Late February Gang

God had me meet with two gangs on Saturday. One of the gangs I knew and the other one I didn’t. I learned that they are looking for me. I went to a gang’s house that I knew on Saturday. When I arrived the gang leader said, “I am tired of being in the house. I am going to the park.”

I replied, “That’s okay. I will follow you.”

When we arrived the gang leader asked, “Do you have any food?  We are hungry. ”

I said that I did. The gang leader then asked, “I’ve been trying to memorize the Lord’s prayer, but I just don’t seem to get it.”

I said, “Why not just let your heart speak out a prayer.”

The leader said, “I will pray for breakfast for sure.” He looked at his men and said, “If you guys laugh at me, I am going to start shooting.” He laid both of his pistols out on the table. He then turned his focus on me and begin praying for breakfast. I cracked my eyes a bit to see what the gang leader was doing. He was looking at his men while he was praying making sure that nobody laughed. I prayed that his men would not laugh while he prayed. I found out that this gang leader ran away from home when he was 12 years old. He started his own gang when he was 16. He has been been away from home for 9 1/2 years. This is the first time that he has prayed since he left home. He began to cry as he finished up his prayer. He picked his pistols up off the table and put them away. He then looked at his men and said, “After we finish breakfast, I am going home. I am not going to do this life anymore.”

That simple prayer shifted his heart. He had given his heart to Jesus Christ when he was real young. But there was that one Saturday night when his dad was drunk and beat him up really bad. That was when he ran away from home. He began to share with his men on that special day how he gave his heart to Jesus Christ. He said, “I remember they were singing ‘Amazing Grace’ as I walk forward. When Sonny read John 3:16 to me last week, that just has been gnawing at my heart. Now I’m ready to go home. You guys can do whatever you want but for me it is going home.”

I begin looking around and noticed that many of his men also began crying. I then said, “Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised to anyone, not even for me. Who wants their names written in the Lamb’s book of life?”

They all began raising their hands one by one. Even though they had not finished breakfast, they began putting their food aside. They all stood in line, and I began praying for each one. I wanted this to be a special moment for each man here, so I prayed for each man individually as the Holy Spirit led me to pray. As I was getting to the end of the line, the men began to call their parents. They shared with their parents that they had given our hearts to Jesus Christ. When I came to the leader, he said, “Sonny, I want you to walk with me. I want you to be with me when I call my dad. I have talked with my mom on her birthday and Christmas, but I have never talked to my dad since I walked away that day. I began to cry as I listened to his story. When his dad answered the phone, he asked if everything was okay. The leader replied, “No, dad I want to ask your forgiveness for what I did when I left you that day. I am sorry for everything that I said. It is okay if you don’t want to forgive me. But God will forgive me.”

His dad immediately said, “It is I who should be asking you for forgiveness for that day you left. I begin to think what I could’ve done different. It has been a rough journey, but I have given up drinking entirely. I have not touched liquor in eight years. I have given my heart to Jesus Christ and have begun serving him.”

You can listen to the entire story here:


Two Girls Ready to Leap Off Overpass

It was Friday night it and I was getting ready to head to the streets after I had the undercover study Bible study. Around 11 PM my King had me do something that I was not expecting. He said, “You need to head down I-25 where there are two girls were about ready to jump off the overpass. Get going right away.”

I immediately started heading down I-25 and was looking at every overpass but I was having problems seeing them. My King then directed me to my eyes to the other side of the highway. The overpass was well lit and I could see them on the outside of that fence that goes across the top of the overpass. They were just standing there waiting for enough courage to jump off. I pulled off to the side of the highway. I was on the wrong side of the road and I had to physically walk and maneuver my way over the busy interstate to get over where they were at. I made sure that I had my Bible with me. When I got close to where they were at, they said, “There is nothing that you can say that will keep us from jumping.”

I said, “I am not here to do that but Jesus Christ sent me here to tell you how much he loves you. I also want to quote verse Jeremiah 29:11 for you.”

Before I could hardly say a word, one of the girls jumped in and quoted it word for word. She said, “I learned that verse when I was in Sunday school.”

I continue to talk with them about what happened. They shared with me, “We told our boyfriends that we wanted to have a relationship that honors marriage. So our boyfriends dumped us.”

I said, “No man is worth that who wants his own way and no respect for you. God has special men planned for you because you are willing to honor his will in marriage.”

All of the sudden they began to get scared and they asked, “Come closer to us. We want to get off this bridge.”

They begin to realize that they had value without their boyfriends. One girl grabbed a hold of my hoodie and the other one grabbed hold of her as we carefully walked off that bridge. One of the girls called their parents to have them come and get us.

The girls rededicated their life to Jesus Christ when returned to level ground. I did not share anything with what happened to the parents when they arrived. But the girls did and told them about their plans to jump. You can listen to the entire story here:

GOD Wakes Me to Save Peter

On Sunday night I was fast asleep. About 11 p.m. God woke me up and said, “You need to get up and head south. “

I was questioning what God wanted me to do but God again said, “You need to get going. A guy named Peter is going to jump off a bridge. You need to get going right now. “

I was again questioning God because he did not give me the answer to which overpass  because there’s are lot of overpasses in Denver. But I should know  by now that God will always give me the location as I’m driving.  I just started heading south and waiting for him to tell me where to go.  As I was driving down  towards Denver  I noticed my fuel tank gauge was getting close to empty .  God said, “Don’t worry about your fuel just continue driving  towards Denver.”

During my drive to Denver  I encountered two automobile accidents  on the route down that slowed the traffic down. I continue driving the speed limit for almost an hour and 45 minutes till I got to near where the intersection of I-25 and C470 where God showed me a car sitting all on the right side of the road. This is where I was told to stop and I parked behind this car. I then proceeded out of my pickup and walked past the car. As I was walking by the car I placed my hand on the hood and noticed that’s the engine was still very warm. So I knew he had not been here very long. I continued walking up the ramp  to the top of the overpass. I noticed a guy standing near the bridge. I said, “Peter what are you thinking about?”

He responded by asking, “Who are you and what are you doing here.”

I said, “My King told me to tell you that he loves you and not to jump.”

Peter looked at me and was perplexed by how I knew his name and what he was about to do. Peter said, “Your king! Who is your king.”

I said , “My king is Jesus Christ. He sent me from Loveland to rescue you from jumping because he loves you very much.  He told me to drive south and I would find you here.”

Peter was part of a gang a couple of years ago and he’s been trying to go to school and make something of his life. But he felt that his life is inadequate and just wanted to end it all. I told him, “Peter, God has a purpose for your life. “

Peter started to cry when he realized  that  God had sent me here  just to tell him that God loved him. He came over and hugged me and continued crying. I told him about my ministry that God gave me to witness about Jesus Christ with gangs. He talked about gangs that he was in and was asking me questions about whether I had a chance to witness to those gangs. While this was going on his folks we’re worried because it was so late and he still hadn’t come home. They followed his route he normally takes home and  came up on his car shortly after I got there.

Peter told his folks how God had shown me who he was and what he was about to do and how I drove here from Loveland just to share God love with me and what God wants to do in my life.

Peter was grateful that I came and in fact he couldn’t even believe that he was about to jump off that overpass. The enemy Satan wants to destroy our lives and wants us to end it all. Only God’s love and Power can overcome the enemy.

On A final note, you may be asking the question why did God not get somebody else closer to Peter then to ask me to come down to Denver. I asked God the same question and God’s response was, ” Sonny I chose you to represent me to the gangs. That is the reason why you went down because you are  my representative. “

I didn’t ask any more questions after that.

Face off with 2 gangs

Two Gangs were going to face each other. God said, “Go and park your pickup between them and give them 40 McDonald’s hamburgers.”

I stopped by a Thornton MacDonald and ordered the 40 hamburgers. The manager asked, “Are you going to have a party?”

I said, “No sir. I am bringing them to a couple of gangs in Denver.”

The manager asked, “Are you going to witness about Jesus to them?”

I said, “Yes, that is correct.”

The manager said, “In that case, I will pay for the hamburgers. Would you let me and my staff pray for you?”

The manager and 3 employees came out and surrounded my pickup. They laid hands on the pickup and prayed for my safety and success in my witness. I left the McDonalds and headed to the gangs location. They got mad when I parked between them.

I got out of my pickup and said, “Are you guys hungry? I brought hamburgers.”

They aimed their pistols at me until they saw the hamburgers. As they started to eat, I read the Bible to them. Three gave their hearts to Christ while the rest of them drove away. I brought them back to their parents. It was a blessing because 2 of parents gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!!

I’m still in Denver. Keep praying Brother. God is showing me a man on a over pass. I’m supposed to stop him from jumping.

I saw Joshua standing on the overpass. His wife was on the west side of the overpass just standing there. I walked by her and said, “I’m here to pray with Joshua.”

I called him by name. I said, “Joshua, God loves you.”

He asked me, “How do you know my name?”

I said, “My King told my sister Kari your name. Then God told her husband Kevin that you are on 104th. God showed me that you were standing on this overpass. God has a purpose for you. Joshua, do you want your name written in the book of life? All you have to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart. You can start over.”

Joshau said, “God sent you here for me.”

I said, “Yes, God sent Jesus Christ here to save the world because God loves us so much.”

Joshua said, “Can God really forgive me?”

I said, “Yes”

Joshua said, “I want to give my heart to Christ.”

His wife was listening to everything I said to Joshua. She started crying. She also accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. My king gets the Victory.