment. She then said, “Let us get enough ingredients to make some sandwiches and forget the rest.” She then took the list she had in her hand and crumpled it up into a wad. She just made a hook shot and tried to hit the open trash can that was nearby. She did not realize how close I was behind her. I reached out and snagged it before it went into the trash can. She just caught a glimpse of me next to her but did not realize what I did. She turned around and asked, “Did I just hit you?” I said, “No, you did not hit me.”

When we entered the store, they went shopping for sandwich ingredients. I went to the manager right away and said, “There is this family who came into this store and they only have enough money to buy some ingredients for sandwiches.” I then laid out the list in front of the manager. I then said, “I need your team to fill this list out right now. I want you to double everything that is on this list.” The manager excitedly said, “Ok, I will take care of it for you.” She went and made four copies of the list right away and gave a copy of it to four different employees. She told each one what section to go to and to only fill out that part of the list in their section. I knew that the family would be back to checkout before they could locate everything. I looked at the manager and said, “We need somebody to to distract them for a while to give your employees enough time to get everything.” She said, “I am on it. I am going to send a couple of my girls to go and talk to their little girl.” They went over to the family and started complimenting the little girl on how good she looked and just dialogued with her just to waste time. The little girl didn’t mind telling them about her how her mom made her dress, her love going to the park and some of the other things that she like to do. I watched everything unfold from a distance. The employees got back with their carts. We dumped everything from all the carts into a single cart. The family came and got in line right behind me. I was pushing the cart with all the food in it. The wife started examining my cart and she noticed that everything that was in my cart was on her list. I turned around and asked, “Is that all that you are getting?” The husband said, “Yes, this is all we are getting.”

I turned to the checker and said, “Just add their items in their cart to my bill.” The husband asked, “You are going to buy our groceries?”

I said, “Yes, I want to do that.” They greatfully said, “Thank you. We sure needed that.” The checker tallied the bill which came out to be $195. I got my wallet out to pay the bill. The checker said, “No need for your wallet. Somebody has already taken care of that bill.” I found out later that it was one of the managers who covered the entire grocery bill. The family said, “Did somebody really pay for your whole basket?” At that moment I said, “They paid for your groceries. These are all yours. Here is the list that I confiscated from you.” I unwrapped the list and laid it down in front of her. The wife started crying when she saw that it was her list. She said, “You got to be kidding.” She began looking around to see if there are cameras around. She sarcastically asked, “Is this a joke?” I said, “No, it is a blessing.” With teary eyes, she looked over all the groceries in the cart. She then said, “There is more of each item in the cart than was on my the list.”

I said, “Yes, God wanted to bless you. He wants to make sure you had plenty of food.” I then handed her the money that Blue Mustang gave me. I said, “Blue Mustang wants to bless you also. You can use this money to buy gas for your car whatever you else need this week.” The wife replied, “My husband does have a job but he’s not going to get paid until next Friday.” Meanwhile, the manager disappeared for a few minutes. Then she said, “You are giving us all that food plus $140.” Now the husband started crying. He said, “I have been fighting God for a long time but I am not anymore. I want to rededicate my heart to Jesus Christ. I noticed the writing on your T-shirt that says God Over Gangs. You must be a preacher. Nobody would wear that without being one.”

I said, “That is a Ministry that belongs to God. There are a lot of people like Blue Mustang who help me.” The manager came back and gave a $250 gift card to the family. The manager said, “All I ask is that you not buy any liquor or cigarettes with the card. This is a blessing from God.” The husband replied, “We don’t smoke or drink.” The manager then looked over their children and said, “You have beautiful children. Just make sure you take good care of them.”

As we left the store, God said, “Take them over to the pumps and fill their car with your card.” I found out that the fuel gauge was not even registering on their vehicle. It was a miracle from God that they did not run out of gas getting here. They both were still crying and they kept saying, “We just can’t believe it.” I said, “Believe it. God is faithful. Continue to seek God’s heart and not the things of this world and God will bless you for it. Never look behind you but keep looking forward to the finish line.” I prayed with them and anointed them with oil.

After I met this family, their little girl has been holding my hand the entire time. Neither one of us even know each other. The little girl said, “You are amazing Mister.” I said, “It is not me but it’s God who is amazing. He gets all the Glory and I get to see it.” The little girl has been craving chili dogs. She asked, “Do you want to have chili dogs with us tonight?” Their little girl shared a lot with me. The most amazing thing that she said, “Mom and Dad you always tell me God is faithful. Why is everyone surprised when he keeps his word?” That makes you think about who our God is. I left the family in awe and wonder and I am now heading off to witness to the gangs the rest of the day.

I am going to be having chili dogs with her next week. I do not know how to explain it; but every investment we make in people, God has been doubling and even tripling it. I just love how God works. And to think I was about ready to leave the parking lot. This King Soopers, especially this parking lot, is definitely anointed. And the people in this store are givers. The manager revealed to me that they are a giving store. They carefully checked their customers baskets and can tell if they are struggling. They will take care of it. That is who we are.

I asked, “How long have you been a Christian.” She said,” I accepted Jesus Christ at 11 years old. It was interesting because my parents could not get a babysitter during the Bible study. I always went to their meeting. When they gave an opportunity for people to come forward for Jesus Christ, I did not hesitate a bit. I came forward quickly. I did not go in the beginning when we first started because I was not ready. But when I finally figured it out who Jesus was, I knew it was time to serve him. I did not waste any time. We all serve him at this store.”

Blue Mustang has given me another $140. He said, “Sonny take this and let’s change another family’s life.” The story that will unfold is going to be amazing. My King gets the Glory and the Victory and he continues to let me see it all.

Brothers Received Miracle

Today is the 2nd Saturday of May. My King sent me to a park in Denver to witness to some more gangs. As I was getting close to my destination, my King said, “Sonny, go to the store and break the $100 bill Blue Mustang gave you into two $50’s.” I knew that my King was about to bless some people. When I arrived at the park, I noticed two small families praying together before eating lunch. The Holy Spirit began to share with me how stressed out each family was. Each of the parents had one child. The family on the left had a little boy and the family on the right had a little girl. I have seen families eating at the park before but both families today shared just one package each of Salami, Bologna, cheese and one small bag of chips. They bought it all at the dollar store. Both dads are brothers who started new jobs. It will be next Friday before either will get paid. They had just enough money for gas but nothing to buy groceries with until payday. I walked quietly up to them holding my Bible in my hand as they finished their prayer with “Amen”.

They asked, “How can we help you?” I said, “I’m here to help all of you.” I then said, “There is man called Blue Mustang that gave me money to bless people this week that are struggling financially. So here’s $70 for you and $70 dollars for you.” As I laid the money into their hands, the parents started to cry.

I had friends that are undercover police sitting at a picnic table nearby. They saw what I was doing and came over and introduced themselves to the parents. They were careful to keep their identities a secret. They said, “Sonny is a good friend of ours. God told us to come and take you guys grocery shopping.” The blessing is multiplying again. The parents started to cry even more. They hugged us and thanked God for me and my friends. They said, “We know that you, Blue Mustang and your friends were all sent to us by God.” They remained choked up after experiencing a miracle and the fast answer to prayer. They then followed my friends to a Walmart store. My King would not let the gangs interfere with blessing the families. The gangs did not arrive at the park until they left. My friends reported back to me that they bought each family $300 worth of groceries. Our King is Faithful and loves all us very much. He did not like what they were going to experience and answered their prayer. That is part of the calling of Jesus Christ is to help one another. Also, God blesses us so we can bless others. It is not to retire and do nothing.

Cold Night with the Homeless

After I witnessed to the gangs on this extremely cold Saturday, I headed home to warm up and go to bed. It was 9 pm and I was ready to crash for the night. My King said, “Sonny, I need for you to go back to Denver. My homeless people are cold and hungry and I want you to tell them about me. I want you to take pizza, hot cider and hot chocolate to them.” I have learned that when my KING says go, I go even if it takes me into the cold. I usually get my food in Loveland Colorado but I would have to backtrack. I decided to pick everything up in Denver. When I was about half way there, I received a phone call from the head woman of the undercover police. She said, “Where are you at?”

I replied, “I am here in Denver. My KING wants me to take care of the homeless on this frigid night.”

She then said, “The Holy Spirit had several undercover families make a bunch of food. One family purchased a bunch of pizzas. Another family made hot cider and hot chocolate. Another family was lead to make cookies. We were thinking that it might be for you.”

I said, “Our KING requested that list of those items that the families made.”

She then replied, “Tell Blue Mustang that he can take the night off because we will continue to make whatever you need. By the way, I have dispensing containers that you can use to keep the drinks hot. I just need them back in the morning.” When I arrived at her home she had everything my KING requested there. They gave me other items that the homeless would need. I had grabbed the extra blankets, gloves and sleeping bags at my apartment that I don’t use anymore to give with their things. I then headed to the park where they were camping out. I parked next to a dark tunnel bridge where they were huddled trying to keep warm. My pickup said it was seven below zero outside. When it is this cold, the homeless have to keep moving or they might freeze to death. They came out to see what was going on. I said, “My KING told me to come and bring food and hot drinks to warm you up. He wants me to tell you how much he loves you. That is why I am here.” I began playing worship music as I set out the pizza and drinks on my tailgate. I then prayed over the food so they could began eating. They were all very hungry because of all the energy they have used to try and stay warm. I pulled my Bible and a pillow out of my pickup. I began reading John 3:16 to them. As the first words came out of my mouth, the light under the tunnel came on. The lights brightness made it like daytime. Even heat was radiating from the light. One of the homeless ladies said, “I have been here over a year and that light has never come on.” She repeated saying that several times as the night continued because I feel she knew that our KING turned that light on. I continued reading scripture as they ate. Because of the cold, homeless people from all over came when that light came on. They too were hungry and asked to join in. Others in the group left to get their buddies so they would not miss the blessing. There was a lot of food but I feel that people drank and ate more food and drink than what I brought. My KING made sure everyone had enough to eat and drink. The most requested song they wanted to hear was “Amazing Grace.” I played that song many times.  They continued to listen to the music playing and the KING’s message I shared with. Some of the homeless grabbed something to eat but left right away.

The Holy Spirit said it is now time for them give their hearts to Jesus. I read Matthew 6:33 to them and said, “This life you are living here is all temporary. We are never promised tomorrow. We all need to decide where we are going to spend eternity. Now is the time to give your heart to Jesus Christ so we can be with him.” As I gave the alter call, 24 of the homeless wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I prayed for them as they began turning their lives one by one over to Jesus Christ. A peace fell over them from the power of the Holy Spirit and some started going to sleep. I brought my pillow and sat down on the cold ground with them. I layed some of the blankets I had on the ground by me. Some of the women took advantage of the blankets and even rested their heads on my lap and feet. The cold got to my speakers in the back of my pickup and the music stopped playing. I continued talking with them about their new lives in Jesus. One person turned to me and said, “We have received food and goods from other people which we are grateful but it was like feeding an animal in a zoo. They drop the package off and leave the scene quickly. You are different. No one would ever come this late at night and in this cold to love and share with us. You are not in any hurry to leave because you want to bless others that keep coming by. The light even obeys you. Who are you?”

I said, “I am Sonny, I am just doing what my KING asked me to do. He gets the Glory and the Victory.” All of them began to fall asleep. I placed blankets over the ladies who fell asleep next to me. My KING had me stay and continue to read my Bible and pray over everyone as they slept. As I was praying, I was interrupted someone walking by. He was surprised to see me awake by myself and that my pickup had not been harmed in this dangerous neighborhood. He said, “You have a nice pickup. It is going to get trashed in this neighborhood. ”

I said, “This is not my pickup.” He said, “Whose pickup is it?”

I replied, “My KINGs.” He said, “What do mean by your KING?”

I replied, “Jesus Christ is my KING.” When I mentioned the name of Jesus, he took off running. Eventually he came back. He began to realize there was food here and a place to get warm. He came back and apologized for his behavior. I offered him pizza and hot drink. I told him what I told the other homeless and he too gave his heart to Jesus Christ and fell asleep with the others. I asked God what I should read as the night continued. He said, “Sonny, start reading Psalms 1 and keep reading.” It was approaching 2 am and God said, “You can stop reading. It is now time to go home and get some sleep.” The Holy Spirit had everyone fast asleep. I started wiggled my way from the women laying on me. Even though I was trying to be careful, it looked like I was banging them around. Everyone was still fast asleep as worked my way entirely out. I started my pickup and turned my lights on. Still there was no one stirring. I continued watching as I put my pickup in reverse and backed away.  I started driving forward and left the park as everyone remained fast asleep. It was 3 am when I arrived at my warm apartment and went to bed.

Sunday morning my KING had me check on their progress. I went back where I left them. A white van from one of the shelters was there feeding them breakfast. They came to pick them up to take them to a shelter. They all picked up the things I brought them and climbed into the van with them. They are going someplace warm. The reason my KING had me come back was for me to watch what was going on. The homeless women were praying and witnessing to the shelter people after only knowing Jesus for a short time. They were listening to exactly every word I said last night because they quoted to the staff word for word what I said to them. Soon the shelter staff began giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. Some of the homeless saw me watching and shouted, “Sonny! There is the man who cared for us and brought us to Jesus Christ.” The staff came over and talked to me. They were amazed how I stayed with the homeless most of the night and how these homeless people brought Jesus into their lives. Like the homeless they asked, “Who are you?” And like I said to the homeless, “I am just Sonny. I only did what my KING asked me to do.” It was very interesting that when they were ready to load the last of their possessions into the vans, they began grabbing the food that was left. The staff said, “You can throw that food away. We have plenty at the shelter.” The homeless replied, “No way! We do not waste food. We have experienced hunger and all food is precious to us.” They continued to pick up all the food. As I watched the vans go, I thought to myself how our KING used me to reach them for the Kingdom and keep them alive until they could be picked up by someone. My heart has a spot for the homeless and I want to thank our KING for allowing me to serve them.

It was still cold outside and it became very quiet after the vans disappeared. So I left the park to talked to some more gangs at their homes. After sharing with them, I went home to warm up and eat a snack.

Easiest Gang Ever

My King had me go see a new gang today. The undercover police said, “There is a new gang of 15 from Dallas Texas. They have been hanging around the park each day even when it is very cold. We feel they have no money or a place to stay and have not seen any girls with them.”

I replied, “My King wants me to see them this weekend.” My King wanted me to take them homemade burritos so I purchased ingredients for the undercover women to give them time to make the burritos.  They had them freshly made by 10am Saturday.  I took the breakfast burritos, Dr. Pepper and water to the park where they were hanging out. I pulled up and parked behind their cars. Because of the temperature, they were just sitting in their cars. When I stepped out of my pickup, the gang also stepped out of their cars with pistols drawn. The leaders said, “What do you want?”

With all their pistols still trained on me,  I said,  “I am here for your hearts. ” They looked at me strangely and said, “My heart! What are you talking about?”

I replied, “I have come here to bring Jesus Christ to you guys.” They said, “Dude, who are you?”

I said, “I am Sonny. I minister to all the gangs here in this town.” They then asked,  “You are a minister then?”

I said, “Only when I’m awake. When I’m asleep, I’ve got to rest.”  He said, “Do you have something…?” I interrupted him and said, “Yes I do.” He then said, “How do you know even know what I was going to say?”

I said,  “God told me you guys are hungry. I brought food.” He replied, “What did you bring? ” They still have their pistols trained on me.

I said, “I brought breakfast burritos for you guys. Blue Mustang helped me to get this food to you guys. He’s just a guy that is big part of this ministry.” The leader said,  “It sounds like he is a cool dude. We definitely are hungry.”  I laid everything out on the tailgate. It was too cold to eat outside but this gang had no place to stay.  The burritos are still hot to compensate for the cold. They started eating but I said, “We need to pray over God’s blessings,  that’s the rule.” After praying over breakfast,  they began eating the three dozen burritos I put front of them. I had a total of 12 dozen in my pickup but the rest were for other gangs. While they ate, I went back to my pickup to get my Bible. When the last of burritos were eaten, I began reading John 3:16 to them. The leader began crying when I finished reading.  The rest of his men looked at him and said, “What are you doing? We don’t cry here. What’s the deal.”

The leader said, “My grandma used to read that verse to me all the time. I know it by heart.” His gang said, “You do! What does that verse mean.” From here on the leader took over. He replied, “Jesus came to Earth for us. He died for us because of the love he had for you and me. He wants our names to be written in the Lambs Book of Life. All we have to do is ask Jesus to forgive the bad things we have done and give our hearts to him. My grandma and grandpa told me other great things about Jesus Christ. I also remembered them telling me that a stranger like this guy would come some day and read this same verse over me. They also warned me that it would be the last time anyone would talk to me about Jesus Christ again.”  His men then asked, “We have been a gang for 3 years and you never mentioned any of this to us.” The leader replied, “I was stubborn and never taken their words seriously. I wanted to do things my way.  After seeing all that has taken place,  I am ready to give my life to Jesus Christ now. If this guy is that brave to tell us about Jesus Christ while holding pistols on him,  I’m ready to surrender everything to him.”  The leader then said, “Sonny is not going to hurt us. Put your pistols down.”

The leader looked at me and asked, “How long have you been a Christian.” I replied, “I have been a Christian long enough to know that God is real.” His men then asked, “Is it really easy to ask Jesus Christ into your life.”  The leader took over the conversation and said, “Men it really is that easy. All you do is have to ask for forgiveness of your sins and ask Jesus to to enter into your hearts.” The leader was witnessing to his own gang. He thoroughly understood the concept of how to give your heart to Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins. The leader then said, “I want my name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.  I’m done with this life. We are going back to Texas to my family.” He then turned to his men and asked them the same question, “Do you want your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”  They began thinking about how nice it would be to go home to family.  The leader then looked at me and said, “I want to give my life to Jesus Christ in front of my men because we have been a gang for three years.” The leader then looked at his men and said, “It would be great if you would give your hearts to Jesus but if you decide not to you have my blessing either way. His men then asked, “Are we going to be a gang anymore?” The leader paused then said, “We are going to be a gang representing Jesus Christ.” After that,  everyone accepted Jesus Christ. They all began calling home to talk to their families in Texas. There was a lot of crying going on as they communicated with their families.  Almost all of his men had families who are Christians. They have all been praying for this day that is probably the reason why it was so easy for me to talk to this gang and convince them to give their lives to Jesus Christ. My King gets the Glory and Victory.

The Lord was working on their hearts before I got there to talk to them.  They begin sharing with me they’ve been here for three days and nothing seemed to be going quite right. They were running out of money. They were not sure what they needed to do. My King wanted to continue to bless them and said, “Sonny,  I want you to fill their cars with fuel. Use your credit card to fill their cars.” I then said, “Guys let’s go to Costco.  I want to fill all your car with gas before you go home.” I lined all the cars up at one pump and filled them one at a time. They were ecstatic to have there car all gassed up. My King asked me to give the rest of the food I had to them. I then said, “I have nine dozen burritos in my pickup. You can take them home so you have something to eat on your way back.” I called my informers and told him what I was going to do and they said, “That’s okay. We’ll just make more burritos for you.” The leader came to me and said, “I only need three dozen burritos. I was planning on getting cheeseburgers for lunch and pizza for supper for my men. So three dozen burritos will be enough.” They did take all my pop and water and put it in their coolers which were completely empty. I then remembered I had a big box of Costco chips that I gave that to them also. They were so perplexed. They again asked the question, “Who are you?”  I again replied, “I’m just Sonny.  I know Jesus Christ and when he said give it all, I was going to give it all to you guys.” One of the gang members said, “You are like Santa Claus but a Christian one.” I smiled and continued praying for them all as their families continued calling all of them. I was listening to the leader talking to his uncle on speaker. His uncle said, “I heard that you became a Christian.  I have a job for you here in Texas as a roofer. It will help you get your on your feet.” God was already starting to bless him before he even got home. This was the easiest gang that I reached for Jesus Christ. But I will not forget who prepared their hearts for me. I am only the messenger.  The Holy Spirit knows our hearts better then anyone.

Banana Power

It is Thursday afternoon and while I was driving home from work I was having an extreme craving for some bananas. I pulled over into a King Soopers parking lot and picked out some nice bunch of bananas from the produce section. I went to the checkout line. As I was standing there waiting my turn, a family pulled up behind me. I looked in their cart and I noticed that they only had a package of Bologna, bread, some cheese and a small bag of chips. The Holy Spirit revealed, “Sonny, that is all they can afford.” I could see the disappointment on their faces having to eat just Bologna but they were not bitter. I was wondering what I should say to break the ice. The Holy Spirit revealed to me the answer “Ask them if they are going on a picnic.” I asked, “Are you going on a picnic?”

They said, “No, this is going to be our supper tonight. This is all we can afford.” I always try to keep $50 in my wallet for emergencies. My King said, “Sonny, give the $50 to the family.” He then said, “I want you to fill their car with gas also.”

I asked, “Would you mind if someone gave you $50.” They said, “We would be extremely grateful if someone would do that.” I reached for my wallet and pulled the $50 bill out and gave it to them. I then said, “My King wants me to fill your car with gas before you go home.” I began scanning my bananas to check out. After I paid for my groceries, I looked back at the family. They excitedly said, “Someone who was listening to us talk in one of the other checkout lines gave us $100.” I was beginning to realize that my King gave me the craving for the bananas so I could be here for this family. As we walked to their car, I shared the wonders of Jesus Christ in our ministry with them. I then directed them to the gas pumps to fill their car. The family loves our King very much. I prayed for them to have a safe journey to Colorado Springs.

I went to the highway patrol Bible study after fueling their car. After I finished teaching, I went back to my pickup and noticed a man walking around my pickup. As I got closer, I begin to recognize who it was. It was Charlie. He is a homeless man who is a born again Christian that I met early in my ministry. He was reading Psalm 91 as he walked around my pickup. My King said, “Leave him alone. Let him finish reading over your pickup.” So I stood back and watched as he continued reading Psalm 91. He walked around my pickup many times because that is a long chapter. After he finished, I went over and said, “Hi Charlie. What up?” We talked a little bit about what just happened. He said that God told him to read Psalm 91 over your pickup. I greatly appreciated that he did that for me. I then asked, “Charlie, are you hungry?”

He replied, “I am very hungry.”

I said, “I bought some bananas at the store today. I also have some drinks here in my cooler that you are welcome to have. Oh, I even have some burritos for you.” Charlie is amazing man of God. Some of his buddies were nearby. He took the food and immediately went over to them and started sharing everything with them.” Isn’t it amazing how God used my bananas to bless multiple people today. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. No way would I have my King ever change a thing.

Serving Thanksgiving to Seven Gangs

It was a week before Thanksgiving and my King said, “Sonny, let us do something for the gangs. Last year we did it before Thanksgiving but I want to do it on Thanksgiving. That day has many special memories for many of the gang members. I have seven different gangs that I want you to bring meals to. You will go to each gangs home to serve them.” I told the undercover police what my King said and you should have seen all the volunteers that’s stepped up to help me make meals. I probably would have bought turkey meals at Kentucky Fried Chicken but they all said “No.This one is going to be on us. We don’t want Blue Mustang to have to spend anything on these meals.” Almost all the gangs have 25 or more people in them. So it required two turkeys, lots of stuffing, mashed potatoes and the works. Based upon the nationality of some of the undercover police, there were variations added. There was an African American Girl who wanted to make cornbread. Somebody from an Italian background wanted to use French bread with garlic to serve with the meals. So there were many variations for these gangs to have with their meals.

Since I only had a couple hours to serve all seven gangs, we used vans to haul food from each home to my pickup. We had a time schedule that we kept so when I got ready to go to the next gang the next van was all loaded with food. All I had to do was transfer it to my pickup and head to the next gang. The gang’s all know my pickup truck and they do not tolerate any strange vehicles coming into their vicinity. It was important to have the food in a vehicle they recognized. The first three gangs that I went to knew me the best. I did not spend a lot of time with any of them. When I showed up to their homes, my King always had me be quiet about the food. He asked me to tell them that Jesus loves them and to pray for them. Then after you finish praying for them, let them know that you have a Thanksgiving feast out in your pickup. It was amazing that when I mentioned food, the guns went down immediately. Their leaders said go out and help Sonny bring the food in. The first three gangs knew me pretty well so they treated me kindly as I came to pray for them and then surprise them with the food. The fourth and fifth gang had weapons on me and pushed me around. I told them that Jesus Christ loved them and prayed for the gang and finished up telling them I have a Thanksgiving meal for them.

The sixth gang greeted me with shotguns at the door. Like all the gangs, they always said, “Sonny, we don’t want to hear anything about Jesus Christ. If you do say anything about him, we’re going to shoot you now.” My response is always, “Before you shoot me please let me pray for you before you do.” They always allow me to pray for them. This is because my King has already prepared their hearts for me before I ever get there. After I finished up praying, I said, “Today is Thanksgiving and I have a meal out in my pickup to feed you guys.” Of course, when I mentioned food for them, they too lost interest in shooting me and put their weapons down. Their leader told the gang to get out there and help him bring that food in. The last gang was really different. All of their men were carrying automatic weapons. The last two gangs were considered the meanest gangs in Denver but as I was about to find out that the last two gangs would become more acceptable to the message of Jesus Christ. My King was having me return to all of them tomorrow.

My King used Thanksgiving day to plant seed in the lives of these seven gangs. I could see it while I was serving Thanksgiving dinner. I could see gang members cry as I served them. They were thinking about that time that they had with their families in past Thanksgivings. Friday, my King had me talk to all seven gangs again. I went in the same order as I did on Thanksgiving day. He told me to bring donuts to feed the gangs. I spent approximately two hours with each gang to talk more about Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit was working in their hearts during the Thanksgiving feast to prepare them for today. 42 gang members from seven gangs gave their life to Jesus Christ. Many of those that gave their life to Jesus Christ Friday were those that were crying during the Thanksgiving celebration the day before. My King is not satisfied with that number so he had me go back again on Saturday.

Saturday morning my King had me get more breakfast food for the first three gangs. I served them breakfast again and talked more about the Jesus Christ with them. When it came time meet the fourth and fifth gangs it was getting closer to lunch time. My King told me to feed tacos to gangs four and five. I was driving off to Taco Bell to get the tacos. As I was driving by one of those taco trucks, my King said, “I want you to stop and get forty tacos from that taco truck.” I slowed down and approached the truck. The guy in the truck noticed my sweatshirt talking about Jesus and gangs. He asked me what it meant. I said, ” It represents my ministry. My mission is to reach gangs here in Denver and cities across the United States where my King sends me. I tell them about the love of Jesus Christ that he has for them and pray for their salvation.” I then introduced myself to him.

He replied, “I too was once a gang member, a long time ago. Somebody like you came to me when I lived in California and shared the love of Jesus Christ to me. I then gave my heart to Jesus Christ. God had me start this taco business.” He proceeded to show me the inside of his van. I walked with him towards the back where the cooking area was. I looked at the back wall and noticed that there were three crosses hanging on it. It was pretty cool how he had things set up. Pedro and Maria were the husband and wife that owned the van. Pedro called it the “Taco Van” but his wife called it the “Taco’s for Heaven Van”. They go into some pretty dark areas to feed people. They only charge $1 for a huge taco. His relatives pay for all the supplies in the van to enable him to do this ministry. He feeds people who do not have a lot of money. He likes to be able to share Jesus Christ with these people while feeding them. I then ordered 40 tacos from him. I asked, “How much do I owe you for the tacos?”

He said, “Sonny, since you are honoring our King by bringing Jesus Christ to gangs, there is no charge. I remember what it was like before I was saved. I want to help bring Jesus Christ to them.” I put the tacos in warmers to keep them hot for both gangs. I wanted to go to Taco Bell to save money but my King took me to a place where the owner wanted served Jesus Christ by furnishing the tacos. They were like eating homemade tacos. He made them the way the gangs liked them. I have been noticing lately that my King is wanting to serve more homemade foods to the gangs and people, like Pedro, are providing home cooked food out of their budget. That shows how much my King and people love them by wanting to give them the best. I prayed with him and thanked him for the tacos. 

I then went to serve gang four. They welcomed the food but my King still needs to do more work on their hearts. I have planted more seeds into their hearts today on top of the ones I planted yesterday.  They were still not ready to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. From here, I left to serve gang five.

With all the love my King has shown gang five up till this moment and their missing out on family this holiday, it was to much for them. The whole gang wanted to turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ. They asked Jesus Christ to forgive them all their sins from all the things they have done. They then asked him to come into their hearts. I prayed for them while they called home to rejoin their families. It was fantastic to see this whole gang turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. Until they all went home, they continued to talk about their new found freedom and asked questions about Jesus Christ. My King gets the Glory in the Victory.

My King knew that I was late in the afternoon when I was done sharing with gang five. He told me the last two gangs would rather have snacks. I still had lots of water and pop with me. I proceeded to Cosco to get chips, granola bars and candy bars to take to them. I headed off to meet with the leader of the sixth gang. They enjoyed the stacks that I brought and thoroughly enjoyed to them. I again prayed for them and told them about how much Jesus Christ love them but they were still not ready to give their lives up for Jesus Christ, yet. I then went to the serve gang seven. The snacks I brought them they thoroughly enjoyed. But the Holy Spirit had their hearts ready for me. After they finish their snacks, they said, “Sonny, we want to give our lives over to Jesus Christ,. They too asked for Jesus to forgive them of all the bad things they’ve done in their past. They then asked for Jesus to come into their hearts. Both gangs five and seven gave all their hearts to Jesus Christ that Saturday. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I was about to hear from gang six this evening.

The leader of the sixth gang called me later that night and had questions about Jesus Christ but did not want to discuss it over the phone. I told him I would be there. I was not sure if it was a test because he did not want to speak over the phone or if he thought it was bugged. It did not matter to me. The most important thing was to make sure that his name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I made it arrangements to meet him on Sunday.

I left for Denver on Sunday morning to go to the gang leaders home. The leader invited me inside. I found out why he wanted to speak to me in person. The whole gang was there and they were all wanting to ask questions about Jesus Christ. I spent several hours answering their questions and praying for them. As the discussion ensued, I noticed family members starting to come in. They were already planning to give their hearts to Jesus Christ but this moment was so special for them that they wanted to share it in front of their families. I then asked those who wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ to come over to me to pray for them. They all came over to me and they all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.

I got to think about how sad it is that we do not enjoy coming to Jesus Christ like this gang did. When Jesus comes into our life he releases us from bondage of sin where we discover that New Freedom in Christ. Shouldn’t we be as excited about what Jesus did for us as this gang discovered. Jesus is the groom and we are his bride and coming together should be as exciting a man and a woman coming together in a marriage ceremony. He should be treated in the same manner because he has done much more than any groom can do for his bride. Let living for Jesus Christ be an exciting time of our lives.

I spent my whole Thanksgiving weekend with these guys and I loved every minute of it. I would give up my Thanksgiving weekend again to be able to serve my King and to make a difference in other gangs that he would send to me next year. My King gets the the Glory and the the Victory.

Happy Meals Requested by the King

It was Friday night and my King said, “Sonny, I want you to leave for Denver now.” It was more than two hours earlier than I usually leave. I did what he asked and hit the road. I did not have time to make supper so I stopped at Chick-Fil-A. I purchased two chicken sandwiches and two lemonades. I was preparing for a long evening and I was going to eat the extra sandwich and lemonade later. I continue driving towards Denver. As I was nearing a McDonalds, my King said, “Sonny, stop by McDonalds and pick up three happy meals, three large fries and three large Cokes. I said to myself, “It looks like there is a family stranded with kids.” I was about to find out that I was wrong.

I continued heading towards Denver and noticed three girls walking alone along side of the road. They appeared to be crying. My King said, “They are the ones that the food is for.” I started breaking but I had enough speed that when I finally stopped I was slightly ahead of them. I climbed out of my pickup and introduced myself and said, “My King told me to pick up 3 happy meals, three large fries and three Cokes. He knew that you were hungry and needed help.” They were uncomfortable when a stranger pulled up in front of them like I did but when I told them what I brought for them to eat they knew that I really was from God. They had already been walking on the road 45 minutes and they began praying that God would send someone to help them. Two of the girls were Christians and when they realize I brought their favorite food from McDonalds it gave them peace. They looked at me and said, “That’s exactly what we order all the time at McDonalds. We weren’t sure what was going on when you pulled over. Before you came, we were crying out to God for somebody to come and get us.  We were really hungry and requested that person would bring us food also.” They then explained to me how they got here in the first place. One of the girls exclaimed, “We were with our boyfriends making out but they started doing inappropriate things to us. I demanded to be let out of the car. The rest of us were feeling uneasy also and wanted to leave with me. They just dumped us in the middle of nowhere. We were walking home because two of us forgot our phones and the one we did have had a dead battery.” When they began eating, they quit crying and became more joyful. They ate all the food I brought them plus they ate the other chicken sandwich and drank the lemonade I brought. The girls were famished. They were getting cold during their walk and I let them warm up in my pickup while they ate.

I made arrangements to call their parents. We were to meet on University near the hospital. While driving there, I talked to them about Jesus Christ. After we arrived, they went over to their parents and shared what just happened. One of the moms came over to me and said, “I am so glad you listened to what God said to you. I have my daughter now because of your obedience.” I told them I was not proud of what the boys did to their daughters. Even though the girls were probably going further than they should have, a man does not treat a lady like they did. I requested that the parents go and talk to each man that took the girls out. They did as I requested and the boys were severely grounded for what they did. The girls want nothing to do with them either.

The daughter that was not a Christian realized how much our King loved her by coming and getting her out of their predicament gave her heart to Jesus Christ. Two the dad’s rededicated their hearts to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit told me that one of the dads had an addiction for alcohol. Then Lisa, the wife of that dad, asked me to pray for him. I did as she asked. I laid hands on him and asked the Holy Spirit to rebuke his addiction to alcohol. The dad was delivered from his drinking addiction this very same day. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I just get to witness his awesome power.

God is totally amazing he gave me just enough time to complete this unexpected mission. I arrived to talk to the undercover cops at the time I normally get there. Only my King could do this.


Cigarette Burn Becomes Victory for Jesus

It is Friday evening and as usual I meet with the undercover police. One of their biggest concerns is for the people fighting all the wildfires here in Colorado. They wanted to pray for the safety of the fire fighters and for the families of those involved. All my Bible studies this week have involved praying for the firefighters. They all made the request to me to do this. Of course moisture in the mountains is a must in our prayers. This would really help out our firefighters.

After finishing up with the undercover police, I rescued five girls out of a gang and brought them back to their families. After seeing the transformation of their daughters, all their families gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Saturday morning, my King had me rescue five more women from an organization. I also brought them back to their families who all met at one home. I prayed for all of them after the girls greeted their parents. My King then directed me to focus on two gangs. One of them I know but the other one I don’t know. My King had me get tacos for them to eat. They pushed me around at first but when they found out that I was going to feed them tacos they stopped. Today they were very interested in eating because they were hungry. They left me alone except for one guy in the gang that I have met before. He said, “I do not want to hear you say anything about Jesus Christ.” He continued to push me around. His leader sternly said, “Hey, knock it off. Leave Sonny alone. He wants to feed us. He can talk about Jesus.” The guy left the scene for a while and walked around for a few minutes. He then came back towards me with a lit cigarette in his hand. He walked right up to me and stuck the cigarette right on my lip while I was reading the gospel to the gang. It did hurt but I continued reading. The leader was extremely upset with the guy. He ordered his men to grab the guy and tie him up. His men proceeded to haul him off. I’m not sure what they did with him but he was not welcome here in the gang anymore.

Eight guys from the first Gang and four guys from the second gang gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory

It is now late afternoon and I’m going to witness to another Gang that just showed up here at the park. As I was ready to finish this story the guy who burned me called. He said, “I have been thinking about what you said and I need a new direction in my life and Jesus Christ to become part of it. I hope that you can forgive me for burning you with that cigarette like I did.”

I replied, “I forgave you the day you burned me with it. My King has forgiven me for the bad things I have done. He has taught how important it is to love and forgive others. ” I prayed for him as he accepted Jesus Christ. He wanted to go home and asked me if I could take him there. I acknowledged that I would. When we got there with his family, I prayed with them too. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

At the end of the day, the Latinos call me. They witnessed a police officer getting beaten up by a gang from Mexico. He said, “Normally, if we see someone getting beaten up, we keep on driving.  But we have too much respect for our law enforcement officers.  So we stopped and got out of our cars. We immediately beat the Mexican gang up bad because of their action. When the cops did eventually arrived,  they wanted me to  give a statement.  I said I don’t do statements and I left.”  I always wondered how the Latinos handle themselves so well. I found out that most of them are Golden Glove boxers.

Feeding Two Gangs For Jesus

It was Saturday morning and my King wanted me to see two gangs that I have seen before. He told me to get 7 dozen donuts, orange juice and milk for the day. I picked up the supplies I needed at King Soopers. From there, I went to the park to meet the gangs. They were not there yet. I went ahead set up my tailgate with food. As I finished up, I saw 14 Black Cadillacs show up right next to me. I said, “Oh no.” I know that this is the Black Mafia. They do not like me because my King wants their work force for his Kingdom. They stopped by me and got out of their car with their pistols drawn. They began eyeing my donuts. They said, “These donuts belong to us.” They proceeded to load them up in their cars and took off with them. I asked if they needed anything to drink and they said, “No, we just want our donuts.” After they were gone, I said, ” I guess I’ll have to go back and get some more donuts.” I left to get more for the gang l was supposed to meet. When I got back, the gang leader Jorge said,” Aren’t you kind of late?”

I said, “The Black Mafia stopped by and took my first batch of donuts. I needed to go back and get some more donuts for you.”

Jorge said, “Oh man, I wish I would have been here. I would have shot them.”

I said, “You don’t need to do that. They’re only donuts.”

Jorge said, “It’s not the donuts I’m worried about. It just the principal of it all. My stomach was hungry and they were interfering with my stomach. So they deserve to be shot.” I kind of laughed at his response. I served them the donuts, orange juice and milk. We had a good time. Then Jorge asked, “In that Ten Commandments movie, Moses brought the Ten Commandments down from the mountain. When he saw the people worshipping the golden calf, Moses threw the tablets on the ground and broke them. Was God mad at him for doing that?”

I said, “Yes, he was mad.”

Jorge said, “You know if I was God I probably would have shot Moses for doing that.”

I said, “My God is a loving God and he just had Moses go back up into the mountains to have the tablets redone.”

Then Jorge asked, “Isn’t that stupid that people would, after seeing God part the Red Sea, would want to worship a statue.” I kind of laughed again and I said, “You are right.” Jorge asked few more questions but then he said, “Sonny, I have to get going.” He turned around and immediately left the park.

That afternoon God had me get Tacos for Raphael’s gang. As I walked up to Raphael, he had his gun drawn on me. He said, “Did you bring us tacos?”

I said, “You know Raphael that water pistol would feel good in this heat. You have my permission to shoot me.”

Raphael said, “No man. I don’t want to get you wet.” To keep from getting me wet, he just shot me in the face. Then he proceeded to shoot at his men. They were all having a good time getting each other wet.

I then said, “I apologize, but I did spill a little bit of gas on my hands. My hands kind of stink.”

Excitedly Rafael said, “We just filled up with gas too. But the strangest thing happend there. There was this old guy who drove a 39 Coupe. He said that he wanted to buy gas for all of our cars. It was weird being there. We had all the pumps to ourselves. He walked in and had the attendant activate all the pumps. We all filled our cars at the same time.”

I asked, “Did this man wear a pinstripe jacket and gangster looking hat?”

Raphael said, “Yeah, that’s the dude.”

I said, “Yep, that’s Noah.”

Raphael said, “After Noah paid for our gas, he said, ‘Boys, Sonny is going to have tacos ready when you get there. You have a blessed day.'” That Noah, he is always helping me out. Then I prayed for the food. As the boys sat down to eat I talked about Jesus to them. It is always easy to talk about my King when their mouths are full. I got off topic and started describing about Blue Mustang giving me sweet corn. Raphael said, “That sounds so good. I remember as a child having grilled sweet corn on summer afternoons.” At that moment, my King said, “Sonny, you need to go get him some sweet corn. I said, “You see that grill over there. You just watch it. I will be back” I was going to get charcoal to put in the grill but Raphael does not like charcoal and would gather wood to make the fire. I went over to King Soopers and picked up three dozen ears of sweet corn. Two of Raphael’s girls walked up and asked me where I was going. They were excited when I told them that I was going to go get sweet corn. I noticed that they were having problems keeping their hair together so I decided I would also pick up some of those hair clips for their hair. I came back and gave the hairclips to the girls. They were excited about getting the clips. Then I took the sweet corn over to the grill that the gang was watching. They went out and cleaned up the whole park getting all the dead wood they could find. We lit the wood on fire and begin roasting sweet corn on the grill. I didn’t realize that there was a fire ban in place. Some of the park rangers came over to chew us out. When they started complaining about our fire, the gang drew their pistols and pointed them at the rangers. They decided that it was now okay for us to continue roasting the corn.

Rico was one of Raphael’s lookout men. He takes his job seriously. He does not say a word and he continuously watches the surroundings for danger. I decided that I would cut some of the corn off the cob and put it on a plate and take some to him so that he would not have to get his hands dirty it just in case he would have to draw his pistol. He took the plate from me and said, “Thanks man.” They all we’re just having a great time eating sweet corn. All three dozen ears were consumed.

That Saturday I witnessed to both Rafeal and Jorge. Both leaders asked me to pray for them before they drove away. I could tell that they were interested on maybe giving their hearts to our King. Some of the gang members had already given their hearts to Jesus Christ. They immediately went back with their families. Saturday night Rafael called me first followed by Jorge. They asked me to meet with them Sunday morning. I went back to the same park to meet them. When I got there, all their families were there with them. They were waiting for me to pray with them. Both leaders introduced me to their families. It was beautiful because some of the family members had their Bibles. You could tell that they were already Christians. They hugged me while they were crying. It was such a beautiful moment. God is so faithful. They began asking me a bunch of questions about the ministry. They thanked me for never giving up on their sons and daughters. They said, “Because of your persistence, they want to give their hearts to the Lord.”

I said, “Our King never gives up on us. So how can I give up on them either.” We began praying. They asked Jesus to forgive them of their sins and to live in their hearts. They all began crying again. Both gangs all gave their lives to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.