Rescuing Prostitutes While Witnessing to a Gang

I was witnessing to a gang in the park and all of a sudden, a grey van starts driving on the grass towards us as I was speaking. The gang drew their pistols, and they were ready for a confrontation. I told the guys to wait because I think I know who could be in this van. The van stopped beside me, and all these beautiful ladies crawled out of the van. The gang leader with a smile said, “Sonny, are you bringing us girls.”

I reminded him that my King has asked me to share his message to the broken hearted. Their hearts are broken just like yours. My King wants to restore their hearts too. They are here because I asked them to if they ever needed help.

One of the ladies spoke up and said, “We want nothing to do with you guys. We’re here to see Sonny.” She then looked at me and said, “We just got through running away from our pimps! We need your help to get out of here!”

I then asked, “Do you have your cell phones with you right now? If you do, they are tracking us as we speak.”

They held their phones up to me to show that they had them. The gang wanted to help defend them from the pimps, but I said I had people that are trained to deal with this stuff. I don’t want you guys to get hurt. I called the undercover police in the area and told them about the situation.

They said, “Sonny, we’ll be there in a few minutes there to get their phones. We’re going to bring the van with the manikins in it to see if we can trap these guys.”

Soon the captain arrived and confiscated all of their phones. They proceeded with the manikins to set them up in the park where we were at. We waited at a safe distance for the pimps to come. Soon two black Cadillacs showed up and a bunch of guys with guns got out of each vehicle. They started shouting obscenities at the women who they have not realized by this time that were manikins. They proceeded to shoot bullets into the manikins to punish the women for what they did to them. As soon as they started shooting law enforcement surrounded them physically and arrested them all.

The girls all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Their parent anxiously reunited with their daughters. After things unfolded, they identified their perpetrators behind a one-way mirror, so they physically do not have to do anything in court. It is interesting how God does things. There is never a dull moment serving our King.

Power of Using the Name of Jesus Christ

This last week God has been doing some amazing things. I was getting hungry for some Chinese food. I found a place in Denver that looked interesting, so I decided to give it a try. As I was beginning to enter the front door, I noticed a Buddha statue off to my right. I started shaking my head back and forth because only Yahweh is real. This is a fake god. A customer there who was sitting outside near the statue observed what I was doing and begin to defend and tell me about buddha. I interjected, “Buddha is a fake god. Our true king is Jesus Christ and his father Yahweh is the true God.”

The customer was about ready to defend himself again but something amazing happened. The 4 ft. statue of Buddha has a large flat bottom and is sitting on a flat slab of stone. I am sure that it weighed at least 400 pounds. This statue began to behave just like a man who was going to worship. That statue gracefully laid face down on the ground and began worshipping Jesus Christ when I mentioned his name. No one can tell me that there isn’t power in the name of Jesus Christ. I witnessed it firsthand. Now shocked, the customer asked, “Did you do that?”

I replied, “I had nothing to do with it. But there is tremendous power in the name of Jesus Christ. In the true God’s word it says that if we do not worship the true God that the stones will worship him. You just witnessed this right now.”

The customer didn’t say anything else and quickly left after witnessing what just happened. I went in and ordered myself some food and did not say anything. I figured that I would give Buddha some time to continue worshiping Jesus Christ. As I left the restaurant, Buddha was still worshipping our King. What else was interesting about this is that when I came back in a few days to get some more food, the statue was gone. I’m firmly believe that every time they tried to set the statue backup, he immediately fell over and begin worshiping Jesus Christ again.

The next miraculous event was to happen in the ghetto. Lately, it has just been the money that Blue mustang gave me that was used to bless the families. This was all about to change. The families are always worshipping God every Saturday morning when I arrive. I always stop and listen to them worship. I feel the Holy Spirit moving while they worship. God loves how they worship and prevents any interruptions from happening including me. He lets me know when to go in.

Lydia saw me and came to get me. I gave her the money to give to the families. When she lays the money on their hands, she says, “The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” as she lays each bill in their hand. She finishes up by saying, “This bill is for the inflation.” This always makes the families smile. The families then anointed the money. Here is where it became interesting.

When they finished anointing the money, I saw a prostitute walking towards us. I began walking towards here but Lydia ran past me and introduced herself to her and invited her for donuts. She was definitely hungry. When I finally met up to her, I asked her if she needed prayer for herself or some one else.

She said, “I am hungry right now.”

I mentioned the donuts also, but she felt she needed something healthier. She dropped a hint about the King Soopers sub sandwich. I replied, “I will get you what you want and something to drink.”

While I was getting her food, Lydia was talking with her and making friends with her. As she ate Lydia shared Jesus Christ with her. The prostitute began crying with all the love that she was getting. Lydia came up to her and wrapped her arms around her body and gave her a hug. Not only does Lydia radiate with the Holy Spirit but the prostitute said, “I have never experienced a hug like this ever.”

Lydia then asked, “Do you want your name written in the Lamb book of life. Today is the day of salvation.” The prostitute decided that she wanted to give her heart to Jesus Christ.

I then asked her if she wanted to go home. The prostitute said, “I don’t think my parents will want me back.”

I replied, “Why don’t we call and ask them.” When she called her parents, they began crying that their daughter was coming back home.

They excitedly said, “We are coming to get you.” They must have dropped everything because they were here in fifteen minutes. When her parents looked around with all the families that were here, they asked, “What’s going on here.”

I told them about the ministry of Blue Mustang and how God has given money to all of the families here. They said, “That is so cool!” But now this began the ripple effect of giving money to these families. The prostitute’s parents said, “We want to pay for the groceries of these two families. They can use the money that Blue Mustang gave them for something else.” After they bought groceries for the families, they asked them if there’s anything else that they need assistance with. Both families had most everything covered. One family had a car insurance bill due and a small credit card debt. The other family had a rent payment due and also had a small debt. Those parents of the prostitute made arrangements to take care of the one family’s car insurance and credit card payment. They then made arrangements to meet with the Landlord and finish paying this month’s rent and next month’s rent.

Wow, God worked many miracles today. The faith of these two families has been restored. A prostitute is now a child of God and Jesus has forgiven her sins so she can freely serve him away from her past life. God made it all happen. He gets the Glory and Victory. But I get to witness it all.

72 Prostitutes Give Their Hearts to Jesus Christ

It was Friday night and I was witnessing to people out on the street. All of a sudden three white vans showed up. When the doors opened up all of these beautiful women started exiting. I recognize some of them as prostitutes that I have witnessed to before. I began looking for their pimps but I did not see them. I asked them what they were up to.

One girl said, “Sonny we want to give our lives to Jesus Christ before we go home.” They told me about their story. She said, “Our pimps stopped at a restaurant to get something to eat together. They left the vans running so that we would stay warm. I said to the other girls that I want to go home for Christmas. The other girls thought about it to and all of us decided we wanted to go home too. So we all decided to steal the vans. One of the girls said she knew where you were at. So we immediately left the restaurant in these three vans. The pimps saw us take off with their vans and started chasing us on foot but they could not catch us.”

I begin praying for them as they confessed there sins. Meanwhile, the undercover captain was driving a big bus. He just finished dropping a bunch of people off at a convention and was heading in my direction on the way back. It was amazing when he stopped to see what I was up to when he saw all these prostitutes surrounding me. I told him what they were about to do.

He said, “Why don’t all of you get into this bus and I can haul you ladies off to a safe place until your parents arrive.”

We took the keys to the vans and threw them inside and left. The undercover police came back later and the vans were gone. Being in a dangerous neighborhood we have no idea whether the vans were stolen or retrieved by the pimps. It was so cool to see 72 women give their hearts to Jesus Christ.

It is so exciting to imagine these women being home for Christmas with a new life in Jesus Christ and spending Christmas with their families. God gets the glory and the victory.

Black Mafia Questions Me

It is Friday night and before God had me go out in the streets, I ministered to the undercover police for emotional guidance. They were forced to witness something that should never been allowed to happen. After I finished with these amazing men, my King had me go witness out in the streets. He directed me to a nicer place on Colfax Avenue. Is was about 11 p.m. and he wanted my to talk about Jesus Christ and how much he loves them to a group of prostitutes. As I was sharing the gospel with the prostitutes and praying for them, a Black Mafia guy was watching me. He got out of his car but did not have his weapon drawn as he approached me. The prostitutes immediately lined up behind me. They later told me that they hate these guys and they did not want anything to do with them. He asked, “How can you stay so cool sharing Jesus Christ with them? You could be killed anytime even by one of us.”

I said, “I have prepared my life to be in God’s Kingdom. I know where I am going when I die. As I see you now, I will see him immediately if my King allows me to be killed. You to should be concerned where you are going. Have you ever thought about where you would be going if you would die today? We are never promised tomorrow.”

He said, ” I will probably go to hell with all my friends.” The way he answered the question gave me the impression that he was not too concerned about what hell is like.

I said, ” You do not want to go to hell. There you will not see anybody that you know. All you will hear is the weeping and gnashing of teeth. My King does not want to see anyone perish. This may be the last chance that you may have to accept Jesus Christ into your life. I am here today to help you make that choice. But if you do not do it today, you may never see me again or have the opportunity to see my King.”

He did think about what I said but was not ready to give his life to Jesus Christ. He said, “I will see you later.” I am praying that my King gives him more time to come to Jesus. The prostitutes for sure were glad that he was gone. Soon the prostitutes pimp showed up. He did not approve of me being there. The last time we met I claimed Jesus Christ over him and he ran. There is a lot of power in that name. He only stared at me for a few minutes but ran again.  The prostitutes thanked me for sharing Jesus Christ with them. I gave each one a Ministry card and said call me if you ever want to get out of this situation. It was almost 3AM when I finished on the streets. My King has more plans for me tomorrow.

Resting by University Hospital

Saturday had me witnessing to a gang of 28 guys and 22 girls. This is one of the biggest gangs here in Denver. I took 12 dozen donuts and drinks to them. Out of 50 present 15 (8 Girls and 7 Guys) of them gave their hearts to Jesus Christ God gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Rescue Three Women

I was at work Monday enjoying my job but it was not a typical Monday. My phone rang at 2 pm. I didn’t recognized the number but my King said to answer it. When I answered the phone I said “Hello” just like anyone else. The young woman went directly to the point. The young woman said, “Sonny, this is Kelly from Denver. You told me that if I ever want to get out of this organization that you would come and get me out and take me to my family.” You may be wondering how we made contact in the first place. God, as you see in many of my stories has me speaking to people on the street. I met Kelly on the street one night and told her how much Jesus loves her and prayed for her. Kelly was not ready to give her life to Jesus Christ that night but I planted a seed in her heart. I gave her one of my ministry cards to call me when she was ready to leave this life. Kelly kept my card close by.

I said, “Yes, I remember our conversation very well.” Then I said, “What time do you want me to come and get you out?”

She said, “Can you get me at 8:30 pm Monday night. There will be two more coming with me.”

I said, “Give me the address and I’ll deliver you to a safe place.” My King said, “Sonny, call the informers to help you get them out safely.” I then called my informers and told them what was to be going down. Seven of them came to help me. I shared with them that there is a black van that follows the young women to where they are meeting someone. The sole purpose of the van is to prevent the women from leaving their destination early. This night was going to be different. The cops set undercover vehicles in the area and waited for the van to show. They stealthily moved in around the van and patiently waitied for the 8:30 pm drop off. I set myself behind some bushes to watch the drop off point. As I looked on, Blue Mustang called asking for prayer. The Holy Spirit gave me insight to his situation and I had him read Jeremiah 29:12. I told him what the Holy Spirit said to me and I was giving him details of what is going down minute by minute until the limousine arrived. I then explained, “The limousine is coming. I have to go when the Limousine arrives at the front door. The girls are going in just long enough to allow the limousine to leave. They are going to come back outside. When this happens, the guys in the van are going to try to stop them. They will be stopped by the undercover police nearby. I will take my pickup to the door where they will enter and be taken to a safe place.”

The Limousine pulled up at 8:30 pm. The body guard got out and opened the rear door and the three young women got out the car. The body guard walked them to the front door of the hotel. As soon as the young women walked further into the lobby, the body guard walked back to the Limousine and left the hotel parking lot. When the Limousine turned the street corner, I drove my pickup to the front doors of the hotel. While I was doing this, my informers went straight to the black van to block it so it couldn’t leave. I found out later that they were all arrested. About the time the young women stepped out of the hotel, all the power for the whole block shut down. With the power off, security cameras go offline. I had just enough time to get the women out of there before things start recording again when the backup generators start up. I quickly pulled up to pick up the young women. They jumped into my pickup and we sped off. I kept checking behind me in my rearview mirror and side mirrors. No one appeared to be following us as I was heading to a safe zone. I parked my pickup off the road when I arrived. The next step was to secure the women. I asked them for their phones and I destroyed their cell phone chips. We then got back into the pickup and headed towards Kelly’s home where all their parents were waiting for them. Even the parents knew what was going down. The girls jumped out of my truck and ran to their parents. They hugged their parents and cried for a long time. Then the parents came over to meet and hug me. They thanked me over and over. I told them that it was my King that get all the Glory and the Victory. He gives me the courage and protection to do this.

I asked them, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come over to me and I’ll pray for all of you.” The three women and two parents came up to me and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I got home at 3:45 am on Tuesday morning. That same day at noon Kelly called me and thanked me again for coming to rescue them. Then she invited me for supper at their home that same night. I welcomed her offer to have supper. I arrived at 5:45 pm at her home. All three girls were there. They were just starting to cook the appetizers. Kelly, Lynette and Rylee asked me to pray for them again. The young women looked totally different after giving themselves to Jesus Christ. Our King had transformed their hearts and brought peace to their lives. Those young women wouldn’t stop hugging me. I was so blessed to be there with them. As the evening progressed, the women shared what my King has put on their hearts. They want to reach other women who live their old life. They also want to be able to share Jesus with other women who are hurting to give them hope. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Victoria Escapes

I was called by a beautiful young lady by the name of Victoria who I witnessed to five weeks ago. She is involved in an organization that does high end escort services for business men. She said, “Sonny, could you rescue me and some of my friends out of the Organization.”

I said, “Victoria, where are you going to be?”

Victoria said, “We are going to be  dropped off in front of a building in Denver for some business men that are in town.” She then said, “We are tired of doing what we are doing and we want to go back to our families.”

I encouraged her and discussed the arrangements for her escape from this life. She was to be dropped off at Colfax and 19 street in Denver 8 pm tonight.

I always take my license plate off my truck before I get to my destination where a rescue is done.  I parked 2 blocks away from the building on Colfax and 19 street in Denver and waited for the limousine to drop them off in front of the building. After waiting  for 12 minutes the Limousine finally arrived  and dropped them off.  I started my engine and moved my transmission into drive. When the Limousine started pulling away, I made my move to follow in behind. Leah saw me as I pulled up and communicated with the rest to come towards me. All of them climbed into my pickup. As I started to drive away I said, “Don’t look back.”

I continued driving until we were safe.  I pulled over and told them to take all their chips out of their cell phones so I could destroy them.  My King said, “Sonny, don’t destroy Victoria’s cell phone chip.” I destroyed the other chips and left Victoria’s phone in tact. We continued  driving  to the west side of Denver.  Victoria called everyone’s parents and told them they were safe and we are coming home.  I shared Christ with them on the way to Victoria’s house. I had one of them read John 3:16-17. After she finished reading I asked them, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life?”

They started to cry.  I said, “Jesus Christ loves all of you very much. He has a new purpose for your lives.” They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Victory. I delivered them to the home where all their families were waiting. They came running out to greet them. It was so beautiful to see their families loving them. They all thanked me and hugged me. I told them that my King gets the Victory. He made it possible for me to do this. I had a chance to pray with all of the parents.  I told them that their daughters gave their hearts to Jesus Christ and that their names are now written in the Book of Life. Three of the parents gave their hearts to Jesus Christ themselves. The other two were Christians already. God gets the Victory and the Glory.

God’s Kingdom protected us on Sunday. After church I received a call from Victoria. This is the reason the Holy Spirit did not let me destroy her phone chip because he knew that she would be calling me again. She said that the remaining seven of the young women that are in the organization want to get out also.  I arrived in Denver just before 2 pm Sunday afternoon to rescue the rest of the women at the same building I rescued Victoria.

Before I drove down the alley I removed my license plate. I know one of the security guys there at the building. He messed with the camera from the alley so no one would see us pull up. The girls came out right at 2 pm in the afternoon.

After they jumped into my pickup they started to cry. They couldn’t believe that they were actually going back to their families. Again, when we got to a safe place my King said to pray with these young ladies also.  I said, “God can forgive you of all your sins.  My King has a new purpose for your lives.”  I then asked, “Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life?” All seven asked God to forgive them of all their sins. Then they asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts. They cried even more. They hugged me and thanked me for coming for them. I told them that my King gets all the Glory and the Victory. We went to Victoria’s home again.  All of the seven ladies families were there waiting for them. They came out to their daughters and hugged them while crying and thanking God for bringing them back safely home.  I prayed for their families. There was 22 family members there and 15 of them were already Christians. The seven that weren’t gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. God is so Faithful I got home at 8:30 tonight. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Witnessing to Prostitutes

Last Friday night I went to witness to some high class prostitutes. They were working at a building in down town Denver where there was a men’s convention. Of the 14 young women there, seven gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. I know the undercover police working as a security guard in that building. He took me to the room where the young women were waiting. I introduced myself to them. One of the young women recognized me and said, “Your the one that told us about Jesus Christ last summer.  I’m tired of doing this and want a new life and a new purpose.”

As she came forward, six more came with her to ask Jesus Christ to forgive them of their sins. The accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We went out the back door and the young women got in my pickup and drove away. All their families took them back home. My king gets all the glory and the victory.