Rescue 3 girls

Have to go to Denver right now to rescue 3 Girls please pray for their hearts and Families.

Thank you for your prayers last night I was called to rescue some girls out of a gang in Denver. I got to the house where they were at 11:30. Three girls and four guys came out. They threw their bags in back of my pickup and climbed in my pickup. As I was driving to the home where all their families were staying. I asked them if they wanted their names written in the book of life and they all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I then shared Jesus Christ with the parents and four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets all the Victory and Glory. I Praise God for all of you. Thank you for that praying for us last night.

Praying at Children’s Hospital

Thank you for always praying for me. I witnessed to 2 gangs today and 3 of them gave their hearts to Christ. I took them to the airport. Their families are taking them back. They haven’t seen their parents in 2 years. The parents are happy to see their boys coming back home. My king gets the Victory.


Last night as I was praying with some children at Children’s Hospital. Seven of them gave their hearts to Christ and 4 of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. It was such a blessing to be at the Children’s Hospital praying with them. Then God took me to the streets of Colfax to witness. 12 people gave their hearts to Christ. I prayed for another 21 people. God is so Faithful. I passed out 40 Bibles. it was such a blessing to see so many come to Christ. I arrived home at 2:30 this morning. Thank you and your family for praying for me. My King gets all the Glory and Victory. I just get to see what God does. I praise God for all of you.

Rescue 8 more girl

I’m meeting with a gang tonight. There’s 14 in this Gang. They want to talk with me tonight. There’s 8 girls in this gang. They used to have 15 girls, but I have rescued 7 from this Gang in the past. Please pray for their hearts.

Last night, they surrounded me and told me that they lost all their girlfriends because of me. I told them, “Those girls belonged to God’s Kingdom.”

They responded, “What’s your last words Sonny.”

I said, “I forgive you and love you like Christ has forgiven me and loves me.” I prayed out loud for them.

God said, “Walk away.” They didn’t move. God is Faithful.

Saved Gang Member’s Cousin Wants Out

I just received a called from an ex gang member that’s a Christian now. His cousin wants out of a gang here in Denver. Pray for me and her safety. I’m going now to get her out.


God said, “Pick up 3 hamburger meals. There are three girls total. They are very hungry.” I followed God’s driving directions and brought the food to them and prayed with them. Then I read John 3:16,17 to them. They decided to give their hearts to Christ. God gets all the Glory. Thank you for your prayers. Their parents just finished talking to all the families of the girls. They went to church today and all the girls got Baptized. The parents cried and just loved them. It was such a blessing to see.