Gang Asks About Holy Spirit

This Saturday happened to be different. God sent me to a park that was a little further aways than the one I’ve been used to going to. When I arrived at the park, they were just two gangs there. I recognize one of the gangs. The leader of that gang is Carlos. They were just talking to each other. Neither gang was brandishing any weapons. Another thing that was unusual was that the gangs did not park their cars in separate locations just in case they get into a scuffle. It was as though they planned to meet together in peace. I saw Carlos look towards me and he signaled to the other gang that they should go meet with Sonny because he always has food. Both gangs began walking towards me. Both gangs still had their pistols put away. When they got closer, I got out of my pickup and asked if I could have three volunteers. Immediately some of the boys stepped up to help. I had them jump in the back and drag all the coolers and place them on the tailgate and picnic table.

I told them right out, “It is so nice seeing both of your gangs talking to each other and not fighting.”

Carlos replied, “Normally, we always go to the other park but by the time we arrived, there were so many gangs already there, so we decided to come here. We were hoping that you would come here.”

I replied, “It was God that told me that I needed to be here for you.”

Carlos said, “That is so cool the way you hear God’s voice. I would like to hear his voice too.”

I replied, “You can! First you gotta ask Jesus Christ into your heart. After you develop that relationship with him, he will begin to speak to you.”

Carlos said, “We were asking each other questions about the things of God. What does the Holy Spirit mean?”

This question caught me off guard because I have never been asked this by any gang. This opened a huge door for me. I then told him, “God’s Kingdom consists of a Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ had to come to Earth to conquer sin. Within 3 days after being crucified, he came back from the dead to save us from our sins. And when he returned to the Father, he sent the Holy Spirit to give all his children power to do things on this earth for him. Jesus called it the born-again experience. We were born of the flesh through our parents. Now we have the opportunity to be born into the Holy Spirit. This is where the power lies.”

Carlos exclaimed, “So that means he lives inside of us?”

I replied, “Yes and he will help you and transform your heart.”

Carlos then said, “My heart is pretty broken. I do not think he wants to be in there.”

After Carlos said this, I talked about the Holy Spirit for 1.5 hours. Carlos replied, “It would be nice to be able to have a new heart.” He paused for a little bit and said, “I would like to go home but I do not want to go back if my dad is still a drunk.”

I answered, “Why don’t we call home and find out what has been happening.”

Carlos replied, “I have not talked to my dad for over 1.5 years.

I then said, “A lot could have happened by now. You will never know unless you call. Have you ever talked to your mother?”

Carlos replied, “Only on the holidays will I talk to my mom. I avoid anything to do with my dad.”

Carlos finally got up the courage to call his dad. He asked me to stand by him while he began making the call. Both of the gangs became interested in what he was about to do. They all gathered around Carlos as he made his phone call home. His dad answered and was concerned on his son’s wellbeing. Carlos said, “I am doing okay. I am just calling to see how you’re doing. I am thinking of coming home but I do not want to come home if you are still drinking. I will not let you beat me up. I know how to fight now.”

His dad began to tell his son all the things he has done to change his life. Carlos was excited when he heard that his dad hadn’t drank in over a year, given his heart to Jesus Christ and is serving the Lord. Then his dad’s asked, “Son, can you forgive me for all the things that I have done to you.”

Carlos began to tear up when his dad asked him that question. Carlos then turned his phone to private and begin walking away as he continued to talk to his dad. I continued praying with his men until he came back. Many of his men I noticed were beginning to do the same thing Carlos did. They were curious to see if their dads have changed also. When Carlos came back, you could see a difference in his face. He asked, “Sonny, I want to go home but I do not want to go home with a broken heart. I want to accept Jesus Christ into my heart.”

The men from both gangs began to come back and found out their dads have gotten help to quit drinking or in taking drugs. They too were anxious to go home and wanted their hearts transformed before going home. Another thing that was really cool is that these men all wanted to wait for their parents to arrive first. They wanted to give their hearts to Jesus in front of them. They wanted to make sure that they knew what they were doing is real. It did not take long when the first families arrived. I’ve found out that only three of the dad’s that came hadn’t given their hearts to Jesus Christ. I asked them the question, “Do you want your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Today is the day salvation and tomorrow is never promised.” After seeing what their sons did, they were ready. I have never seen dad’s and sons that hugged this much. The gangs wanted to get baptized but we did not have a lake or swimming pool to do this, so I used bottled water and pour it over their heads.

Dad’s need to realize the importance they have when it comes to raising a family. Every one of the gangs I’ve have encountered it was the dad’s who caused their sons to run away from home.

On Sunday I met with some new gangs in the park I usually go to in Commerce City. I noticed a single gang that was there. The gang’s t-shirts were red with blood. They were trying to clean themselves up from their last battle. I stopped and got my first aid kit out of my pickup. I had wipes and bandages to put on their cuts. This is the same park where the band aid gang story was created. 9-year-old Lucy saw this new gang and their bloody t-shirts also. She immediately left her home to come over and help. She already had her nurse’s outfit on, and her black bag filled with alcohol, bandages and her stethoscope. She immediately spoke to the gang and said, “I was doing stuff in my yard and noticed all the blood. I just wanted to help you guys recover from your Oweis.” At first the gang was not sure what to think. They looked at her then they looked at me and they looked back at her.

I said, “Guys, she is only here to help you. Just let her take care of you.”

She asked them to all get her in the line and said, “I will take care of you one at a time.” She found a table and got all of the supplies out of her bag and laid them out so that she could take care of their wounds. She would ask each man where their wound was at and then she gave each man a sucker. She told them to put it in their mouth so that when the antiseptic burns they can bite down on it. I could tell that it did burn. I could see each man twitch as she applied the antiseptic. As she took care of each man, she prayed a prayer over each one. She then prescribed that each man should take two showers a day to make sure that they stay clean and clean behind their ears. When each man came up for his turn, she would always give him a big hug and say, “You are going to be ok. God will take care of your owes.” I was watching the men. The minute she released each man, they started grab their phones and started calling someone. They were all calling their families. I found out that every one of them had little brothers and sisters of their own. Each one asked the question, “I wonder what my little and brother or sister is up to?” God used this little girl to minister to these guys while she was taking care of them. It was now time for these guys to give their hearts to Jesus Christ.

When Lucy finished with the last man, she said, “I have to leave now. I’ve taken care of every one of them. They are all God’s children, and they needed to be doctored.”

I said, “Lucy, before you go, I have a gift for you in my pickup. While we went to the pickup, she looked me over to make sure that I was okay and gave me a sucker and a package of cookies for good measure. I reached into my pickup and pulled out a box of band aids that I had picked up. They had poo bear and Snoopy on them. I said, “This is for you so that you will have enough bandages to continue to take care of people.”  Before Lucy left she shared, “You know this was one of the greatest days of my life. I was scared though when I saw the pistols that each one of these men were carrying but I felt God wanted me to take care of these men.” Lucy continued going back home and this gang finished giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. You can listen to the entire story below:

Chicago Gangs Meet Jesus

The Chicago undercover cops called me earlier and asked if I’d be willing to go Chicago and talk to four gangs. One of the gangs belonged to the MS13. These gangs are very violent and they’re always constantly shooting everything around them. It is impossible for anyone else to go in. They know the power of my King from a previous encounter of a MS13 gang. No gang, no matter how strong they are can stand against my King and his Kingdom. They are starting to realize this when they asked for my help. My King gave me thumbs up to go to Chicago. I made arrangements for the undercover police to pick me up in Denver. The jet came for me Saturday morning at the Denver International Airport. Before we took off, God wanted me to pray for the pilots. Both pilots were Christians. One of the pilots rededicated his heart to Jesus Christ. I also prayed with the women that took care of all of us during the flight. While we were in the air, my King started showing me how this gang was going to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. God wanted me to pray for them first and then read John 3:16 to them. As we flew over Chicago, my King said, “My Kingdom has gone before you and with you.” That means he has already cleared a path for me to do his will. This is as awesome as parting the Red Sea.

The pilots yelled, “Hey, Sonny we will be flying over the the houses where the gang members live.” The cameras mounted on the bottom of the jet transmitted images to the big screen TV in the living room. The homes the gangs took over were beautiful mansions at one time. I could see that there must have been a big party. There were passed out people all over the grounds around the homes the pictures. The Holy Spirit showed me a girl siting on the ground in the alley between all the houses. My King said, “She is praying to me right now. She is praying; if you are real can you get me out of here. Sonny, go get a bus and get all the girls.” After we landed, I thanked everyone on the plane and prayed with them again. The undercover police picked me up and they gave me high fives. Then they prayed for me and asked, “Sonny, what do you need?”

I said, “I need a bus. My King wants to take a bus and rescue the girls in that area as soon as possible.”

They replied, “Sonny, it is to dangerous for you to drive through that neighborhood. You will never make it!”

I exclaimed, “Whenever my King gives me a go as he did today, he will send the magnificent seven again that went before me when I witnessed to the MS13 gang the last time. They will clear a path before me again.” They finally gave in because they have seen the power of my King in action before. They dropped me off where a school bus was. They showed me how the bus works before I started my journey. It was weird driving through that neighborhood. The gangs must have quickly taken over the neighborhood. There are skeletons of late model and expensive cars that the gangs torched sitting all along the street. It looked like the residents had to leave very quickly without having a chance to take anything along with them. There also is a lots of visible damage from all the shooting going on. I drove past a large gang carrying automatic weapons. Their heads turned as they watched me drive past their location. Not a single weapon was raised as I passed. They were probably bewildered, wondering what a bus was doing here.

When I was two blocks from the houses, I walked to the alley where the girl was sitting down on the ground in the same spot I observed in the jet. I walked up to her said, “Hi!” She turned around and looked at me. She then said, “Who are you?”

I said, “My name is Sonny.” She responded, “My name is Kara.”

She asked, “What are you doing here?”

I responded, “My King sent me here to rescue you. I’m sorry you are crying.”

Kara said, “It’s ok. I have been praying for a miracle because I wanted to runaway from here. I was praying that God would send someone to help us girls.” Earlier in the day before the party began, she told all the girls to remain sober so that when the men became drunk and abusive that it would be easier to push them off. It looks like somebody already had pushed her. She had leaves all over her hair like somebody threw her into a bush.

I said, “My King showed me when you began praying. He brought me here to rescue all of you girls.” I then said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.”

Kara excitedly said, “I’ll go and tell all the girls that we are leaving this place.”

I began praying for her that God would help her and give her the words to speak to all of the girls. My King then told me, “Go and stand by the south east gate near the trees and wait for the girls. As I continued praying for the girls, the south east gate opened and all the girls started walking towards me. I had no idea how many would be coming. As the girls went through the Gate, I counted 78 girls. Kara then closed the gate. As they came near me, I said, “Do not look back. That life is over.” We began walking back to the bus that I hid in a grove of trees. The girls started to cry. Some of them were holding my hands and putting their hands on my back when we got to the bus. Now, all the girls were crying very hard as they sat down on the seats in the bus. When everyone was onboard and the bus started moving, they started to laugh when they realized that it is actually happening. They were excited to go back to their families. They started calling their parents on their phones. You could hear the parents crying and their excitement on the other end of the calls to get their daughters back. I drove past the same gang with automatic weapons.  Their heads turned as I drove past. Again, no weapons were raised against us as I watched in my side mirrors. I bet that my King is working on their hearts right now and he may want me to come back and witness to these guys in the future. As of this writing, he has confirmed that I will be seeing them again.

The undercover police gave me directions to a safe place where all their parents could come and get them. When we arrived, all the girls ran out to greet their parents. Again, they began crying when hugging  their parents. I asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life, come and stand by me. All the girls and their parents came forward and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory and has more plans for me tonight. The undercover cops checked the bus to count the bullet holes. They said, “No way! No one has been able to drive in that area without getting shot up.” They still have a difficult time understanding how powerful my King is. Some of the girls shared that they have been praying for a miracle to get out of here. Others shared that they had my ministry card and almost called me several times. I asked them, “How did you come into possession of my cards in the first place?”

They replied, “We had some girls that came from a MS-13 gang that you witnessed to earlier and brought Jesus Christ to them. They came to share Jesus Christ with us. They handed me your card and told me that you were from Colorado but that didn’t matter. Just call the number on this card if you need help.” Isn’t it cool how the Holy Spirit uses people you share Jesus Christ with to do the same thing. Those obedient girls helped prepare the girls to be ready for just what happened now.

Saturday night, after all the Girls had gone home with their parents, God said, “Sonny, I want you to get up at 1 a.m.  Go anoint the front of the gangs homes and their sidewalks. Finish up by anointing the streets all the way back to the undercover police car that is waiting for you.” I called the undercover police and told them what my King’s plans were.  They made arrangements to pick me up at that time. The undercover police dropped me off two blocks away. As I started walking, it felt like I was walking in the Valley of Death. It was silent while I was praying but as soon as I stopped, the shooting started up again around the surrounding areas. All of the homes had security fences and gates that surrounded the homes. Kara knew the code to all the gates so that I could walk inside and anoint the homes. All the gates used the same code. I did as my King asked without any interruptions then went back to my room. Early Sunday morning, my King said, “Sonny, at 7 a.m. anoint all the Bible’s and the Crosses. Put the Bible’s and Crosses on the trays and set them up on tables in front of all the homes you anointed earlier.” Then my King said, “Walk away and go pray for the day.” My King had me come back at 10 a.m. All the tables and trays were exactly as I left them. Nothing was taken or touched. I stood in front of all the homes. All the guys started walking out and began yelling, “You made a big mistake standing in front of us.” As I looked them over, my King started showing me their broken hearts. I could see their lips moving but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. They kept looking at all the trays with the Bible’s and the Crosses on them but never went by them. All of them had their pistols aimed at me. All four gang leaders walked up to me and said, “Who are you?”

I said, “My name is Sonny. I was sent to you guys by my King.”

They asked, “Who’s your King?”

I said, “His name is Jesus Christ.” Then two of the leaders recognized me. One said, “Your the one that tells gang members about Jesus Christ. I stabbed you two years ago.”

I said, “Yes it’s me and I have forgiven you like my King has forgiven me.”

One of the other leaders said, “You are not walking away from here. You are going to die here today.” This is a common phrase I hear all the time. I have learned that when an obstacle this serious occurs, always pray for it or someone. It is no different this time. I said, “Before you guys shoot me, let me read a verse that my King wants you to hear. Then I’ll pray with all of you and ask if there’s any of you that want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I will pray again with those guys and then you can shoot me.” I began by reading John 3:16 and I John 14:6 to them. I explained those verses to them. I could see some of them had tears in their eyes. Just before I was going to pray with them, my King said to also read Matthew 6:33 to them. I continued by praying for all of them. Then I asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come and stand by me. ” As I stood there with my Bible, my King said, “Sonny, raise the word of God to them and tell them that I love them and want them to go back to their families.”  After I did what my King asked,  the leaders came first and stood by me. They put their weapons away and said, “We want a new life and a new purpose.” Then the rest of the gang members came to me. They too, came forward to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I had a chance to pray for each one. When the first one started to cry, that’s when they all started crying and asked, “Can God really forgive us of all our sins like you said Sonny?”

I said, “Yes and he will forget all your sins. You just need to ask Jesus into your hears.” I then said, “The Crosses and the Bible’s are for all of you who accept Jesus Christ. Do not take anything if you don’t want Jesus Christ to be part of your life. ” All 72 men accepted Jesus Christ that morning. They all called their parents who immediately came for them. The ones that needed a ride entered the bus I brought to get to the safe place. I had a chance to meet all their parents and families. They too all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. The guys thanked me for being bold and telling us about Jesus Christ. They said, “No one has ever come to tell us that Jesus Christ loves us. Thank you for being brave.”

I said, “Someone came to me and told me that Jesus Christ loves me too. It’s about obedience to our King.” The story is not over. Before I had a chance to even write anything down. One of the gang leaders went to his grandfather who is sick in the hospital. He took his Bible and went up to pray for his grandfather. His grandfather knew Jesus Christ but was surprised to see the Bible in his hand. The gang leader shared about what happened. He then started praying for his grandfather. A doctor, who is a Christian, was listening. He commented to the gang leader about what a powerful testimony that was to his grandfather.

University Hospital in Denver

God told me to go to the University Hospital in Denver to pray for people in the Emergency Room please pray for me and them.

Good morning brother not going to church I just got home from Denver went to the hospital and prayed for the ones in the Emergency room then I went out to the streets and passed out Bibles and prayed for people God gets the Victory thank you for your prayers I’m going to rest.


I missed you Guys too. 15 people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ and I prayed for 24 people and I passed out 31 Bibles. God is Faithful, Brother.

Praying at Children’s Hospital

Thank you for always praying for me. I witnessed to 2 gangs today and 3 of them gave their hearts to Christ. I took them to the airport. Their families are taking them back. They haven’t seen their parents in 2 years. The parents are happy to see their boys coming back home. My king gets the Victory.


Last night as I was praying with some children at Children’s Hospital. Seven of them gave their hearts to Christ and 4 of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. It was such a blessing to be at the Children’s Hospital praying with them. Then God took me to the streets of Colfax to witness. 12 people gave their hearts to Christ. I prayed for another 21 people. God is so Faithful. I passed out 40 Bibles. it was such a blessing to see so many come to Christ. I arrived home at 2:30 this morning. Thank you and your family for praying for me. My King gets all the Glory and Victory. I just get to see what God does. I praise God for all of you.