5 Undercover Officers Accept Christ

I was asked by an undercover Police officer if I could go to Denver tonight and pray with him and 4 others because they wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. I was getting 5 Bibles to take with me, God said, “Take 7 bibles.”

When I arrived at the house where they were waiting for me, there was a lot of cars. 3 of the undercover Police came out to thank me for coming over. They hugged me and said tonight we want our names written in the book of life. God is so Faithful! When I walked into the house, their families hugged me. I had 7 Bibles with me. The 5 undercover Police stepped to the center of the living room.

Thay said, “Ok Sonny we are ready to accept Jesus Christ.”

They asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of all their sins and to come into their hearts. They started to cry and their families hugging them and were also crying. The young lady undercover police officer’s parents came forward and said “We are Sarah’s parents. We want to except Jesus Christ.”

God knew that there was 7 that night who would give their hearts to Christ. Their names are now written in the book of life tonight. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!!

31 different undercover Police

I was just told that there’s 31 different undercover Police from 31 states that want to meet me and want me to share with them how I witness to Gangs and how I witness to the Drug Dealers in Denver. They are here to go after the gangs and the source of where the drugs are coming from.

Please pray for them and me because after I meet with them I’m going to witness to the Gang from Colorado Springs. God said 4 Girls are giving their hearts to Christ and I get to take them home to their Parents.

The next day I met with the officers.
God was amazing when I was introduced to the 31 undercover Police.

One stood up and said, “Can you pray for me? I have been running from God I want to rededicate my heart to Jesus Christ.”

After he said that there was several of them that started to cry. I said, “Those of you that want to rededicate your hearts to Jesus Christ or want to except Jesus Christ, come to the front.”

Ten came to the front. Seven came to rededicate their hearts to Christ and 3 excepted Jesus Christ for the first time. 21 of them were Christian’s and 10 needed Jesus Christ. I asked all of them to come to the front so I could pray for them individually. God gets all the Glory and the Victory. ✝️

Wiggins girl Accepts Jesus

I’m going to Denver and spend time with the undercover police tonight pray for their hearts.

Thank you for your prayers Brother. Four undercover police gave their hearts to Christ last night. Continue to pray for our undercover police. They have a tough job.

Afterwards I went to witness to gangs on the streets. One girl gave her heart to Christ. I took her to her parents home in Wiggins last night. God is Faithful.

Praying for Undercover Cops

I went to Denver to meet with 10 undercover Police that were waiting for me. Three of them didn’t know the Lord. I read JOHN 3:16-17 to them and asked the three if they wanted their names written in the book of life.

They said, “Yes, Jesus Christ forgive us of all our sins. Jesus come into our hearts.” God gets the Glory.

Rescue Undercover Cop’s Jessica?

This what happened last night. I was in Denver praying with the undercover Police. One of the undercover Police had a daughter in a gang in Denver. He wanted her back home. We all prayed for a miracle. God told one of my prayer warriors that Jessica was on Colfax. She gave me an address. When I arrived there, God showed me Jessica. She was standing on 1743 West Colfax. She was with 2 guys. One was named Rockefeller and the other guy had a shirt Rockstar. As I neared her I called out her name. Jessica get in the truck. She got in and started to cry. The 2 guys pulled out their pistols as we were driving off. Jessica said, “Who are you and how did you know my name?”

I showed her my prayer warriors text with her location where she could be found. Jessica said, That’s crazy. Who are you? Where are you taking me.”

I said, “Your mom and dad want you home.”

She called her dad and he started crying. I took her home. Jessica gave her heart to Christ. Her parents are Christians. My King gets the Victory. Thank you for your prayers.

Witnessing to Two New Gangs

Going to Denver there’s 2 new gangs.

God was telling me to go to Denver but I didn’t know why. God said to go. I’m already half way there and my friends in the police department called me and asked me if I could come and try to reach the new gangs for Christ.

Thank you for your prayers. Our King gets all the Glory. Out of 27 Gang Members, four gave their hearts to Christ. When I walked up to them one of the leaders, he said, “You and your Bible better leave.”

I said, “I came to deliver a message.”

He said, “From who?”

I said, “From my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He wants all your hearts. My King wants to transform your hearts. All you have to do is to ask him to forgive all your sins and ask him to come into your hearts and you will have a new purpose in this world.”

Two of them hit my ribs but God protected me. I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life follow me.” I began walking away. Four gave their weapons to the leaders and came with me. God is so Faithful. They gave their hearts to Christ. I gave them Bibles and took them to the airport. Their parents are taking them back. God gets all the Victory and Glory.