God’s Big Push to Get Gangs into his Kingdom

When God had me start witnessing to gangs, I was many times beaten and told to go away. They wanted nothing to do with me or Jesus Christ. I have people pray for me for protection, so I never was severely beaten. But as time progressed, Blue Mustang made specific prayers against what was happening to me. The first thing he prayed for was that they would quit using me as a basketball when would throw me in the back of my pickup. After he prayed that the violence against me stopped. But many times, while I was reading God’s word to them, one of their men would have their pistol pointed at me at the back of my head and the gangs themselves would have their pistols drawn. Blue Mustang then prayed that whenever I pulled my Bible out of my truck, that would be a sign for the gangs to put their pistols away.

The gangs immediately began putting their pistols aways when I reached for my Bible and carried it in my hand. It was so cool when they would simultaneously put their pistols back into their holsters. I was beginning to enjoy this not being hit or having pistols drawn on me while I am witnessing to these men.

God usually has me witnessing to the gangs in the Denver area. Because he physically brings them to me. But from time to time, he lets me leave to the area to go other major cities. I only do it when he tells me so. I finally had an opportunity to go. I told Blue Mustang that God is wanting me to go to Chicago, New Jersey, and New York to witness to the gangs there for two days.

The MS13 gang in Chicago had the reputation of being one of the meanest gangs in the United States. Blue Mustang made a special prayer and prayed that when I got there that the gangs would be in a state of confusion when I arrived.

The undercover police in Chicago gave me a vehicle to go into the neighborhood where these guys were residing. Before I left the building, the undercover police were taking a pool on how many bullet holes there would be in the car when I brought it back. Before I entered the neighborhood, God had me open my Bible to Isaiah 41:10 and place it on the windshield under the wiper. It was a war zone here just as you would see it in a movie.

I finally arrived where they were at and low and behold, they had their pistols put away. These guys were totally confused and they begin asking me for help. They’ve been in a fog starting the day that Blue Mustang prayed that prayer. I’ve never ever witnessed to gangs in these big cities like this because of the power of prayer. I had trouble keeping from laughing because I knew what happened. I said, “Let me pray for you for peace.”

As I began praying for each man, the fog that took over their minds began to disappear, and they became peaceful in spirit. This was all that it took for them to want to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Almost all gangs are formed because of broken relationship between the father and the sun. These guys began calling home and found out that their dads have quit being alcoholics and druggies. Many of them were Christians. This further excited them so that they wanted to go home because it was dangerous where they were at constantly watching for gunfire. Soon the family members of the boys came and began picking them up. Many tears were shed as families became united again. The Holy Spirit was so powerful that everyone there gave or rededicated their heart to Jesus Christ.

By the way I always brought the cars back with zero bullet holes. Those in law enforcement that understand the protection our King gives his servants always bet zero and win the money pool.

Exactly the same thing happened to the gangs in New Jersey and New York. God placed a fog over their minds. And they were anxious to get away from that. I have never been able to do that all the time. I’ve been witnessing to these gangs in these other cities before. There has been nothing like this ever. I have heard that God is making a great hunger over the nations for him. And that possibly could be the reason why these gangs are so interested in talking about God. But for me because I witnessed a change every time Blue Mustang prayed. That change was immediately. I firmly believe that the power of prayer was also the solution. Blue Mustang kept praying that same prayer to the gangs when I came back. They would become also confused wondering about their future. As of this writing they have been wondering about their life and where they are going.

God has burned in their hearts to figure out that something is missing in their lives. Many times, they were searching for me even though I did not know them. The gangs that I do not know found out who I was from other gangs who shared things about me and my love to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the gangs. Those gangs even stood up for me and said, “You leave him alone because he will not hurt you and he usually has food.”

The fact that I can feed them is because of the wonderful help that I have behind the scenes.

God had me had me do something new. He has asked me to have the gang members write down messages on notepads so that they could give their thoughts to their parents and their siblings. This has made them think about family and wanting to go home. When they deliver their notes to their families, they begin to find out that their dads have changed and many of them became Christians. Like I always say, I’m only the Messenger and God gets the Glory and the Victory. Unless the Holy Spirit prepares their hearts for me, my message will not reach their hearts.

The gangs are becoming more hungry for God each week. In the first week of October, a total of 12 gangs have given their hearts to Jesus Christ. What was strange about all this is that many of these gangs were enemies of each other. But they still came together and began asking each other questions. They wanted me to meet them to discuss things further about the promises of God. This is the largest group of men that God has sent me, and they all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.

Poncho 17 – Pablo 15 – Carlos 14 – Manuel 18 – Santos 19 – Nuna 10 – Simon 11 – Sammy 9 – Toni 16 – Salvador 12 – Tomas 14 – Christo 15

Two Girls Ready to Leap Off Overpass

It was Friday night it and I was getting ready to head to the streets after I had the undercover study Bible study. Around 11 PM my King had me do something that I was not expecting. He said, “You need to head down I-25 where there are two girls were about ready to jump off the overpass. Get going right away.”

I immediately started heading down I-25 and was looking at every overpass but I was having problems seeing them. My King then directed me to my eyes to the other side of the highway. The overpass was well lit and I could see them on the outside of that fence that goes across the top of the overpass. They were just standing there waiting for enough courage to jump off. I pulled off to the side of the highway. I was on the wrong side of the road and I had to physically walk and maneuver my way over the busy interstate to get over where they were at. I made sure that I had my Bible with me. When I got close to where they were at, they said, “There is nothing that you can say that will keep us from jumping.”

I said, “I am not here to do that but Jesus Christ sent me here to tell you how much he loves you. I also want to quote verse Jeremiah 29:11 for you.”

Before I could hardly say a word, one of the girls jumped in and quoted it word for word. She said, “I learned that verse when I was in Sunday school.”

I continue to talk with them about what happened. They shared with me, “We told our boyfriends that we wanted to have a relationship that honors marriage. So our boyfriends dumped us.”

I said, “No man is worth that who wants his own way and no respect for you. God has special men planned for you because you are willing to honor his will in marriage.”

All of the sudden they began to get scared and they asked, “Come closer to us. We want to get off this bridge.”

They begin to realize that they had value without their boyfriends. One girl grabbed a hold of my hoodie and the other one grabbed hold of her as we carefully walked off that bridge. One of the girls called their parents to have them come and get us.

The girls rededicated their life to Jesus Christ when returned to level ground. I did not share anything with what happened to the parents when they arrived. But the girls did and told them about their plans to jump. You can listen to the entire story here:

Is Loyalty Gone?

I am wondering about what is happening to loyalty in our country today. When I bring food to the gangs and tell them about the love of Jesus Christ and how much he loves them they respond to this message. Even though I myself never have been in a gang, I have experienced the street life and I share things I learned to help keep them safe. It furthers their loyalty to me. I know a lot about guns myself and have told them not to hold them sideways to prevent the bullet from jamming in the chamber. Semi-autos are designed to kick bullets out with the barrel on top. By holding it sideways, gravity can prevent the bullet from going into the chamber properly and it could cause a gun to jam. They always look at me like who am I. Why would he want to protect us. I always tell them, “I love you too much. I do not want to see you get hurt.”

I told one gang about Antifa in 2020. I told them that they are a paid organization that go out and cause Kaos and destruction. I told them that they hate me and that you should stay away from them so that you don’t get hurt either. Well, I found out later when I met with them again what they did for me. They said, “Sonny, remember when you know you told us about Antifa. On January 6th when they were run out of the Denver Capitol Building, they came over to our park with their loud speakers blazing. We remembered you warning us about staying away from them. But we decided that we did not want them in our park. I had my boys get their baseball gloves, softballs and bats out of the cars. We went over and asked them to play softball with us. The Antifa guys looked at us with arrogance and mumbled, “Play softball with you.” It will be fun. We then dropped our mitts with the softballs. As our gloves dropped, their eyes followed the gloves to the ground. In that moment of distraction, our baseball bats began clubbing them. When we got through with these guys, they could not move. We know you would not want us to kill them but we did make thirty-eight hundred bucks off them and received a lot of other gifts from them. We busted them up pretty bad so we waited for them to come to. I threatened them further about what might happen to them if they stayed. They said thay they wanted to live so I had one of my boys escort them to the Kansas border.”

I do not condone nor does my King what they did but there was this tiny feeling of celebration of pure evil getting its just reward. l am continually meeting with gangs that have a certain amount of loyalty towards me. My goal is still for them to turn their hearts over to Jesus Christ and to live like Jesus did. Many times I have told gangs that tomorrow is never promised and if they continue in the course they are on that the Lake of Fire is their final destination. This is something no man wants to hear but I also tell them that Jesus Christ does not want you to go there either. Just give your heart to him and you can be with him.

Our president is no different.  He has proven to us by keeping his promises that he is on our side. He stands up for our country by giving us low unemployment, building our military for protection. It works because we don’t hear about the bad guys overseas anymore since he’s been president. I know he prays for us and he prays to our King. His whole goal is to make America great again. America’s greatness means we are blessed by God and what’s wrong with being blessed by him. Granted, go getter President Trump sometimes comes across more like a drill sergeant and some people don’t like how he says things. But you know, I have been behaving myself and nothing he has said has been directed towards me. It seems like whatever anyone says today is offensive to someone else. Many people spend every waking hour trying to catch someone in the act of being offensive. Whatever happened to that backbone that allowed us to take things in stride. Just remember President Trump is not Jesus Christ so that means he’s not perfect. But you need to look at what he stands for. Most of his platform deals with Biblical principles. He hates abortion, human trafficking, same-sex marriage, transgenderism and open borders. He’s been trying to do things for us to be secure and honor our King.  What’s wrong with that? On the other side is Joe Biden who has a nearly demonic platform. Almost everything in his platform apposes President Trumps platform and our King.

I know of another man who God had a lot of respect for. He had the same problem President Donald Trump had. When he spoke, he made lots of people angry. This man also prayed for the people and to our God. He was really cool in God’s sight. He made the blind see, raised the dead, and did tons of other healings. But his speech was bad in man’s definition because he was always making the Pharisees angry. He kept talking bad until they finally had enough to crucify him. If you voted for Joe’s satanic platform over President Trumps, you would have cheered to crucify this man also. But remember this, God was in 100% agreement with what this man said. I think we all know who this man is.

Fort Collins Spiritual Healing

The man Terry who had a vision to heal Fort Collins from the coronavirus also had a vision from God to pray for the Fort Collin’s government buildings for spiritual healing. My King had me go two weeks later to the courthouse to pray over that building. While I was praying, two men walked out of the courthouse. My King said, ” Sonny, I want you to pray for those men. Don’t ask if they want prayer but tell them I am here to pray for you.” I told them what my King said. They asked, “Who are you and why are you doing this?”

I said, “My name is Sonny, I am here representing God’s Kingdom.” The minute I mentioned the phrase “God’s Kingdom” one of the men started crying. The other guy looked at him and asked, “Why are you crying?”

He replied, “When he said that he was from God’s kingdom, it was like a spear piercing my heart. I am tired of all the lying I do at work and running from God. I want to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have been living in my little box and no one even knows that I’m a Christian. I’m about to change that.” He rededicated his life to Jesus Christ. I prayed with both men. The one who rededicated his life to Jesus Christ, called his wife and wanted her to come and meet me. She came and asked what happened. Her husband excitedly explained to her just what happened. She cried, “My husband has been like a closet Christian.  He goes to church with me but that’s it. Now, he wants to step out and acknowledge Jesus Christ before men. I have been praying a long time for that to happen. Thanks for reaching out to him.”

I said, “I was just being obedient to my King. The Holy Spirit changes the heart. I am only God’s messenger. He gets the Glory and the Victory.” Fort Collins is not done yet. I am sure my King has more things for me to do here.

Healing Fort Collins

It was Thursday night and I just finished up with the highway patrolman’s Bible study around 9 pm. I drove back home to go to bed. But my King had other plans for me. He said, “Sonny, I want you to drive to Fort Collins, Colorado. I want to do healing over that city. I want you to make a cross right through the heart of the city.” He had me drive up north on I-25. When I got to Prospect Street, he had me drive west towards the Rocky Mountains. My King had me place three drops of oil at the start of the cross. As the cross was being drawn, he had me place three drops of oil at all the end points of the cross and where the top bar intersected the base bar. The cross itself is to be pointing North. While I was driving the route, my King would have me stop at different spots to anoint. To me, the spots seemed entirely random.  But my King knew exactly what he was doing.  Sometimes I would drive further then sometimes I would hardly drive at all. He kept me anointing different spots on Prospect until I hit the mountains. Then he had me go north on Overland Trail to Highway 287.  That highway is on the north side of Fort Collins. He had me loop east to make the other part of the cross. While I was driving east, he also had me anoint several intersections with oil. My King constantly said, “Sonny stop here and anoint this street.” He would always give me the exact spot to anoint. My King always marked each spot to anoint the entire journey.

A Fort Collins police officer was watching what I was doing. I looked very strange to him. He pulled me over and asked, “What are you doing?”

I said, “My King wants to heal this city. I am in anointing it for him.”

He said, “That’s cool. I apologize for stopping you. I want you to continue doing what you’re doing for the healing of our city.” I could tell he was a Christian. He was kind of excited that somebody would be doing that. Before I left, I asked, “Do you need prayer for anything?”

He said, “Yes I do. My relationship with Jesus is kind of dead right now. I feel like I am not communicating with Jesus like I should.” So I prayed over him that he would have a stronger relationship with Jesus. I then continued on to College Avenue driving southbound. My King had me stop a bunch of times to anoint different spots on College also. When I got near to the Old Town of Fort Collins, there was a bridge and railroad tracks that crossed College Avenue. He had me put three drops of oil on the railroad tracks. That was the most I’ve done on my entire mission other then the end points. I am not sure why he had me do it, but I know he had a reason for it. I spent a lot of time anointing Old Town in Fort Collins. There’s a lot of evil that goes on in this area. I kept going southbound until I reached Colorado State University. I anointed a lot of spots around the university. I continued southbound until I reached Harmony Road which was my end point on the cross. It was about midnight when I finish my mission to draw my Kings Cross. That same policeman that pulled over me at the beginning, saw me at the end point. He said, “It is cool that you spent all this time to anoint areas start the will heal our city.”

Smoke 1:30 p.m. Fort Collins Colorado

I said, “I did this because my King asked me to. I want to give him the Glory and the Victory. But he said, “You still made the effort to do it and I want to thank you for doing this for our city.” God then explained to me that three things are going to happen. There is going to be a massive smoke cloud that will be so big that it will block out the Sun and you would not see it all day. The purpose of the smoke is to kill the disease in the air and bring it down. After that, I am going to bring heavy rain not only to clean the air of what the smoke killed but to help put the forest fires out in the mountains. Then I am going to follow the rain with snow to freeze it. This will make the death of the disease permanent.

I found out later in Blue Mustangs men’s group that a man named Terry had a vision over a month ago of praying for the city for the healing over the Coronavirus. Terry was excited when I shared what my King is doing with him. It was confirmation to what God told him. This story is in honor of Terry and his dedication to get this healing started. My King is just use me as a tool to set up the job to be done.

1pm Fort Collins

As this story concluded, on Labor Day Monday a great plume of smoke came from the mountain fire west of Fort Collins. It started obscuring the sky in the beginning of the morning and buy 1 PM it was so dark that all the lights on the restaurants and street lights in the town of Windsor started lighting up because it was so dark. In fact it kept the temperature down 20 degrees from what it was supposed to be for that day. When I got closer to Fort Collins I noticed all the bugs falling out of the sky on my pickup. Even at my apartment where I live, I saw all kinds of dead bugs laying on the sidewalk. It basically stayed cloudy all day. After 10 p.m., the rain started coming down and it was a good rain. A half an inch or more of rain fell that night. It is now Tuesday evening and the snow is starting to fall and the ground is starting to be covered with white moisture. God did exactly what he said he was going to do.  I am trying to get this story finished as soon as I can so that when it happens and this story is published before it the disease is gone, that people will see how awesome our God is. I even asked my King why he chose Colorado in the first place.  He said, “It’s just because of Terry and your obedience to me. The blood of my Son will cover the city. Anyone coming into the city will be healed also. I will not allow anyone to reinfect the city.” After my King heals Fort Collins, he plans to heal the world because of all the prayer warriors out there just to honor them. It will start from here and move south until it comes back around. It will be finished sometime in October.

12:30 Horsetooth

Bean Bags Save Girls Life

I had a few moments to take a breather and I was thinking about some of the unusual things that God has done in my life. I remembered an event that occurred last summer around 6 pm. That evening I was tired and went to bed early to catch up on my sleep. I was almost asleep when my King said, “Sonny, I need you to get a pickup load of bean bags and take them to I-25 and 144th in Denver.” You can imagine the thoughts running through my head why my King may want with bean bags. Plus, he never gave me an idea where I might find some. I was clueless and began to wonder where I could get bean bags. My first thought was to see the undercover police down in Denver. I asked, “Do you know where I can get some bean bags?”

With a puzzled look on his face, he asked, “Who do you want to hit?”

I said, “I have no idea what I am going to do with them. All my King said is to fill the back of my pickup with bean bags and park under the bridge on 144th.”

He then said, “Yeah, we have all kinds of rooms full of them. We use them to throw at each other to release stress and just to have some fun. We have all sizes of them here. Back up to the double doors and we will load you up.” The filled my pickup box to the brim. I then drove to 144th on I-25. As I began to slow down in the far right lane, my King told to stop just past the overpass. As I came to a complete stop, my King said, “You went to far. Back up five feet and stop. Now, I want you to get out of the pickup and witness my power.” So I got out of my pickup but I was focusing on the bean bags. My King then said, “No Sonny, look up.” As I turned my head upward, suddenly this girl comes flying off the overpass. It appeared that she was thrown because I saw the set of hands supporting here body at the top of the overpass. As she comes down, she rotated her body mid-air and landed on her back, dead center in the back of my pickup. The bean bags cushioned her fall saving her life. Being a gymnast, her quick reflexes enabled her body to spin around and position her body so she landed on the bean bags perfectly. My King loved this girl so much that he did not want her killed. He has other plans for her life. Dazzed, she sat up and looked at me and said, “You saved my life.” She got up and gave me a hug. I am sure she was wondering why anyone would be parked under an overpass with a pickup filled with bean bags. I said, “My name is Sonny. My King sent me here with a pickup load of bean bags. He told me to park in this exact spot. I had no idea what why I was here. Then my King wanted me to see how powerful he is. He told me to look up and I saw how he made sure that you would have a safe place to land.” I then asked her some questions about why they might have done that to her. She replied, “I was thrown over the overpass because I wasn’t doing what they wanted me to do. At first, I ran away from them and that made them angry. They finally found me and they wanted to make an example of me of what happens to people when you leave the gang.” After all that happened to her and witnessing the power of my King she was ready to make a life change. She decided then and now to accept Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. I prayed for her for a fresh renewal of her life with Jesus Christ. After we finished praying, I took her to the parent’s home.

While this was all going on, the undercover cops happened to be videotaping another event at this location and they caught the whole thing on video. They had enough evidence to charge the gang members. Even though the gang members think she is dead, they still have to changed her identity. This will protect her from future attacks just in case they would find her again. It is great that no matter what we may have done in our past, our King will take us back if we are willing to change our lives for him. I just wonder how many other people who have done what the King asks to bring someone back to the King’s home. I know you are out there and I too want to thank you for being obedient to our King and bringing his children home. It is very gratifying to be able to serve the King in this manner.

I then took the bean bags back where I got them. I asked, “What do you want me to do with all the bean bags?” An undercover cop replied, “Let’s unload them in the same spot you picked them up.” I backed my pickup up to the door. As I was getting ready to unload them, a couple guys came out to help. It was starting to get dark and the undercover police were having a short meeting before they went to work. The weather was nice so the meeting was held outside. The one guy looked at the other and said, “Are you ready to have some fun?” The other guy said, “Yeah! ” We all followed him carrying the bean bags to a room on the second floor. The windows happened to be facing the meeting tables. They both opened all the facing windows. The guys looked at me and said, “Get ready to launch!” They got me to join in. We started launching bean bags outside from our vantage point. Some of them knocked the coffee cups completely off the table. The guys below picked up the bags on the ground and threw them back at us. We had a full-fledged bean bag war going on. Everybody was laughing and having a good time. They eventually asked what happened and intently listened to my story of what happened. They too were awed by the power of my King. Now they blame me for what happened that night. Every time I now come into the building, I get popped by a bean bag. This definitely was an exciting and fun day. As I finish writing this story, my King has told me that it is time to bring his Kingdom to this gang.

6:30 pm God asks me to be in Denver to rescue a lady at 8pm

Thank you for your prayers ???? I got off of work today and God said to go and pray for some College Students in Ft Collins so I found the College Students down old town there was 4 standing and visiting and God said that’s them pray for them I prayed for their hearts and their future and their families and for them to make the right choices in Life and in College.

This next story shows why God not only wants us to have a relationship with him but also with people.

After I prayed with them I headed home and was thinking of relaxing. At approximately 6:30 pm God said “Go to Denver. You need to be in down town Denver by 8 pm where all the tall buildings are.” God then revealed to me the street where I was supposed to park and wait for a young Lady named Grace nearly half a block from the light.

God said “Grace is going to run away from an Organization that she is working for. When the car stops at the light, Grace will get out and start running towards me. You will call out her name before she gets to my pickup and tell her that my name is Sonny and that I am there to help you to get away. They will turn that car around and come after her.”

Then God said to me, “Call your friends, they will close the streets behind her so they cannot come after her.”

I thought to myself that I would never get anyone to do this in time. I decided to trust God by listening to his word and called my undercover Police friends and told them what God said.

They said “Things are dead in Denver. Nothings going on down here and were excited to part of Gods plan.”

This was the first time that I have asked them to help me out on the streets. I then told them that God said to get her a club subway sandwich with no onions but to put extra mayo and tomatoes on the side and sea salt and vinegar potato chips. My friends wanted to add more stuff to the sandwich or get some cookies to add. But I told them that what God specified was enough. God knows our needs better than anyone. Lets not challenge his commands.

My friends were excited to help us so we could get away right at 8 pm. Here comes the black car and the light ahead of me turned red. I saw Grace get out of the car and started to run right towards me. Before she got to my pickup, I called her by name. I said “Grace my name is Sonny. God sent me here to help you get away from them. Trust me Grace.”

Grace jumped into my pickup. I turned my pickup around and took off. The black car could not follow us because my friends pulled up right behind them. When Grace started to run right towards me, the car took off and tried to turn around but all the streets were blocked. Grace was crying and asking me how I knew her name. I told her that God told me about you and that your name is Grace and that you were running away from an Organization and that you needed help. So he sent me to show you that God is real and that God loves you and has a plan for you. She could not stop crying. I told her about how God has sent people into my life to help me to be able to go after the lost and the broken hearted.

I asked her, “Do yuo want your name written in the book of life”.

Grace said, “Yes, I have been running from God for a long time. Now I want to run to him and give my heart to God.”

The undercover cops then pulled me over. Grace said “What is going on?”

I said, “They are here to help us and they have your sub sandwich with extra mayo and tomatoes and no onions.”

She said, “Oh my goodness.”

I was told by God that you do not like onions. She hugged me and said “This is a miracle. I praise God for all of you.”

I took Grace to her family and they came out running. They cried and seemed to hug forever. They then hugged me and said “Thank you so much for rescuing our daughter.” Grace told them everything. What God did for her and that God asked me to come to Denver to rescue her. God is Faithful. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.



The undercover officers moved in and the people in the car were arrested. The driver of the car is quitting this line of work. Who knows maybe Jesus is tugging at his heart now.

The day is still not over

Hi Brother I went to buy Groceries at Walmart and my card was denied I thought I had enough for the Groceries I had to get I had to use your card to get Groceries as soon as I get paid I’ll pay you back for what I spent on Groceries today I hope that was ok