Rescuing Prostitutes While Witnessing to a Gang

I was witnessing to a gang in the park and all of a sudden, a grey van starts driving on the grass towards us as I was speaking. The gang drew their pistols, and they were ready for a confrontation. I told the guys to wait because I think I know who could be in this van. The van stopped beside me, and all these beautiful ladies crawled out of the van. The gang leader with a smile said, “Sonny, are you bringing us girls.”

I reminded him that my King has asked me to share his message to the broken hearted. Their hearts are broken just like yours. My King wants to restore their hearts too. They are here because I asked them to if they ever needed help.

One of the ladies spoke up and said, “We want nothing to do with you guys. We’re here to see Sonny.” She then looked at me and said, “We just got through running away from our pimps! We need your help to get out of here!”

I then asked, “Do you have your cell phones with you right now? If you do, they are tracking us as we speak.”

They held their phones up to me to show that they had them. The gang wanted to help defend them from the pimps, but I said I had people that are trained to deal with this stuff. I don’t want you guys to get hurt. I called the undercover police in the area and told them about the situation.

They said, “Sonny, we’ll be there in a few minutes there to get their phones. We’re going to bring the van with the manikins in it to see if we can trap these guys.”

Soon the captain arrived and confiscated all of their phones. They proceeded with the manikins to set them up in the park where we were at. We waited at a safe distance for the pimps to come. Soon two black Cadillacs showed up and a bunch of guys with guns got out of each vehicle. They started shouting obscenities at the women who they have not realized by this time that were manikins. They proceeded to shoot bullets into the manikins to punish the women for what they did to them. As soon as they started shooting law enforcement surrounded them physically and arrested them all.

The girls all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Their parent anxiously reunited with their daughters. After things unfolded, they identified their perpetrators behind a one-way mirror, so they physically do not have to do anything in court. It is interesting how God does things. There is never a dull moment serving our King.

God’s Big Push to Get Gangs into his Kingdom

When God had me start witnessing to gangs, I was many times beaten and told to go away. They wanted nothing to do with me or Jesus Christ. I have people pray for me for protection, so I never was severely beaten. But as time progressed, Blue Mustang made specific prayers against what was happening to me. The first thing he prayed for was that they would quit using me as a basketball when would throw me in the back of my pickup. After he prayed that the violence against me stopped. But many times, while I was reading God’s word to them, one of their men would have their pistol pointed at me at the back of my head and the gangs themselves would have their pistols drawn. Blue Mustang then prayed that whenever I pulled my Bible out of my truck, that would be a sign for the gangs to put their pistols away.

The gangs immediately began putting their pistols aways when I reached for my Bible and carried it in my hand. It was so cool when they would simultaneously put their pistols back into their holsters. I was beginning to enjoy this not being hit or having pistols drawn on me while I am witnessing to these men.

God usually has me witnessing to the gangs in the Denver area. Because he physically brings them to me. But from time to time, he lets me leave to the area to go other major cities. I only do it when he tells me so. I finally had an opportunity to go. I told Blue Mustang that God is wanting me to go to Chicago, New Jersey, and New York to witness to the gangs there for two days.

The MS13 gang in Chicago had the reputation of being one of the meanest gangs in the United States. Blue Mustang made a special prayer and prayed that when I got there that the gangs would be in a state of confusion when I arrived.

The undercover police in Chicago gave me a vehicle to go into the neighborhood where these guys were residing. Before I left the building, the undercover police were taking a pool on how many bullet holes there would be in the car when I brought it back. Before I entered the neighborhood, God had me open my Bible to Isaiah 41:10 and place it on the windshield under the wiper. It was a war zone here just as you would see it in a movie.

I finally arrived where they were at and low and behold, they had their pistols put away. These guys were totally confused and they begin asking me for help. They’ve been in a fog starting the day that Blue Mustang prayed that prayer. I’ve never ever witnessed to gangs in these big cities like this because of the power of prayer. I had trouble keeping from laughing because I knew what happened. I said, “Let me pray for you for peace.”

As I began praying for each man, the fog that took over their minds began to disappear, and they became peaceful in spirit. This was all that it took for them to want to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Almost all gangs are formed because of broken relationship between the father and the sun. These guys began calling home and found out that their dads have quit being alcoholics and druggies. Many of them were Christians. This further excited them so that they wanted to go home because it was dangerous where they were at constantly watching for gunfire. Soon the family members of the boys came and began picking them up. Many tears were shed as families became united again. The Holy Spirit was so powerful that everyone there gave or rededicated their heart to Jesus Christ.

By the way I always brought the cars back with zero bullet holes. Those in law enforcement that understand the protection our King gives his servants always bet zero and win the money pool.

Exactly the same thing happened to the gangs in New Jersey and New York. God placed a fog over their minds. And they were anxious to get away from that. I have never been able to do that all the time. I’ve been witnessing to these gangs in these other cities before. There has been nothing like this ever. I have heard that God is making a great hunger over the nations for him. And that possibly could be the reason why these gangs are so interested in talking about God. But for me because I witnessed a change every time Blue Mustang prayed. That change was immediately. I firmly believe that the power of prayer was also the solution. Blue Mustang kept praying that same prayer to the gangs when I came back. They would become also confused wondering about their future. As of this writing they have been wondering about their life and where they are going.

God has burned in their hearts to figure out that something is missing in their lives. Many times, they were searching for me even though I did not know them. The gangs that I do not know found out who I was from other gangs who shared things about me and my love to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the gangs. Those gangs even stood up for me and said, “You leave him alone because he will not hurt you and he usually has food.”

The fact that I can feed them is because of the wonderful help that I have behind the scenes.

God had me had me do something new. He has asked me to have the gang members write down messages on notepads so that they could give their thoughts to their parents and their siblings. This has made them think about family and wanting to go home. When they deliver their notes to their families, they begin to find out that their dads have changed and many of them became Christians. Like I always say, I’m only the Messenger and God gets the Glory and the Victory. Unless the Holy Spirit prepares their hearts for me, my message will not reach their hearts.

The gangs are becoming more hungry for God each week. In the first week of October, a total of 12 gangs have given their hearts to Jesus Christ. What was strange about all this is that many of these gangs were enemies of each other. But they still came together and began asking each other questions. They wanted me to meet them to discuss things further about the promises of God. This is the largest group of men that God has sent me, and they all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.

Poncho 17 – Pablo 15 – Carlos 14 – Manuel 18 – Santos 19 – Nuna 10 – Simon 11 – Sammy 9 – Toni 16 – Salvador 12 – Tomas 14 – Christo 15

72 Prostitutes Give Their Hearts to Jesus Christ

It was Friday night and I was witnessing to people out on the street. All of a sudden three white vans showed up. When the doors opened up all of these beautiful women started exiting. I recognize some of them as prostitutes that I have witnessed to before. I began looking for their pimps but I did not see them. I asked them what they were up to.

One girl said, “Sonny we want to give our lives to Jesus Christ before we go home.” They told me about their story. She said, “Our pimps stopped at a restaurant to get something to eat together. They left the vans running so that we would stay warm. I said to the other girls that I want to go home for Christmas. The other girls thought about it to and all of us decided we wanted to go home too. So we all decided to steal the vans. One of the girls said she knew where you were at. So we immediately left the restaurant in these three vans. The pimps saw us take off with their vans and started chasing us on foot but they could not catch us.”

I begin praying for them as they confessed there sins. Meanwhile, the undercover captain was driving a big bus. He just finished dropping a bunch of people off at a convention and was heading in my direction on the way back. It was amazing when he stopped to see what I was up to when he saw all these prostitutes surrounding me. I told him what they were about to do.

He said, “Why don’t all of you get into this bus and I can haul you ladies off to a safe place until your parents arrive.”

We took the keys to the vans and threw them inside and left. The undercover police came back later and the vans were gone. Being in a dangerous neighborhood we have no idea whether the vans were stolen or retrieved by the pimps. It was so cool to see 72 women give their hearts to Jesus Christ.

It is so exciting to imagine these women being home for Christmas with a new life in Jesus Christ and spending Christmas with their families. God gets the glory and the victory.

New Jersey Gang

After that gang in New York gave their life to Jesus Christ, the undercover police flew me the next day to New Jersey to meet the next gangs. As I landed in New Jersey, the undercover police asked, “Do you ever get air sick.”

I said, “No, I do not.” Then they asked, “Have you ever been in a helicopter?”

I said, “I have been in a helicopter one time.” He asked, “Did it make you sick? ”

I said, “No, I love helicopters.”

He said, “We are going to fly you in one over where you are going to go. We are going to it in the cover of night.” When it came time to go, I climbed into this extremely fancy helicopter. The helicopter was capable of having two people in the front and three in the back. As I sat down in one of the seats, they strapped me down and put a microphone on my head so they could communicate with me.

The pilot said, “We are about ready for take off. Can you hear me okay.”

I said, “I hear a lot of static.”

The pilot got out of his seat and found another headset for me to wear. This one worked. I could hear him fine. The engine on the helicopter then came to life. Just before we lifted off, He said, “We are going to launch straight up then we’re going to take a hard right. I’m just letting you know just in case you might get sick.” I had to convince him again that I was not going to get sick.

He started flying over that area in New Jersey where the gangs where residing. It was weird flying in the dark over the city. When we flew over the city, we could tell where there was gang activity by the amount of darkness present. It is like you’re flying over communist North Korea which is mostly dark at night. On the other hand, in capitalist South Korea, the whole sky is lit up by the freedom present in the cities. We flew further over this dark area of the city.

The pilot asked, “Do You See of those lights in that one building? That building has been taken over by one of the gangs.” They pacified me by telling me that they don’t bother us flying over them at night. He continued, “They hear planes flying over head all the time and they do not shoot at us.” The pilot continued flying until we got to where the second gang was. We were approximately 11 blocks from the other building.

The pilot said, “This gang lives in two buildings as you can see by the lights in each building.”

I asked, “How did they get control of all these buildings?”

They replied, “They physically ran the owners off and took their property. If we go in there to try to do something about it, they just start shooting at us. We just let them shoot at each other and if they kill themselves so be it.” He looked at me intently and said, “This is where you come in Sonny.”

I said, “No, this is where Jesus Christ comes in. He revealed to me that the Holy Spirit has been preparing their hearts. Now it is time for me to take them His message. I just get to see it.” I am not sure if he comprehended what I just got through saying but he said, “Okay, I just wanted to show you the layout. One gang has 35 members and the other has 27. We can only drop you within eight blocks of their location. Any questions?” We prayed to our King that his glory would be revealed. He then asked, “What do you need.”

I said, “I’m going to need some wagons. I am going to be serving them breakfast. I need enough space to put the donuts, milk and orange juice to feed the 62 people in both gangs. I also have to carry some Bibles and crosses in for them.” They too had the Costco wagons for me to use. It is really easy to tie the additional wagons to the first wagon to make a wagon train. They dropped me off at my rendezvous and we placed all the food and Bibles in the wagons. As I was getting ready to begin my trip into the Danger Zone, three homeless guys happen to see me loading the wagons with supplies. They noticed all the food I had in my wagons.

They came up to me and said, “There is a lot of food in there.”

I knew that they were hungry and said, “Do you guys want some donuts?”

They replied, “That would be great.” I opened up one of the boxes and gave each one a donut. They asked for orange juice to drink. I gave them each a glass of orange juice. One homeless guy then said, “It looks like you’re going to a big picnic.”

I said, “Yes I am. I am going to minister to those gangs over there. Before I go there, I need to ask you a question. Are your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Yes or No.”

One guy responded, “No, we are crazy guys and we live for ourselves.”

I said, “Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised; not even for me.”

He said, “I used to go to church once when I was little. My favorite song was ‘Jesus loves me’.”

I said, “Why don’t we sing it?” I was there with them and the undercover police and we all sang that song. Halfway through the song, the homeless guys all began to cry. They all remembered from their youth what the words of that song meant to them. Soon the undercover police were crying. Then  as we continued singing, I began to cry. One of the guys stepped up and said, “I want to rededicated my life to Jesus Christ.”

I said, “What you see today is temporary. Jesus Christ and his Kingdom are eternal.”

Another homeless guy said, “That is so true. Do you have a Bible for me.” I gave each one a Bible and they both gave their hearts back to Jesus Christ. The expressions on these guys faces changed dramatically after they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They came to me looking tough and without hope. Now they have hope and meaning to their lives. The homeless guys left.

The undercover police that were here have not spent very much time with me. They were amazed with what they just experienced. They exclaimed, “Sonny, does this happen to you every time you go somewhere.”

I said, “This is what is supposed to happen to all of us. We are all supposed to carry God’s Kingdom to the people we meet.”

The undercover cops prayed over me again before I left. I said, “Whatever you do, do not come in and rescue me. Don’t send any drones or anything to try to take videos. You know what happened last time I was here. If you see me fall, you can come and get me later. I’m giving you some phone numbers so you can call these people just in case I fall. If you go in there and try to rescue me you will probably get killed. My King brought me here not to kill me but to bring salvation to this gang.”

The undercover cops said, “We won’t interfere but we are going to set up so we can watch you. You will not be able to see us.”

I started walking down the street and noticed that there were cars burned on both sides of the streets. The building walls have holes in them and broken windows. I was thinking in my heart that at one time these once were all businesses that belonged to people. And now they’ve lost it all to these gangs. I finally got to where the gangs were. What I saw was both gangs that I was going to be witnessing to were facing each other. Both sides had their weapons drawn. Five Guys on the right hand side of me had weapons that I have never seen. The rest of them had pistols. They were yelling at each other.

One gang said, “If you cross the line again, you are going to get shot.”

I stopped while this was all going on. God said, “Why did you stop?”

I said, “But God they’re facing each other.”

God replied, “Get in the middle of both gangs and tell them that I love them.”

I began pulling my three wagons of donuts between the gangs. I was beginning to wonder if I had enough donuts to feed everybody. I was planning on just witnessing to one gang now. God said, “I will supply whatever is needed.”

When I got directly in the middle of them, the two leaders came out and said, “What in the world are you doing? Are you stupid or something. You’re going to get shot here.” He had his bodyguard throw me on the ground to make a point. That pavement sure is hard. They started looking in the wagons then they asked, “What’s in the wagon?”

I said, “It is food for you guys. I brought donuts, milk and orange juice strictly for you guys. Let’s have breakfast.”

Again they said, “You are going to get shot. We do not like you.” He had his bodyguard throw me on the ground again to show that he was still serious. Again, I got off the hard ground and stood up before them.

I said, “Before you guys shoot me, let me pray for you guys first.”

Now they were really confused. They said, “If you pray for us, then we can shoot you. We like that.”

I said, “Yes, it will be okay because I will win and get to go to heaven to be with Jesus Christ. I am going to pray for you that I get to meet you when you go to heaven. But you have to make a choice.”

The leader said, “Hurry up and pray for us.” I started praying for each man individually. The Holy Spirit revealed things to me about each man as I prayed. Meanwhile, they were all lining up to eat donuts. I prayed with one gang then walked across the street and prayed for the other gang. I prayed for both leaders last. One leader said, “That was pretty powerful praying. You did not even know us but yet you prayed for all of our families. I have not even seen my parents in ten years. I’m a leader and I’ve been out here struggling and trying to survive here.”

I asked, “Why did you walk away from your parents?”

He replied, “It is pretty easy when they’re drug addicts and drug dealers. I did not want that life but yet here I am doing that in this life. We sell drugs or whatever we need to do to make money.”

I then said, “This is not why God created you. This is not your purpose in this world.”

The leader retorted, “Oh yeah. What is my purpose!”

I said, “It is to go and make disciples of all nations. You cannot do that with pistols or drugs. You cannot disciple people while you’re doing that. Everybody has a Ministry. A nation could be 7 blocks from here in New Jersey.”

Both leaders looked at me and said, “You’re the bravest and dumbest guy that we’ve ever seen.”

I said, “I am brave for Jesus Christ but do you really think that I’m dumb for what I’m doing. You see, I know where I’m going and it’s not dumb. But the question is; do you guys know where you are going?” I paused a second to let them think a little bit. I then asked, “Are you guys good swimmers?” They confirmed to me that they were. I then said, “If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you will be swimming in the Lake of Fire for eternity. It is not just for the weekend.”

I was having an impact on them. Then they asked, “Are you a full-time preacher? Do you ever not stop talking about Jesus Christ?”

I said, “Only when I am asleep because then I need to rest.”

He said, “That’s a good one.” He then changed his tone a bit and said, “It’s a lot to think about right now.”

I said, “What would it be like if you were a dad and your son would call you and ask how you were doing?”

The gang leader said, “That would be pretty cool. I would like a son who would do that.”

I then said, “Why don’t you call your dad and do that?” He began thinking about calling his dad. I turned to the rest of the gang members to see if they had any prayer requests. I said, “If you have a family member that is sick, I will pray for them.”

One gang member stepped up and said, “I have an aunt who is very sick. She’s in the hospital right now.”

I said, “Call her and I will pray for her.”

He gets on his phone and calls his aunt. She said, “Hi Ricky! Are you okay?” All gang members when they called their parents and haven’t spoken to them for a while, get asked if they are Ok. They know that they are in a gang and there’s usually something serious that usually makes them want to call home.

He said, “There is a guy here whose name is Sonny. He is telling us about Jesus Christ. He asked me if I had a prayer request and I said that I did. I asked him to pray for you because you are sick.”

His aunt began to cry. His mom and dad happened to be in the room visiting his aunt that day. His aunt said, “Your mom and dad are right here.”

The minute she said that their son started crying. He had not seen his parents in three years. His parents also started crying. It was nearly ten minutes before I could even pray for her. I finally had a chance to pray for her. God said, “Whatever you do, do not try to pray a book.” God knows me too well. Sometimes I like to pray and say a lot. When I got done praying for her healing, I said, “I need to ask you a question. Do you believe that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ? The Bible says we are healed by his stripes.”

The aunt said, “I believe that.”

I then asked, “Is there any unforgiveness in your family that you have not forgiven? Is there a family member that you have not forgiven. The Bible talks about if we do not forgive he will not forgive us. Remember it is not what I say.”

The aunt replied, “I have been mad at my brother for seven years and I have not talked to him since. He talked smack about me and my family. I do not talk to him and I have not forgiven him.”

I said, “Today is the day of salvation. You need to call your brother and tell him that you want to forgive him. If you are going to see my King you need to be clean.”

She then asked me if I was a full-time minister. I said, “Only when I’m awake. The rest of the time I need my rest.”

You should have seen that room. Everybody begin laughing. I was on speaker so I could hear everything going on in the room. They laughed for a while then things began to get serious. The aunt said, “I am going to call my brother today. Could you pray for my husband. He is angry at God for putting me in the hospital.”

I said, “It is not God who put you in the hospital. You should have never taken the vaccine. That second shot is what put you in the hospital.”

God showed me that she had all kinds of blood clots in he body. They had a suit on her that was trying to stimulate her body to break up the blood clots within her. That suit physically shakes her in the bed trying to dislodge all the clots.

She then wanted to rededicate her life to Jesus Christ. Remember we are still on speaker phone. While all this was going on, the gangs on both sides were listening in on the conversation. The speaker phone was loud enough so they could hear God’s message being told. Before he made the call to his aunt, all the gang members were spread out all over the place. When he made the call everybody kept converging closer to us to hear better. Soon everybody from both gangs completely surrounded us to listen in on the conversation. After we finished talking we hung up the phone. The bodyguard, who kept slamming me on the ground, apologize to me. He said, “I hurt you pretty bad man. Are you mad at me?”

I said, “No, I have forgiven you as my King has forgiven me.”

He again said, “I hurt you pretty bad but yet you want to forgive me. I’m sorry that I did that. I am not going to hit you anymore. Please forgive me. I am just sorry that I ever did that.”

I said, “I have forgiven you. It is okay.”

He then asked, “Is it really that easy to forgive someone.”

I said, “When Jesus Christ is in your heart, it is very easy to forgive someone.”

He then confided in me and said, “I need to forgive my parents. When I was 12 years old my parents gave me to my grandpa and grandma. They just couldn’t handle me anymore. One day they just packed up my bags, took me to my grandparents and dropped me off. I watched as they drove off. They never even looked back. I just stood there on the sidewalk crying as they left me there standing alone.”

I said, “It is pretty hard to forgive somebody who just abandoned you. I know what it feels like to be abandoned. We have to forgive. It is between them and God what they did. If you carry that anger, hurt and bitterness, you carry that for what. None of that stuff is ever going to heal you. Just give all that stuff to God. Let God do the healing. You just love them and forgive them because they are your parents. Also do it for God. The Bible says honor your parents. There is no stipulation about not doing it if they’re not very good parents.”

He said, “I get it man. I’m beginning to understand. I am going to call my dad right now.”

All the gang members were close enough to hear him speak on the phone. They were really curious about what he was going to say. I feel that many of them had similar circumstances and they were trying to figure things out. They were hoping that they might learn something from what this guy was about to do. His dad answered the phone. He said, “John, are you okay? How’s it going? I haven’t talked with you for a long time. Where are you?”

John said, “Dad there is a guy here who is telling me that Jesus loves me. He said that I need to forgive you or God is not going to forgive me. I forgive you both for leaving me at Grandma and Grandpa’s that day. You abandoned me but I still forgive you. If I don’t forgive you I will never see heaven.”

His dad started crying. His mom was also listening and she began crying. They asked, “Do you want to come home?”

John said, “Yes.”

His parents asked, “Just tell us where you’re at. We will come and get you.”

At this moment, both gangs started walking away and pulling out their phones. They all started calling their parents. I did not beat them up with the word of God but I did show them what he is capable of doing through prayer. When John forgave his dad and those men saw what he did they decided they wanted to do the same thing. Both gangs were getting ready to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. About this same time, a bunch of cars started showing up. It was hard to believe that an hour and a half ago they were all aiming pistols at me and John  grabbed hold of me throwing me on the ground. Now they’re calling their parents wanting to go home. The big thing that they were doing was forgiving. All the gang members told their parents that they did not want to leave until they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They all lined up with their parents standing next to them. Everyone was crying as they were waiting to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I then asked them  “Do you want your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If you do, raise your hands.” All the gang members raised their hands and even their parents raised their hands also. Even though many of the parents were already Christians, they raised their hands anyway just to support their sons. There was a lot of crying going on as the sons gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. The parents either rededicated their hearts or gave their hearts to Jesus Christ for the first time . There wasn’t a dry eye anywhere. Everybody was crying as the Holy Spirit began moving in their hearts.

The leaders came up to me and said, “Everybody who comes around here, we hurt them. I couldn’t even pull the trigger on you. I was ready to take you out, take everything you had and dump you in the river. I couldn’t even pull the trigger on my pistol so I just put it away. My hand cramped up severely when I tried to grab hold of my pistol. God is real because he saved your life today.”

I said, “He also saved your life today because I am already saved.”

Both leaders said, “We just cannot wait to see our parents.”

I found out later that John left his grandparents because they were leaving church and were killed in an automobile accident on the way home. He loved his grandparents because they did a good job of bringing him up. But after that he was on his own. He became angry at God for letting that happen. I said, “God did not cause the wreck but it was their time to go. I cannot explain why God allows those things to happen. But he has a purpose for everything that does happen. It is like today. My life is not in your hands; but it is in God’s hands. If you would have shot me today and killed me that would have been God’s will to bring me home into his Kingdom. That means I have accomplished everything that he has sent me to do. Your grandparents in the same way accomplished everything that they were supposed to do and God brought them home.”

John said, “Sonny, I get it; I get it. What is interesting is the leader told me to stab you. But I couldn’t do it. I said I am not going to stab a man that brings me Bibles and food. If you want to stab him, stab him yourself.”

Saying that to the leader takes courage. Even disrespecting a leader like that can get you into a lot of trouble but he was being bold.

One of the leaders parents had to drive a fairly great distance to get here. No one left until his parents arrived. Those gangs both had bonds with their members in order to hang with each other like that. Some of them said to each other that if your parents don’t show up come stay with us. We will adopt you. When John’s parents came, they immediately apologized again to him for dropping him off at their grandparents home. One leader introduced me to all the families. He said, “This is Sonny. He loves Jesus Christ. He brought us breakfast this morning. He reminded us of a song that Jesus loves me. He said he told me that he’s already been worshiping God because he sang that song before he got to us.”

After we talked about Jesus Christ and the awesome things that he does, everybody started going home. The three homeless guys all of a sudden showed up. They said, “That was the most beautiful thing we have ever seen. We saw the whole thing from a distance. God is so faithful isn’t he.”

I said, “Yes like I said, what you see now is temporary. But spending life with Jesus Christ and his father Yahweh is for eternity. That is going to be fun. The grapes there are as big as Volkswagens.”

One homeless guy said, “Are you serious? We are going to have a big face when we get there to eat that.”

I said, “I will greet you when you get here.”

Another asked, “Is it true that we get new bodies when we get there.?”

I said, “Yes I am short now but when I get to heaven I’m going to become a tall man. I know that the angels in heaven are all tall. They have huge hands and the shield and the swords they carry are huge. But I’m not sure if we’ll be as tall as they are.”

The homeless guys and I parted ways. These are the only two gangs in New Jersey that my King wants me to see. The undercover police took me back to my room so I could get ready to fly to Chicago tomorrow. My King has a large gang there for me to witness to. These guys are part of the MS-13 gangs and they are pretty mean. I am praying that my King will watch over me as I witness to them.

New York Gang Falls to Jesus Christ

It was Tuesday and I finally got permission to fly into New York. This covid thing is definitely causing a lot of problems when it comes to traveling. When my King needs for me to go, He makes it happen. I climbed aboard their private jet and flew directly to New York. They circled the jet over the area where I was going to be witnessing; so I could view the layout. I said, “I’ve been here before.”

My informer said, “A lot of things have changed since you were here last time. This gang that we are showing you has 42 members and they all drive nice cars. They have a good business with the drug cartels. We can never get them at the right time to arrest them.” I continued watching the airial monitor as they were speaking. He then asked, “What do you need for tomorrow?” I already had the Bibles and crosses in my possession for these guys.

I said, “I’m going to feed them breakfast. I need donuts, milk and orange juice. I will need wagons to take all this food in.”

The informer asked, “You mean like the Costco wagons.”

I said, “Yes, they need to be big.”

He replied, “We have two of them for you. Just remember we can only get within seven blocks from the area the gang controls.” They drove me to that point and dropped me off with my supplies.

They said, “Sonny, we just cannot get any closer than this.” I looked to see what was in front of me. It looked like a war zone from here to where they live. I swear that it looked like I was going to walk through a Hollywood movie set. The undercover police warned me that anytime a car drives through here, they just start shooting at it. The gang does not trust anybody.

I said, “Okay, I will go on foot from here.” I started my journey walking down the middle of the street. I never walk on the sidewalk. There is a lot of curbs on city sidewalks and it is tough getting the wagon wheels rolling over all the bumps. I am also more visible to the gangs on the street. It is dangerous to sneak up on a gang. It is not like traffic is a problem. While I was walking, I began praying as I observed my surroundings. The houses had broken windows and were all shot up and everything was tore up. There were burnt cars along the street and lots of damage.

Suddenly a homeless guy showed up on the street in front of me. He warned me that I should not go any further because the gang ahead of me is mean. They just shoot at people for the heck of it. While he was talking to me, he noticed the food I had in the wagons.

He excitedly asked, “You got donuts?” I said, “Here.” I opened up one of the boxes and gave him a couple of doughnuts. I picked up a glass and poured him orange juice which he had requested.

My King revealed to me that this man has been living for himself. I said, “Let me pray for you. What you see here today is temporary. If you give your heart to Jesus Christ, he will save you. Jesus Christ is eternal. When you die, you will be in God’s Kingdom. Your name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” The homeless guy began crying.

I then said, “You stopped for a donut. Jesus Christ will give you the real food.”

He began thinking more about what I said in turning his life to Jesus Christ. He then said, “What do I have? I have nothing to lose.”

I said, “Yes, you have everything to lose. You have your soul.”

The homeless guy paused a minute to process what I just said. He then said, “Yes, I am going to give my heart to Jesus Christ now. Everything that I am is here and I have nothing to take with me.”

I began praying over him and I gave him a Bible. The homeless guy then said, “I will be praying for you as you go in. Thank you very much for giving me breakfast.”

I gave him one of my Ministry cards and I continued walking. When I got real close to where the gang was at, two guys came up and suspiciously asked, “Are you lost?”

I said, “No I’m not. I have been found.”

With a puzzled look they said, “You have been found! What does that mean.”

I said, “I have been found by Jesus Christ.”

They then replied, “Oh, you are a preacher then? You came to the wrong place. We want nothing to do with God here.”

I said, “Are you sure? If you listen to a couple of verses you will get free breakfast. But if you don’t want to hear what I have to say, I will take the donuts and I will go feed the homeless.”

He then said, “Oh no, wait right here.” He ran back into the building and soon all of them were coming out. There was a total of 42 guys who came out. One guy started poking me in the side with his pistol. Another guy had a pistol behind my head. He then said, “If this a booby trap, I am going to shoot you.”

I said, “No man. I came here to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you. I also came here to give you some food. I have donuts, milk and orange juice for you guys to eat. I did not come here to hurt you but bring salvation to you. My King has a purpose for you guys. What you are doing now is not it.”

The leader said, “You talk pretty bold man. You are going to get shot here.”

His bodyguard came from nowhere and grabbed a hold me and threw me on the ground. The bodyguard said, “How come your God is not protecting you now?”

I said, “He is; you see that I’m still alive.”

He then challenged me again by saying, “Once you get up, I will body slam you again.” I got up and as expected he threw me down on the ground again.

The Holy Spirit must have distracted him because he then asked, “You really did bring us donuts? Don’t you know where you are? Don’t you know what happens to people like you who come here?”

I replied, “This is all temporary and the pain is also temporary. My heart and my life belong to Jesus Christ and that is eternal. If you kill me here, I will win because I am going to see my King.” I paused for a moment to let them think about what I said. I continued, “Before you guys shoot me, let me pray for you.”

Then the leader asked, “Then you will walk away?”

I replied, “Yes, I will.”

Before I had the chance to start praying one kid came up to me and hit me in the side with a pool stick. I swear that I felt one of my ribs crack. My King must have been there to weaken the blow because the stick exploded into two pieces. The one-piece flew off and hit one of the other guys right in the groin. You should have seen him go to the ground in pain.

My assalent then threw the broken stick down and said, “Dang, you broke my pool stick.”

I responded, “You hit me with that pool stick and I was protected by my King. That is the reason it broke.”

That shook them up a bit so I could begin praying for all of them. While I prayed, they all began to dig into the donuts. I did have cups for them to pour the drinks into but they threw the cups on the ground and passed the bottles around, drinking directly from them. My King told me things about each gang member as I prayed for them. I had a specific prayer for each of the 42 men that were there. As I finished up praying, I prayed for the leader last. When I approached him, he asked, “Do you have any last words to us?”

I said, “My words to you are Jesus loves you and He has a purpose for you. It is to serve Him and not the enemy. The devil is the enemy and what you’re doing is destroying your hearts and destroying your families. When was the last time you called home?”

The leader replied, “It has been eight years.”

I then said, “I bet they miss you. I have one other thing. Do you have any prayer requests for you or your family?”

The leader told me, “When I walked away from home, my dad was an alcoholic and he probably still is. Could you pray for him?”

I said, “Why don’t you call him? I will pray for him over the phone.”

The leader looked around to see how his men were looking at him before he called. He then said, “Okay I’ll call him.” He dialed his number and his dad answered the phone. His Dad asked, “Are you okay?” His son was not sure what to say to his dad so he turned the conversation to me.

His son said, “Dad, there is a guy here who is telling me about Jesus Christ. He wants to pray for you. I am going to give the phone to him.”

His dad quickly said, “Has he been telling you about Jesus Christ?”

The son said, “Yes Dad.” and handed me the phone.

I said, “My name Sonny. Your son wants me to pray for your addiction to alcohol. God is capable of taking any addictions that you may have from you.”

His dad responded, “I have been sober for two years. I still fight the temptation to go back and continue drinking every day. I have given my life to Jesus Christ.”

I said, “Let us pray that God removes those thoughts completely from your head.”

As I started praying for him, I could also hear his wife crying in the background. She asked, “Who is praying for you?”

Her husband replied, “His name is Sonny. He has been telling our son about Jesus Christ.” She started crying harder.

The gang leader felt uncomfortable with his mom crying and said, “I need to walk away right now. I need to do some thinking.” He grabbed his phone and a couple of doughnuts and then left.

I kept ministering to the whole gang while he was gone. I spent all day with them sharing the word. They all had prayer requests that I prayed for and many of them were family related. They soon began calling aunts, uncles and whoever was a part of their lives. I noticed the homeless guy I witnessed to earlier was sitting over by some trees. He was watching everything while I was praying over these men. I went back to ministering to these broken young men.

The sun was about ready to set and I said, “It is almost time for me to go.”

The gang said, “You are the only one we’ve ever let get this close to us. You showed us love instead of hate. You did not beat us with the word of God but you feed us and just told us about the love of Jesus Christ. You read scriptures to us and nobody has ever spent the time to do that. Everyone is always afraid of us.”

I said, “I am afraid of you guys too but I also know that you guys are broken. This is the ministry that my King has given me to come to the lost and the broken hearted. You guys are like lions. Lions can devour people. But you guys have hearts that need to be saved.” I could see the hearts changing in these young men.

The leader finally came back and said, “My dad is different. He hasn’t  been drinking in two years. That is a very big thing that he has done. I have asked him to take me home.”

All of a the sudden, his men stopped what they were doing. One guy asked, “Does that mean we’re not a gang anymore?”

The gang leader then looked directly at his men and said, “You guys determine where you want to spend eternity.” I can tell the way he was talking that his dad must have been talking scriptures with him and talking about eternity because the leader has also changed. Even his men could see the change in him.

The guy who threw me on the ground apologized to me  saying “I am sorry that I made you bleed. I wanted to shoot you so bad when you walked in here because we just didn’t trust anybody. If you want to pray for us again, go ahead.”

It was time for them to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I said, “All of you who want your names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, come forward.” As I finish this sentence, all kinds of cars started showing up. I will be asking them this same question later. The cars were all the parents of the young men. While I was ministering to everybody, they were calling their parents wanting to come home. Usually the gangs don’t start calling their parents until they’ve given their hearts to Jesus Christ. These guys just could not wait. When the parents got out of their cars, they began running towards their sons. I stopped everything I was doing and waited. When everybody arrived, I had the parents and their sons come together. I found out 60% of the parents were Christians. It was time for the rest to come to Jesus Christ. I called everybody to come forward again to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. The parents who were not Christians also came forward with their sons and gave their lives to Jesus Christ with them.

Many of the parents shared with me that they have been praying for this day for a long time. And it has finally come to pass. We got to celebrate. Soon a bunch of Pizza Hut cars started showing up. When the delivery boys got out of the cars to hand the pizzas off, you could tell they were terrified coming into this area. Soon everybody was enjoying the pizzas.

The gang leader got up on the balcony of one of the buildings and said, “Just because we have given our hearts to Jesus Christ does not mean that we cannot be friends. My dad said he is willing to have small groups for discipleship. Any of you guys who want to be part of that come with us. We can share our contact information so we can have Bible studies together.”

Could you imagine that in the morning they were aiming pistols at me and body-slamming me on the ground. Now that it’s evening, they were wanting to have Bible studies. It is sometimes tough to get beaten up like that but in the end, serving God and doing what He wants will become Victorious. I will never enjoy being body slammed but the rewards of seeing someone coming to Jesus Christ outweighs the pain. When they all went home, they might have grabbed an item or two but everything else was left in the buildings. They all wanted to put this life behind them. It is also interesting how they controlled such a large block of buildings. They were so dangerous that no owner could even collect rent on those buildings or occupy them themselves. The gangs will physically walk in, put a gun to your head and ask you to leave. No one has the courage to tell them to leave so you are without your property.

But it is the beginning of a new day. The law enforcement told the owners that the gang cleared out and they could go back into their property and claim it. I also found out there were five undercover police watching me the whole time just in case I got shot but I never knew who they were. We actually drove ourselves out of that area.

The homeless guy showed up and stopped us saying, “That was a miracle that just happened. You made a believer out of me that miracles can happen.”

The undercover police, who kept their identities, asked if he wanted a job for cleaning up some apartments.

He replied, “No. I have already gotten a job. While I was watching Sonny at work, the owner of those buildings was also watching what was going on. He hired me to help him clean up his buildings. He noticed that the guys were leaving the area and needed help to clean things up. That homeless guy watched me all day and God gave him a miracle.

This is the only gang that my King wanted me to see in New York. He is now sending me to New Jersey.

Blood Drive

It is Thursday night and I’m heading down to do the men’s Highway Patrol Bible study. As I arrived at the gate, I heard shouting going on. I could see three men, standing by a white van, shouting obscenities at the other four men. I recognized the four men. They were all highway Patrolmen out of uniform. The other men did not realize they were to be surrounded by patrolmen. I parked my pickup near the gate and asked my King what I should do. He answered, “Sonny, just walk between them to break it up.”

I said, “What should I say?”

My King said, “Do not worry about it. I will give you the words to say. Hurry, it is starting to get ugly!” I immediately grabbed my Bible and proceeded to get out of my pickup. My King then said, “Leave your Bible in the pickup. It will mess up what I am planning to do.” I laid the Bible back on the seat and proceeded to walk between the men. The three men felt that the other four cut them off as they were turning into the parking lot. They were going to make sure they knew it. My stepping in did not help matters. They then yelled, “What the F do you think you are doing.”

I looked at the three men and answered, “Are you here for the blood drive?” This definitely caught everyone off guard. The three men said, “Blood drive?” I then said, “Yeah, do you know your blood type.” I paused for a second then said, “Even if you don’t, we can probably figure out what your blood type is. We have figured out a new way to draw blood. We poke the needle through the nipple. I am new at this. You can you be my first patients to try out this new method of drawing blood.” Two things were going on as I spread the bull crap. The Highway Patrolmen were trying not to laugh as I was spreading it thick. The three men were thinking that I was a witch doctor and wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. They got back inside their van and squealed the tires trying to get away. The Denver police were called before I got there and arrived as they were leaving. They asked us what was going on as the van was speeding off. Everyone here knows each other but the public is not allowed to know who we are. So the police had to be called in to protect everyones identity. A patrolman had taken a picture of the license plate. The police did not give chase but wanted to make sure the van was not involved with illegal activities. After the Highway Patrolmen shared with the cops what happened, everyone including myself was cracking up laughing. They asked, “Sonny, where did you dig up such a crock and bull story?”

I said, “When they confronted me, the words just came out.” We all finally stopped laughing and headed inside to start the Bible study. I finished the night out and went home to bed.

I went to work Friday morning. The Highway Patrolmen did not let what happened last night go. They found out where the white van owner lived. One of the cops got access to a blood drive van. That same morning they went and parked that van right in front of the white van owner’s home. When the white van owner came out of the house, he wanted to know what was going on. The cop said, “We are doing a blood drive today. Do you want to donate today? It is painless because we draw blood from the nipple.” The white van owner was pale with fear. He said, “No way!” and made a fast getaway. The poor guy may never give blood again. The cop definitely had fun with this guy and left the scene. This also gave me a good laugh at work.

After work ended, I left for Denver to do the undercover police Bible study. I made good time and everything was going smoothly getting there. I walked up to the podium to speak. Twelve guys started coming forward immediately. I assumed they wanted prayer. As they lined up in front of the podium, they all took their shirts off. I exclaimed, “What are you guys doing?” They said, “We are getting ready for the nipple blood drive.” I put my hands over my face and said, “Oh no, does everyone know about this? Again the whole room was roaring with laughter. Finally, we all settled down to finish the Bible study. It was getting towards the end so I finished by praying over everyone. Rachael, who heads the prostitute division, came forward with twelve of her girls. These girls could all be models. They were dressed with those short skirts for tonights business. I could see their husbands in the crowd place their hands over their faces with what their wives were about to do. No, get your mind out of the gutter. These ladies are representing Jesus Christ and will not take their tops off. They did undo one button and sexily said, “We are here for the nipple blood drive.”

I responded, “Who does not know what happened last night?” One of the men chimed in, “Sonny, you know we are all family. We do not keep secrets from one another.” Again, everyone started laughing again. I firmly believe that our King orchestrated this whole thing to get everyone to laugh. They live a very dangerous life. I am thoroughly thankful for what they do for us. My King now wants me to witness to people on the streets.

As I was talking to people about Jesus, I noticed some of Rachel’s girls being harassed by two pimps. They were putting a lot of pressure on the girls to get them to work for them. I was not sure if I needed to get involved. Before I could even pray about it, Rachel came from nowhere. She walked right up to them. One of the pimps looked her over and said, “Woah baby. With that fine body, you need to come work for me.” Rachel did not say a word. She made a fist and hit him in the temple. He fell backwards on his car then falling to the ground. The second pimp came after her. Even with those extremely high heels she had on, she kicked him in the head and he went down. The other pimp came to and tried to retaliate but she kicked him also. He also went down for the count. Rachel then grabbed the two girls and walked towards me. She sexily said, “I am too busy right now for giving blood. You might want to leave the scene before these guys come to.” Rachel and her girls know the martial arts extremely well. They continue to practice so they can protect themselves. My King never ceases to amaze me on all the creative ways he reaches people.

Hostage Situation

Friday turned out to be a very interesting day. After I get off work, I usually head down and have a meeting with the captains of the undercover police before I go to the undercover Bible study. Tonight, they gave me a different address where they were meeting at. I drove there and noticed all the flashing emergency lights. I parked on an adjoining street and walked over to where they told me they were going to be meeting. The captain said, “Sonny, we have a hostage situation going on. One of my men has been taken hostage.” I looked over and I could see that the guy that they were holding at gunpoint was one of my friends. He was dressed as a homeless man and his kidnappers did not know who he was. I instantly began to visualize his wife and his kids. Saving this man became very important to me also. The captain further explained that he was involved in bringing down a drug bust. He broke the rules by getting to close to the door. As the drug dealers were trying to escape from us carrying the drugs and the cash, they grabbed him at gun point. The manager of the building saw what was happening and locked the door behind them so they could not get back inside. The captain then said, “Sonny we’re busy right now and don’t have time to talk very much right now.” I think that they wanted me here to pray for the situation. I said, “I am going to go on a walk and pray.” They all looked back towards the hostage and ignored me.

As I was praying, my King said, “Sonny, I want you to go and pray over those men.” My King began directing me on how to circle around the building. Meanwhile, the SWAT boys were watching me. They knew who I was because we meet on Monday night for a Bible study. As they were talking to each other, they said, “Does Sonny know what kind situation he’s getting himself into? Do you think we need to take the guys out right now.” Even though it was tempting to do so, they didn’t receive any orders so they held their position and continued to watch. As I got closer to the hostage situation, they didn’t notice me coming. I was holding my Bible in my hand as I was walked right up to them. I noticed that the hostage has been crying throughout this ordeal. I just played dumb and asked, “What’s happening here?” Two of the three guys spun around with their pistols now pointing at me and said, ” You sure picked a bad day to take a walk. You don’t know what kind of situation you got yourself into. Now we are going to have to shoot you and this guy. ” Even though it is still uncomfortable to have pistols pointing at me, I knew I was where my King wanted me to be. But if you looked across the street, I could see the main captain holding his hand over his face. I know what he was thinking, “Look at the mess that Sonny just made of this situation. Now there are two hostages instead of one.” I later found out that one of the other captains consoled the main captain by saying, “Sonny, does not do anything until his King tells him to do it. You just watch what happens. This is going to be interesting. ”

I looked back at my captors and said, “Before you shoot us, let me pray for you.” This really caught them off guard so they let me pray over them. The Holy Spirit revealed to me the things about there lives that brought them here. One man was abused by his dad and was abandoned at age 7. His grandparents brought him up but when he became of age he left home to take on this life. I told him that he needed to forgive his Dad to be set free. The second man with the pistols came from a broken family. The third man was more passive. He was here because of the gangster intrigue. At the end of praying, I said, “You all have wonderful families now. Do you want them to know what you are doing? Do you want your kids and grandchildren to remember you like this. Tomorrow is never promised. You may cease to exist for them. Presently, your course is taking you to the Lake of Fire. It would be wise to give your hearts to Jesus Christ.” One of the men threw is gun on the street. The other man asked, “What are you doing?”

The other man replied, “This is over for me. I have had enough.” The other guy began thinking about what he said and decided to throw his gun out on the street also. They all surrendered. The hostage gave me a big hug for saving his life but he felt I was taking dangerous risks. I said, “I saw your kids without out a dad. When my King said to go, I did not hesitate one bit” The captain also came over and asked, “What were you thinking Sonny?” I said, “I did not have to think. My King directed me on every step. He knew my mission would be successful. ” It was extremely difficult for anyone to believe in what just happened. What I did was impossible for any man to do on his own accord but I had our King on my side. You cannot lose on a deal like that. I was going to ask the captain if I could pray with them some more but my King said, “They will have someone in prison that will witness to them. They will remember what you said today.” I let it go. The captain then said, “You know that there will be reports to fill out.”

I said, “I have a Bible study to go to. You never saw me.” I immediately left the scene and headed to our meeting place. When I got there, I discovered that the rest of the undercover police were monitoring the event and knew that I was involved. They too thought I was crazy for doing what I did. I keep telling them, “It wasn’t me who did it. It was God. He gets the Glory & the Victory. This is something to think about.  If the undercover policeman stayed further away like he was supposed to, there was a good chance they would have been taken out by SWAT. Now God can use his mistake to reach them in prison. Jesus never wastes an opportunity to reach us. This is my first hostage situation and it definitely had the adrenaline pumping. I am excited to see how these men will be used in God’s Kingdom.

Human Trafficking Busted for Jesus

It is Thursday night and I was getting ready to go to the highway Patrolmen Bible study. My King said, “Sonny, take your best suit and your good shoes with you. Again I did not see the picture my King saw. I should have been excited that my King was going to do something tonight with that was important. Instead, I said to myself, “I don’t wear a suit while doing the Bible studies and ministries on the street. Other than being uncomfortable, people might think it strange seeing me wearing a suit.” I did not question my King’s request anymore. I proceeded put my suit and my good shoes in my pickup and headed off to Denver.

When I started the highway patrol in Bible study, I said, “My King requested me to bring my suit down here tonight. It is in my pickup right now and have not been given reason for bringing it here.” As I kept talking to them, Fourteen undercover cops came into the room. They said, “Sonny, we I need to talk to you privately.”

I said, ” You know these guys in this room. Whatever you can say to me can be said in front of them.”

They then said, “The head guy of the highway patrol recommended you to us. We need a volunteer to play a part in a sting. Your job would be in to deliver a suitcase of cash to the organization that is trying to sell 52 kids. The bust is going down in two hours.” The reason why none of that undercover police wanted to do this was the fact that either they will have to quit their job or they will have to move to another state.  This type of undercover work makes it so you never will be involved in field work again.  You have a good chance of being recognized in future projects.  Earlier in the day, the Holy Spirit revealed to the head man of the highway patrol to ask me to do this job. He knows me really well and has seen me face drug cartels. My King hates the abortion that’s going on in America and human trafficking is next on his list for things he hates. My King gave me permission to do it.

I said, “I will do it.” The highways patrolmen were encouraging me to go for it. I had Steve take over the Bible study for me.

They then said, “This is great but we only have an hour to get you a suit that fits.”

I said, “Don’t worry about that. My King had me put my suit in the pickup.” They all looked at me dumbfounded when I told them I already had my suit with me. One of these days they will not be surprised when my King prepares for an upcoming event that I do not even know about myself. He has been revealing himself to these guys many times through me. They had people there that can make you look like anyone. I needed to look the part. After they finish with me, I looked like one tough dude. They put me in a nice Cadillac and they gave me four men as my body guards. They were all built like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. They would be the ones that would be handling the money. We drove the Cadillac to where the bust was to go down on Colfax Avenue. When we stopped, my King had me put my sunglasses on. He was certain that I would become emotional when I saw the kids in the condition that they had them in. With the sunglasses on, I got out of the car with my body guards. I noticed that guns were not drawn on either side. The leader said, “What’s up with the sunglasses?”

I sternly said, “It is none of your business.”

The leader said, “I like to see the eyes of those who I do business with.”

I sternly replied, “My eyes want to see the merchandise before I do business with someone.” My bodyguards held the cash until I signaled for it. The leader waved me towards the kids. There were boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 18. Most were kidnapped from the streets but some were homeless. Most of them looked older than then there actual age. Traffickers look for good looking children. They bring a lot more money. They were semi drugged to keep them compliant. I tried to focus on my anger with the traffickers for what they did to these children. Compassion for these children would be a dead give away to them. I was fairly far away from the leader and whispered to the kids to drop when signaled. Somebody undercover in the organization had the kids prepared for this moment. I later found out that all their parents were notified earlier to come get their kids after the bust. I continue to inspect all the kids like I was trying to buy livestock. After I inspected the last kid, I began walking back to the leader. I began to feel like I was being watched and I was about to look up. My King said, “Keep your eyes down.” When I got near the leader, I signaled my body guards to bring the suit case. I then said, “I will take them”. The bodyguards handed over the closed suitcase to the leader. The leader put the suitcase down on the car and opened the suitcase. The minute he did that, 18 undercover cops drop from the ceiling carrying automatic weapons that I have never seen before. We were all told to freeze. No one fired a single shot. My King had everything running smoothly.

All of us were arrested for taking part in this bust. They threw me on the ground and got my suit dirty. They proceeded to put me in handcuffs. They did the same thing to my bodyguards. We had to make sure that no suspicions were aroused. We were put in different vehicles then the other organization. We bumped fists as they locked us up. One of my bodyguards said, “You were just like Al Capone. It is like you have done this before.”

I said, “My King gave me the words to speak. He gets the Glory and Victory.” The bust took place in the building owned by the traffickers. The owner is going to lose everything for what he has done. After the traffickers were hauled off, they released us. They had a greyhound bus come for them. I rode with them to talk with them. I walking back and forth praying with all of them. They were talking about how they felt as they were being rescued. I shared with them who I was and I shared with them that Jesus Christ loved them very much and wanted to get them out of this situation. As I continued praying for them, my King said, “Sonny, make arrangements to baptize them.”

We went to a safe place where the parents were already waiting for them. I immediately told the undercover police that I need a swimming pool to baptize the kids. They immediately located pool for me to use. The children all found there parents and began hugging them. I prayed with the parents also. Both the parents and the kids gave there hearts to Jesus Christ here. I said, “Now we need to get everyone baptized.” My prayer team helped to comfort them and helped me baptize all of them it took about an hour and half. I spent the rest of the night answering questions, praying and comforting people. There was a lot of joyfull crying going on. It was so cool seeing the parents reunite with their kids. I did not get any sleep that night. I left for work and arrived 40 minutes before I was supposed to start. I am running on King energy. This is an experience that I will always remember. I am honored that my King included me in this event. On the outcome of what happened, he gets the Glory and the Victory. I too will never be able to do this again because of my chance of being recognized.

Chicago Gangs Meet Jesus

The Chicago undercover cops called me earlier and asked if I’d be willing to go Chicago and talk to four gangs. One of the gangs belonged to the MS13. These gangs are very violent and they’re always constantly shooting everything around them. It is impossible for anyone else to go in. They know the power of my King from a previous encounter of a MS13 gang. No gang, no matter how strong they are can stand against my King and his Kingdom. They are starting to realize this when they asked for my help. My King gave me thumbs up to go to Chicago. I made arrangements for the undercover police to pick me up in Denver. The jet came for me Saturday morning at the Denver International Airport. Before we took off, God wanted me to pray for the pilots. Both pilots were Christians. One of the pilots rededicated his heart to Jesus Christ. I also prayed with the women that took care of all of us during the flight. While we were in the air, my King started showing me how this gang was going to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. God wanted me to pray for them first and then read John 3:16 to them. As we flew over Chicago, my King said, “My Kingdom has gone before you and with you.” That means he has already cleared a path for me to do his will. This is as awesome as parting the Red Sea.

The pilots yelled, “Hey, Sonny we will be flying over the the houses where the gang members live.” The cameras mounted on the bottom of the jet transmitted images to the big screen TV in the living room. The homes the gangs took over were beautiful mansions at one time. I could see that there must have been a big party. There were passed out people all over the grounds around the homes the pictures. The Holy Spirit showed me a girl siting on the ground in the alley between all the houses. My King said, “She is praying to me right now. She is praying; if you are real can you get me out of here. Sonny, go get a bus and get all the girls.” After we landed, I thanked everyone on the plane and prayed with them again. The undercover police picked me up and they gave me high fives. Then they prayed for me and asked, “Sonny, what do you need?”

I said, “I need a bus. My King wants to take a bus and rescue the girls in that area as soon as possible.”

They replied, “Sonny, it is to dangerous for you to drive through that neighborhood. You will never make it!”

I exclaimed, “Whenever my King gives me a go as he did today, he will send the magnificent seven again that went before me when I witnessed to the MS13 gang the last time. They will clear a path before me again.” They finally gave in because they have seen the power of my King in action before. They dropped me off where a school bus was. They showed me how the bus works before I started my journey. It was weird driving through that neighborhood. The gangs must have quickly taken over the neighborhood. There are skeletons of late model and expensive cars that the gangs torched sitting all along the street. It looked like the residents had to leave very quickly without having a chance to take anything along with them. There also is a lots of visible damage from all the shooting going on. I drove past a large gang carrying automatic weapons. Their heads turned as they watched me drive past their location. Not a single weapon was raised as I passed. They were probably bewildered, wondering what a bus was doing here.

When I was two blocks from the houses, I walked to the alley where the girl was sitting down on the ground in the same spot I observed in the jet. I walked up to her said, “Hi!” She turned around and looked at me. She then said, “Who are you?”

I said, “My name is Sonny.” She responded, “My name is Kara.”

She asked, “What are you doing here?”

I responded, “My King sent me here to rescue you. I’m sorry you are crying.”

Kara said, “It’s ok. I have been praying for a miracle because I wanted to runaway from here. I was praying that God would send someone to help us girls.” Earlier in the day before the party began, she told all the girls to remain sober so that when the men became drunk and abusive that it would be easier to push them off. It looks like somebody already had pushed her. She had leaves all over her hair like somebody threw her into a bush.

I said, “My King showed me when you began praying. He brought me here to rescue all of you girls.” I then said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.”

Kara excitedly said, “I’ll go and tell all the girls that we are leaving this place.”

I began praying for her that God would help her and give her the words to speak to all of the girls. My King then told me, “Go and stand by the south east gate near the trees and wait for the girls. As I continued praying for the girls, the south east gate opened and all the girls started walking towards me. I had no idea how many would be coming. As the girls went through the Gate, I counted 78 girls. Kara then closed the gate. As they came near me, I said, “Do not look back. That life is over.” We began walking back to the bus that I hid in a grove of trees. The girls started to cry. Some of them were holding my hands and putting their hands on my back when we got to the bus. Now, all the girls were crying very hard as they sat down on the seats in the bus. When everyone was onboard and the bus started moving, they started to laugh when they realized that it is actually happening. They were excited to go back to their families. They started calling their parents on their phones. You could hear the parents crying and their excitement on the other end of the calls to get their daughters back. I drove past the same gang with automatic weapons.  Their heads turned as I drove past. Again, no weapons were raised against us as I watched in my side mirrors. I bet that my King is working on their hearts right now and he may want me to come back and witness to these guys in the future. As of this writing, he has confirmed that I will be seeing them again.

The undercover police gave me directions to a safe place where all their parents could come and get them. When we arrived, all the girls ran out to greet their parents. Again, they began crying when hugging  their parents. I asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life, come and stand by me. All the girls and their parents came forward and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory and has more plans for me tonight. The undercover cops checked the bus to count the bullet holes. They said, “No way! No one has been able to drive in that area without getting shot up.” They still have a difficult time understanding how powerful my King is. Some of the girls shared that they have been praying for a miracle to get out of here. Others shared that they had my ministry card and almost called me several times. I asked them, “How did you come into possession of my cards in the first place?”

They replied, “We had some girls that came from a MS-13 gang that you witnessed to earlier and brought Jesus Christ to them. They came to share Jesus Christ with us. They handed me your card and told me that you were from Colorado but that didn’t matter. Just call the number on this card if you need help.” Isn’t it cool how the Holy Spirit uses people you share Jesus Christ with to do the same thing. Those obedient girls helped prepare the girls to be ready for just what happened now.

Saturday night, after all the Girls had gone home with their parents, God said, “Sonny, I want you to get up at 1 a.m.  Go anoint the front of the gangs homes and their sidewalks. Finish up by anointing the streets all the way back to the undercover police car that is waiting for you.” I called the undercover police and told them what my King’s plans were.  They made arrangements to pick me up at that time. The undercover police dropped me off two blocks away. As I started walking, it felt like I was walking in the Valley of Death. It was silent while I was praying but as soon as I stopped, the shooting started up again around the surrounding areas. All of the homes had security fences and gates that surrounded the homes. Kara knew the code to all the gates so that I could walk inside and anoint the homes. All the gates used the same code. I did as my King asked without any interruptions then went back to my room. Early Sunday morning, my King said, “Sonny, at 7 a.m. anoint all the Bible’s and the Crosses. Put the Bible’s and Crosses on the trays and set them up on tables in front of all the homes you anointed earlier.” Then my King said, “Walk away and go pray for the day.” My King had me come back at 10 a.m. All the tables and trays were exactly as I left them. Nothing was taken or touched. I stood in front of all the homes. All the guys started walking out and began yelling, “You made a big mistake standing in front of us.” As I looked them over, my King started showing me their broken hearts. I could see their lips moving but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. They kept looking at all the trays with the Bible’s and the Crosses on them but never went by them. All of them had their pistols aimed at me. All four gang leaders walked up to me and said, “Who are you?”

I said, “My name is Sonny. I was sent to you guys by my King.”

They asked, “Who’s your King?”

I said, “His name is Jesus Christ.” Then two of the leaders recognized me. One said, “Your the one that tells gang members about Jesus Christ. I stabbed you two years ago.”

I said, “Yes it’s me and I have forgiven you like my King has forgiven me.”

One of the other leaders said, “You are not walking away from here. You are going to die here today.” This is a common phrase I hear all the time. I have learned that when an obstacle this serious occurs, always pray for it or someone. It is no different this time. I said, “Before you guys shoot me, let me read a verse that my King wants you to hear. Then I’ll pray with all of you and ask if there’s any of you that want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I will pray again with those guys and then you can shoot me.” I began by reading John 3:16 and I John 14:6 to them. I explained those verses to them. I could see some of them had tears in their eyes. Just before I was going to pray with them, my King said to also read Matthew 6:33 to them. I continued by praying for all of them. Then I asked, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come and stand by me. ” As I stood there with my Bible, my King said, “Sonny, raise the word of God to them and tell them that I love them and want them to go back to their families.”  After I did what my King asked,  the leaders came first and stood by me. They put their weapons away and said, “We want a new life and a new purpose.” Then the rest of the gang members came to me. They too, came forward to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I had a chance to pray for each one. When the first one started to cry, that’s when they all started crying and asked, “Can God really forgive us of all our sins like you said Sonny?”

I said, “Yes and he will forget all your sins. You just need to ask Jesus into your hears.” I then said, “The Crosses and the Bible’s are for all of you who accept Jesus Christ. Do not take anything if you don’t want Jesus Christ to be part of your life. ” All 72 men accepted Jesus Christ that morning. They all called their parents who immediately came for them. The ones that needed a ride entered the bus I brought to get to the safe place. I had a chance to meet all their parents and families. They too all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory. The guys thanked me for being bold and telling us about Jesus Christ. They said, “No one has ever come to tell us that Jesus Christ loves us. Thank you for being brave.”

I said, “Someone came to me and told me that Jesus Christ loves me too. It’s about obedience to our King.” The story is not over. Before I had a chance to even write anything down. One of the gang leaders went to his grandfather who is sick in the hospital. He took his Bible and went up to pray for his grandfather. His grandfather knew Jesus Christ but was surprised to see the Bible in his hand. The gang leader shared about what happened. He then started praying for his grandfather. A doctor, who is a Christian, was listening. He commented to the gang leader about what a powerful testimony that was to his grandfather.

Bean Bags Save Girls Life

I had a few moments to take a breather and I was thinking about some of the unusual things that God has done in my life. I remembered an event that occurred last summer around 6 pm. That evening I was tired and went to bed early to catch up on my sleep. I was almost asleep when my King said, “Sonny, I need you to get a pickup load of bean bags and take them to I-25 and 144th in Denver.” You can imagine the thoughts running through my head why my King may want with bean bags. Plus, he never gave me an idea where I might find some. I was clueless and began to wonder where I could get bean bags. My first thought was to see the undercover police down in Denver. I asked, “Do you know where I can get some bean bags?”

With a puzzled look on his face, he asked, “Who do you want to hit?”

I said, “I have no idea what I am going to do with them. All my King said is to fill the back of my pickup with bean bags and park under the bridge on 144th.”

He then said, “Yeah, we have all kinds of rooms full of them. We use them to throw at each other to release stress and just to have some fun. We have all sizes of them here. Back up to the double doors and we will load you up.” The filled my pickup box to the brim. I then drove to 144th on I-25. As I began to slow down in the far right lane, my King told to stop just past the overpass. As I came to a complete stop, my King said, “You went to far. Back up five feet and stop. Now, I want you to get out of the pickup and witness my power.” So I got out of my pickup but I was focusing on the bean bags. My King then said, “No Sonny, look up.” As I turned my head upward, suddenly this girl comes flying off the overpass. It appeared that she was thrown because I saw the set of hands supporting here body at the top of the overpass. As she comes down, she rotated her body mid-air and landed on her back, dead center in the back of my pickup. The bean bags cushioned her fall saving her life. Being a gymnast, her quick reflexes enabled her body to spin around and position her body so she landed on the bean bags perfectly. My King loved this girl so much that he did not want her killed. He has other plans for her life. Dazzed, she sat up and looked at me and said, “You saved my life.” She got up and gave me a hug. I am sure she was wondering why anyone would be parked under an overpass with a pickup filled with bean bags. I said, “My name is Sonny. My King sent me here with a pickup load of bean bags. He told me to park in this exact spot. I had no idea what why I was here. Then my King wanted me to see how powerful he is. He told me to look up and I saw how he made sure that you would have a safe place to land.” I then asked her some questions about why they might have done that to her. She replied, “I was thrown over the overpass because I wasn’t doing what they wanted me to do. At first, I ran away from them and that made them angry. They finally found me and they wanted to make an example of me of what happens to people when you leave the gang.” After all that happened to her and witnessing the power of my King she was ready to make a life change. She decided then and now to accept Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. I prayed for her for a fresh renewal of her life with Jesus Christ. After we finished praying, I took her to the parent’s home.

While this was all going on, the undercover cops happened to be videotaping another event at this location and they caught the whole thing on video. They had enough evidence to charge the gang members. Even though the gang members think she is dead, they still have to changed her identity. This will protect her from future attacks just in case they would find her again. It is great that no matter what we may have done in our past, our King will take us back if we are willing to change our lives for him. I just wonder how many other people who have done what the King asks to bring someone back to the King’s home. I know you are out there and I too want to thank you for being obedient to our King and bringing his children home. It is very gratifying to be able to serve the King in this manner.

I then took the bean bags back where I got them. I asked, “What do you want me to do with all the bean bags?” An undercover cop replied, “Let’s unload them in the same spot you picked them up.” I backed my pickup up to the door. As I was getting ready to unload them, a couple guys came out to help. It was starting to get dark and the undercover police were having a short meeting before they went to work. The weather was nice so the meeting was held outside. The one guy looked at the other and said, “Are you ready to have some fun?” The other guy said, “Yeah! ” We all followed him carrying the bean bags to a room on the second floor. The windows happened to be facing the meeting tables. They both opened all the facing windows. The guys looked at me and said, “Get ready to launch!” They got me to join in. We started launching bean bags outside from our vantage point. Some of them knocked the coffee cups completely off the table. The guys below picked up the bags on the ground and threw them back at us. We had a full-fledged bean bag war going on. Everybody was laughing and having a good time. They eventually asked what happened and intently listened to my story of what happened. They too were awed by the power of my King. Now they blame me for what happened that night. Every time I now come into the building, I get popped by a bean bag. This definitely was an exciting and fun day. As I finish writing this story, my King has told me that it is time to bring his Kingdom to this gang.