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02/27/2023 Have you ever thought about the God we worship. Many times, we worship based on how we feel. True worship is based on glorifying our King no matter how we feel. You are right when you say this may be a difficult thing to do. The Holy Spirit would love to help if we let him. Here are some verses that someone else came up with. I feel they make our worship purer:

Psalm 51:15 NLT
15 Unseal my lips, O Lord,
that my mouth may praise you.

Psalm 63:3 NLT
3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
how I praise you!

Psalm 71:23 NLT
23 I will shout for joy and sing your praises,
for you have ransomed me.

Psalm 120:2 NLT
2 Rescue me, O Lord, from liars
and from all deceitful people.

Psalm 141:3 NLT
3 Take control of what I say, O Lord,
and guard my lips.

Isaiah 6:5-8 NLT
5 Then I said, “It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.”

6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. 7 He touched my lips with it and said, “See, this coal has touched your lips. Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.”

8 Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”

I said, “Here I am. Send me.”

Psalm 80:18 NLT
18 Then we will never abandon you again.
Revive us so we can call on your name once more.

Psalm 119:25 NLT
25 I lie in the dust;
revive me by your word.

Psalm 119:37 NLT
37 Turn my eyes from worthless things,
and give me life through your word.

Isaiah 57:15 NLT
15 The high and lofty one who lives in eternity,
the Holy One, says this:
“I live in the high and holy place
with those whose spirits are contrite and humble.
I restore the crushed spirit of the humble
and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.

Habakkuk 3:2 NLT
2 I have heard all about you, Lord.
I am filled with awe by your amazing works.
In this time of our deep need,
help us again as you did in years gone by.
And in your anger,
remember your mercy.

Ephesians 1:17-19 NLT
17 asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom[a] and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. 18 I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.[b]

19 I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power.

If one keeps the flesh from tainting our worship, following these verses will bring the worship our King deserves.
02/15/2023 Everyone can tell you the story of Jesus walking on the water. But unless you read it close, you can miss some important details. Jesus saw his disciples struggling in the boat while he was on land:

Mark 6:47-52
47 Late that night, the disciples were in their boat in the middle of the lake, and Jesus was alone on land. 48 He saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. He intended to go past them,

[Have you ever thought about why he was going past them? I chuckled and thought about how much fun Jesus was having. How often do you get a chance to walk on water. I know that the wind was not bothering him because of the authority our Father gave him. I envisioned the Father telling Jesus to go rescue them. Jesus did not question the Fathers authority and immediately walked towards them. After all, if you could get an ax head to float it would be a piece of cake to walk on the water.]

49 but when they saw him walking on the water, they cried out in terror, thinking he was a ghost. 50 They were all terrified when they saw him.

[Jesus gave up where he was going because of his great love for us.]

But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage! I am here!” 51 Then he climbed into the boat, and the wind stopped. They were totally amazed, 52 for they still didn’t understand the significance of the miracle of the loaves. Their hearts were too hard to take it in.

Verse 52 is the clincher. I thought about this for a week to make sure that I understood it myself. It was amazing, but a person who has no idea who I am gave a message on this exact verse and confirmed my thoughts.

The disciples had the opportunity to see the healing of the sick and cast out demons. They just witnessed the feeding of the 5,000. In man's world the feeding of 5,000 men is impossible because of the law of the conservation of mass. This is where we make our first mistake by putting limitations on God. Even worse, is seeing God work once and believing it will not happen again. Jesus fed the 4000 later proving it could happen again.

When dealing with God we are in his realm where the impossible is possible. If we see it happen once it should not be a surprise to see it happen someplace else. I even believe that the disciples could have silenced the wind themselves if they understood the authority Jesus gave them. Fear kept them in the dark.

Listening to bad advice can make us dense to the things of God. Mark has more to say on that:

Mark 7:13
13 And so you cancel the word of God in order to hand down your own tradition. And this is only one example among many others.” Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. “All of you listen,” he said, “and try to understand. {21st century lingo->Get it through your thick head.} 15 It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.”

Checking things out and comparing them to God's word, is really the only thing we physically have to learn who God is. Spiritually, intel from the Holy Spirit helps prevent us from becoming dense. Expect a Miricale in your life and don't be surprised when it comes. Even more so, when you see many miracles. Do not let unbelief kill your miracles. These people may never see a miracle their entire life.

Mark 6:5 (New Living Translation)
And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.

Never forget that God loves us. We have to make sure our heart is right with him to see miracles in our life.

1 John 4:10 (New Living Translation)
This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

1 John 4:19 (New Living Translation)
We love each other because he loved us first.
02/02/2023 Have you ever wondered why sometimes it takes a long time for our prayers to be answered. It is not because God has not heard them. But it is many times like what's going on in Daniel's life:

Daniel 10:12-14 NLT
12 Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. 13 But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the archangels, came to help me, and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia. 14 Now I am here to explain what will happen to your people in the future, for this vision concerns a time yet to come.”

Paul talks more about this spiritual warfare going on:
Ephesians 6:10-12 NLT

The Whole Armor of God

10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

We can prepare for ourselves but we cannot put the armor on other people. Our only option is to pray asking God to bind the devil so our prayers are not hindered. The enemy wants to make sure that every person you pray for fails.

The next step that hinders prayers is unforgiveness. Jesus talks about this in Mark:

Mark 11:25 NLT
But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.”

If you pray for things that glorify yourself and put God on the backburner you may also see slow answers to your prayers. Make sure you believe it is possible that God can do it. Doubters will see slow response times to their prayers. Other times you may be doing everything right but since we serve an event oriented God, the timing may not be right. The other case is that he may be testing your faith. Whatever happens do not give up praying. Always look at condition of your own heart to make sure that it is not the problem. Jesus is ready but are we.
01/23/2023 I hear about the grace of Jesus Christ quite often. It was provided for us at a great cost to our Saviour. But very seldom do people ever speak about the cost of serving Jesus Christ. It does require some sacrifice from us. Mark explains it vividly:

Mark 8:34-38 New Living Translation
34 Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. 35 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. 36 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? 37 Is anything worth more than your soul? 38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

You may ask why is it necessary to give one's life up in order to serve Jesus Christ? Matthew explains this very well:

Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money (Could be any distraction).

This last verse shows your soul is at stake if you try to serve things other than Jesus Christ. I have found out myself that too many distractions can keep me from learning everything God wants me to know. Once we commit ourselves to serving Jesus Christ, we need to be bold for him. It is not important what people think of us talking about Christ but what Jesus Christ thinks of us.

Verse 38 says "If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

This definitely describes the times we live in. Are we going to be an embarrassment to our Lord? Or are we going to be somebody that Jesus Christ is going to brag about in the Kingdome of God? It is your choice. Choose wisely!
01/17/2023 Paul wrote this one because he knows that God is not pleased whenever we complain. I can relate complaining with being ungrateful. Paul also knows that God does not like arguing either. But what determines what is an argument or speaking up against evil. The latter is required of us. If love is used like Jesus did and with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, everyone had difficult time challenging his logic. He also knows that man can be bullheaded and he did not stand there trying to beat us up with the truth. He speaks the truth and lets it go. Paul tells us how we can please God:

Philippians 2:14-16 (New Living Translation)
Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.

People watch us every day to see what we are doing. They notice if our lives reflect those of Jesus Christ. Darkness will flee but those who God has called will want what we have. We then can share the good news with them. In the end we can say, "I am proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless."
01/06/2023 John 17 talks more about God calling people to Jesus Christ. Jesus only reveals himself to those people who are called by the Father. I want Jesus to say the same things about me as he did his disciples:

John 17:6-9
"I have revealed you to the ones you gave me from this world. They were always yours. You gave them to me, and they have kept your word. 7 Now they know that everything I have is a gift from you, 8 for I have passed on to them the message you gave me. They accepted it and know that I came from you, and they believe you sent me.

9 "My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me, because they belong to you. 10 All who are mine belong to you, and you have given them to me, so they bring me glory.

It is amazing how we are called by God. He knows me and you because he knows that we can give glory to his son, Jesus Christ. Just remember that Not everybody is called. It is quite an honor that we are called to come to Jesus Christ by the Father. We need to give Glory to God for who he is and Give GLORY to his son who makes us righteous in front of God. Don’t forget the HolySpirit who was sent by Jesus to bring wisdom and the abundant life while we continue to bring glory to God's Son. This is where the powerful Christian walk starts under the Holy Spirits control.
01/05/2023 David, in the book of Psalm talked a lot about the enemy getting away with everything. A lot of times when people totally reject God they are abandoned. Hebrews 12:8 talks about those who are not children of his at all.

We who are his children have to be disciplined to achieve that life of proper living. This is never fun and many times it is painful. God does this because he loves us. HEBREWS 12 does a good job of explaining this:

Hebrews 12
God's Discipline Proves His Love
1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne. 3 Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won't become weary and give up. 4 After all, you have not yet given your lives in your struggle against sin.
5 And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children? He said,

"My child, don't make light of the Lord's discipline,
and don't give up when he corrects you.
6 For the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes each one he accepts as his child."

7 As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? 8 If God doesn't discipline you as he does all of his children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really his children at all. 9 Since we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn't we submit even more to the discipline of the Father of our spirits, and live forever?

10 For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God's discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. 11 No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening, it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.

This training will turn us and then the church into something that will set an example to others who are watching. We need to show others why Jesus is the King of Kings by how we live and how we love others. The Holy Spirit is excited to help us do this if we let him.
12/29/2022 One of the reasons why God has us study the Old Testament is so we can learn his patterns in the way he works. I think one of the Kings favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11. But to entirely understand it you have to go into it a little bit more in depth. Israel was in captivity in Babylon for 70 years and it was getting towards the end of that period. God was now going to bring his people home. This is the story of Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah 29:10-14
10 This is what the Lord says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 14 I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”

God does this because he loves us so much. You may be saying to yourself that I am not a captive. Being captive is much more than being held by another man. Many of us are held captive by things like lust, greed, pornography, laziness, drinking, drugs and ect. This list is too large to list everything. Everytime my buddy witnesses to a gang, he meets men who are being held captive by broken hearts. I am sure you can think of something you are being help captive by. Now you know why it was necessary for Jesus to come to earth. He said to the people reading from Isaiah 61:1-2;

Luke 4:18
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free,

That personal relationship with Jesus Christ will set us free from any captivity we may be facing. Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit when he returned to the Father to give us wisdom to continue to stay free from any bondage. Now God can set plans for our life. But how do we know what God's plans are? This is the quickest way to find out what God's plans are:

Proverbs 3:5-6 New Living Translation
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

If you do this you will see God at work in your life. Just remember that any plan you come up with minus Jesus Christ will not get God's blessing. His Son did an amazing thing for us and he should be receiving Glory from our plans. A plan inspired by God will never fail if he remains on the throne. We all know what happened when we kicked God out of our educational system for our children. There is little hope and not much of a future for our kids. Kudos to those parents who kept God in the family. They will have a bright future because of the God they serve.

God is not done with our schools yet. The Holy Spirit is about to shake things up and our youth are going to start living for Jesus. Could you imagine seeing the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the classroom. God will take out anyone in academia who may interfere in this next great move of God.
12/27/2022 I do believe he has hit the mark on this one. I support him 100%

This interesting prayer was given in Kansas, USA, at the opening session of their Senate. It
seems prayer still upsets some people.
When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities,
but this is what they heard:
"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says: "Woe to those who call evil good", but that is exactly what we have done.
* We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
* We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it Pluralism.
* We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism.
* We have endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle.
* We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
* We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
* We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
* We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
* We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.
* We have abused power and called it politics.
* We have embezzled public funds and called it essential expenses.
* We have insitutionalised bribery and called it sweets of office.
* We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
*We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
* We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh GOD, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!"
The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest.
In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls
responding negatively.
The church is now receiving international requests for copies of
this prayer from India, Africa and Korea.
With the LORD'S help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and WHOLEHEARTEDLY become our desire so that we again can be
forward this prayer
12/16/2022 Jesus gave his disciples a great promise on what they would be able to do when he went back to the Father. This same promise works for you and me.

John 14:12-14
12 "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. 13 You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. 14 Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!

Some may feel cheated when they read this verse. Maybe this is your problem:

James 4:3
Yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask God for it. 3 And even when you ask, you don't get it because your motives are all wrong, you want only what will give you pleasure.

I know a pastor who had the gift of healing. He laid his hands on many people and they all got well. His son became deathly ill and he prayed for him like he would anybody else. He continued to pray over him for over a week but eventually his son died. The pastor began to feel that he lost his power of praying. God finally said, "You do not understand. Your son did not want to come back. He wanted to go home with me."

God may not answer our prayers if there are conflicting wills. Other times he may not answer our prayers if they put us in danger or if he knows that we will be disappointed in what we ask for. Other times he may be just testing our faith to see how we respond. But he will many times answer our prayers later if we are patient.

We may have the faith to pray that God will move a mountain. But if his children are giving Thanksgiving to God because the mountain is not moving there is a pretty good chance that your prayer will not be answered.

The best way to make sure that a prayer is answered is that God gets the glory and the victory in anything that you may ask for. This is the best way of guaranteeing that you have your prayers answered.
12/13/2022 Isaiah would have recognized Jesus if he would have been alive when Jesus walked the Earth. Other people even when Jesus performed many impossible miracles still did not believe in him. But others did, but like the modern church of today many became lukewarm:

John 12:41-43
41 Isaiah was referring to Jesus when he said this, because he saw the future and spoke of the Messiah's glory. 42 Many people did believe in him, however, including some of the Jewish leaders. But they wouldn't admit it for fear that the Pharisees would expel them from the synagogue. 43 For they loved human praise more than the praise of God.

We are embarrassed to speak up about Jesus because we may not appear cool. After all it's more important what people think about us then glorifying Jesus. John also had something to say about that:

1 John 2:23
Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

If you want to be big in heaven you need to start bragging about Jesus Christ right now. Even Jesus has something to say about this:

Luke 12:8
“I tell you the truth, everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, the Son of Man will also acknowledge in the presence of God’s angels.

Let's keep our minds in the kingdom of God and realize it is more important what our King thinks about us than what the people around us do. Wouldn't that be cool to be bragged about in front of God's own angels.
12/08/2022 There is a lot that can be learned about the blind man who was born blind in John 9. One thing the Pharisees did not realize was that the Sabbath was designed to honor God and worship him. When we work on the Sabbath for ourselves, we tend to forget about God. Even Jesus told his disciples that the healing of this man's eyes was to bring glory to the Father. Jesus, healing the blind man's eyes on the Sabbath was bringing glory to God.

The Pharisees were so bullheaded that they could not even see what happened to the blind man. The healing of his eyes meant nothing to them. They were only interested in bringing charges against Jesus. This action was definitely working on the Sabath to take out Jesus. God received no glory at all. They are just like the Russia-Russia deal that is going on with President Trump. The fact that someone is cleaning up the swamp irritates these people to no end because it makes them look bad. It does not matter that our economy was flourishing, and we have a President that mentions Jesus Christ many times.

The Pharisees after their 1st attempt to bring charges failed, brought the blind man in again to see if they missed something to be able to bring charges against Jesus.

John 9:24-34
24 So for the second time they called in the man who had been blind and told him, "God should get the glory for this, because we know this man Jesus is a sinner."

25 "I don't know whether he is a sinner," the man replied. "But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!"

26 "But what did he do?" they asked. "How did he heal you?"

27 "Look!" the man exclaimed. "I told you once. Didn't you listen? Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples, too?"

28 Then they cursed him and said, "You are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses! 29 We know God spoke to Moses, but we don't even know where this man comes from."

Now this is being bold, the blind man is letting the Pharisees have it. I think the blind man has heard stories about Jesus but has not committed his life to him yet. His comeback is excellent:

30 "Why, that's very strange!" the man replied. "He healed my eyes, and yet you don't know where he comes from? 31 We know that God doesn't listen to sinners, but he is ready to hear those who worship him and do his will. 32 Ever since the world began, no one has been able to open the eyes of someone born blind. 33 If this man were not from God, he couldn't have done it."

The Pharisees lost to the wisdom of the blind man. They only could throw him out:

34 "You were born a total sinner!" they answered. "Are you trying to teach us?" And they threw him out of the synagogue.

Are we willing to stand for Jesus even if it means a loss of popularity and even our job. The blind man standing up for Jesus got him thrown out of church. This can be a hard thing to do but it was difficult for Jesus to lay his life down for us because he prayed, "Father take this cup from me but I only want your will to be done." The agony made him sweat drops of blood.

We need to stand for Jesus. We need to want to help our coworkers like Jesus helped the blind man. We should want them to succeed even if it means a delay of climbing the ladder. If your heart is pure, lookout you will be blessed by God if you sacrifice yourself to someone going through difficulty. If our love is great enough, we will want the best for all people who have not committed their lives to sin.
12/07/2022 When we think God has abandoned us, we should read Psalm 139. Why would he leave when he is near me all the time. The first 7 verses talk about how close he is to us:

Psalm 139 New Living Translation

1 O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
2 You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
3 You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
4 You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
5 You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!

Verses 7-12 explain that even if we try to abandon God we cannot get away from his presence. His love for us keeps him from giving up.

7 I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
8 If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave,[a] you are there.
9 If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.
11 I could ask the darkness to hide me
and the light around me to become night—
12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.

Verses 13-16 Gives thanks to him for not creating junk. We are a masterpiece created in God's image. We are not put on a trophy case to be admired but to have a relationship with him.

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

Since Jesus Christ has made us holy, God is always thinking about us as stated in verses 17-18

17 How precious are your thoughts about me,[b] O God.
They cannot be numbered!
18 I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
you are still with me!

Our God is a just God. He will come against your enemies as in verses 19-22. But God does like it when we pray for our enemies. Maybe they will have a change of heart because of our prayers. We will leave revenge up to our God.

19 O God, if only you would destroy the wicked!
Get out of my life, you murderers!
20 They blaspheme you;
your enemies misuse your name.
21 O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you?
Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you?
22 Yes, I hate them with total hatred,
for your enemies are my enemies.

The last two verses require that I let the worldly things go and start concentrating on Kingdom thoughts.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
12/06/2022 Everyone talks about John 3:16 on how God him so loved the world that he sent his begotten son for our salvation. But really what is really interesting is that when the people were arguing about who Jesus was. He told them to stop. He said that you're not going to be able to come to me unless the father calls you:

John 6:41-45 New Living Translation

41 Then the people began to murmur in disagreement because he had said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” 42 They said, “Isn’t this Jesus, the son of Joseph? We know his father and mother. How can he say, ‘I came down from heaven’?”

43 But Jesus replied, “Stop complaining about what I said. 44 For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up. 45 As it is written in the Scriptures, ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me. 46 (Not that anyone has ever seen the Father; only I, who was sent from God, have seen him.)

Not only is it an honor in what Jesus Christ did for us but it is also great that God himself called us to Jesus Christ. I have heard from some of the prophets that God will sometimes tell them to quit praying for some people because they have given themselves to the world. Our God knows our heart and he will not waste time on us if we become bullheaded. Jesus also mentioned in the same chapter this very same thing again to his disciples:

John 6:61-65 New Living Translation
61 Jesus was aware that his disciples were complaining, so he said to them, “Does this offend you? 62 Then what will you think if you see the Son of Man ascend to heaven again? 63 The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 64 But some of you do not believe me.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning which ones didn’t believe, and he knew who would betray him.) 65 Then he said, “That is why I said that people can’t come to me unless the Father gives them to me.”

I've been firmly believed that many people in our government have been given the opportunity to ask for forgiveness but they flat out refuse because they have sold their souls to the world. God is not going to mess with these people and will take them out if it's necessary. I am very grateful that God has called me to give my heart to Jesus Christ. We all should be thankful for this.
11/30/2022 Have you ever wondered why the church has become so gutless. A lot of it is because of the misunderstanding or ignorance of God's word.

Timothy talks about not getting into a "foolish" argument:

2 Timothy 2:23
Again, I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights.

There is the reason why we need to read God's word to not make this mistake. Many people who think they know God will usually speak against those who truly know God's word:

1 Timothy 6:4
Anyone who teaches something different is arrogant and lacks understanding. Such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending in jealousy, division, slander, and evil suspicions.

This greatly weakens the church. If those people are sinning though Timothy has something to say about this:

1 Timothy 5:20
Those who sin should be reprimanded in front of the whole church; this will serve as a strong warning to others.

This will definitely purify the church by getting rid of sin inside of the church.

Even if you know the Bible better than anyone else, it is not a good idea to debate against everything that is said. I have heard people give the wrong part of the Bible where something was found. The message was accurate, but the location in the Bible was wrong.

2 Timothy 2:14
Remind everyone about these things, and command them in God’s presence to stop fighting over words. Such arguments are useless, and they can ruin those who hear them.

But if you look carefully at the verse, it mentions foolish arguments. Anytime you stand for God's truth people are going to argue with you. The church is using this verse as an excuse not to say anything so that evil can have its way. They say, "If I speak up against this, I will just start an argument. If I stand up against abortion and I say why God does not like it. I will start an argument.

When the world challenges your values, this is another thing where you may have to speak the truth. This is where the church avoided confrontation with no prayer in school, abortion, gay marriage, sexual identification, locked down churches and the freedom of speech. Their excuse is we need to show love and have compassion for these people. We want them to love us at God's expense.

Many times Jesus was challenged to start an argument. One of my favorite ones were when they challenge Jesus about stoning the woman:

John 8:6-11
6 They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. 7 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” 8 Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.

9 When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”

11 “No, Lord,” she said.

And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

Jesus took them on knowing he could start an argument, but he used the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to keep them quiet. Argument won

The law said that she must be stoned but they knew that Jesus was forgiving sins and they tried to trap him by going against the law. His answer was, "Let the man who has committed no sin throw the first stone." Not a word was said, and everybody began leaving Jesus standing by the woman. Jesus still knew that she was in the wrong and told her not to sin no more.

The next one I like is whether or not it is right to pay taxes.

Luke 20:20-25
20 Watching for their opportunity, the leaders sent spies pretending to be honest men. They tried to get Jesus to say something that could be reported to the Roman governor so he would arrest Jesus. 21 “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you speak and teach what is right and are not influenced by what others think. You teach the way of God truthfully.

22 Now tell us—is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

23 He saw through their trickery and said, 24 “Show me a Roman coin. Whose picture and title are stamped on it?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied.

25 “Well then,” he said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”

Even though Jesus knew it was a trap it did not stop him. His words silenced them. Argument won

The abuse of this verse also makes the church weak:

Luke 6:37
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.

In this verse people think that it means if I don't judge other people that I will not be judged. This is garbage:

Matthew 12:36
And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.

Do you know that if you see someone sinning and you decide not to do it because you believe it will not please God you are judging. A judgement is made every time you decide if something is right or wrong.

What people don't understand about that verse is how we judge other people is going to be how we are judged. If we judge harshly, we will be judged harshly. If we judge in love, we will be judged in love. Do not misinterpret scripture to allow Coexist stickers to identify with fake gods because we are not to judge them. This a slap in God's face. We have to put what God wants over Evil and continue to judge what is sin based on God's word says. Let's make the church strong again.
11/23/2022 Have you ever noticed how it seems that when people are talking about God, they are referencing the Old Testament more than ever. The New Testament was the result of Jesus Christ coming to earth and dying for our sins. He started a new covenant.

The Old Testament though still has so much to offer. The Old Testament shows what will happen to us when we do the things the Israelites did. Our sins can lead to the same consequences their sins did. If we were smart we would have learned from what they did wrong and avoid doing those things at all cost.

The Old Testament also displays how God does things. He seems to repeat certain things he did based upon what events are going on today. Lately, Exodus 14 has been used a lot. The parting of any body of water is only possible by the power of our God Yahweh. But there are things that are present today that God is going to do that will be just as cool as parting the Red Sea. God is going to be separating the good from evil in this great spiritual battle that is going on today. This means even his church. Wokeness and closed doors have to go.

Pay attention to verses 24 and 25. Not too many people bring this up but you notice that God after he parted the sea begin messing with the minds of the Egyptians. He was mentally messing them up. When you become fearful you begin to make a lot of mistakes.

Exodus 14:21-30 New Living Translation
21 Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land. 22 So the people of Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side!

23 Then the Egyptians—all of Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, and charioteers—chased them into the middle of the sea. 24 But just before dawn the Lord looked down on the Egyptian army from the pillar of fire and cloud, and he threw their forces into total confusion. 25 He twisted their chariot wheels, making their chariots difficult to drive. “Let’s get out of here—away from these Israelites!” the Egyptians shouted. “The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt!”

26 When all the Israelites had reached the other side, the Lord said to Moses, “Raise your hand over the sea again. Then the waters will rush back and cover the Egyptians and their chariots and charioteers.” 27 So as the sun began to rise, Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the water rushed back into its usual place. The Egyptians tried to escape, but the Lord swept them into the sea. 28 Then the waters returned and covered all the chariots and charioteers—the entire army of Pharaoh. Of all the Egyptians who had chased the Israelites into the sea, not a single one survived.

29 But the people of Israel had walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, as the water stood up like a wall on both sides. 30 That is how the Lord rescued Israel from the hand of the Egyptians that day. And the Israelites saw the bodies of the Egyptians washed up on the seashore.

God is doing the same thing today with what's going on in our world today. There is so much corruption in our government just like there was with Pharaoh that God is messing with the minds of our corrupt leaders. I mean what's the odds of Hunter Biden's laptop being freely given to the public to expose what's going on. Even now God has use the FTX crypto currency debacle to expose our government sending taxpayer money to the Ukraine in turn they sent it back as crypto currency to fund our leaders special interests whether it was election fraud or just getting rich. Not only the Democrats did this but many Republicans have compromised themselves for the love of money. No wonder so many people were interested in sending money to Ukraine because of the agreement they made to send it most of it back as crypto currency. God is putting fear into these people's minds just like he did the Egyptians. Everything is coming together to expose what is going on. As the enemy tries to hide the truth, he is going to try to destroy the church and anyone who stands for the truth. These people are going to meet the same fate that Pharaoh experienced.

God is going to do this. Psalm 21 talks about how God works:

Psalm 21:8-13 New Living Translation

8 You will capture all your enemies.
Your strong right hand will seize all who hate you.
9 You will throw them in a flaming furnace
when you appear.
The Lord will consume them in his anger;
fire will devour them.
10 You will wipe their children from the face of the earth;
they will never have descendants.
11 Although they plot against you,
their evil schemes will never succeed.
12 For they will turn and run
when they see your arrows aimed at them.
13 Rise up, O Lord, in all your power.
With music and singing we celebrate your mighty acts.

We know that God is about to do more mighty things. There has been so much being exposed right now. It is so cool how God allowed Roe v Wade to be thrown out. The Covid 19 scamdemic was proof that they are interested in shutting all of our churches down and locking us down. The lockdowns have failed worldwide at preventing the spread of the disease. This is also being exposed.

Some of you may be saying that this has been going on for close to a century now and God never did anything to stop it. A lot of this has to do with God's own church and our passiveness to come against evil. I guarantee if the church would've been strong and stood up against this evil, this would have ended long ago. Heck, if Christians would all just vote for the candidate that Jesus Christ would pick, this alone would end all a lot of these problems. We would have more God-fearing leaders. Just remember voting for a candidate is not glorifying your pocketbook. It is choosing the person whose values more closely represent the views of our God. Just remember Romans says that we all fall short when it comes to holiness so there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. It is our duty to do research on people we select. 2020 was the year where we had a godly platform and a demonic platform and many churches and Christians selected the candidate with the demonic platform. We cannot let our emotions control who we vote for.

Things are different today. Many of God's people have gotten down on their knees and prayed that God would just would restore this nation. The pilgrims made a covenant with God that he still wants to honor. Jesus Christ still needs the resources of the United States to reach the rest of the world so that he can come back again. God's prophet Kim Clement predicted that there would be a man from New York who would become President of the United States and cleanup the swamp. President Trump has been already working on this with the help of the Holy Spirit in trying to clean this mess up. In the process of him doing this, the enemy is really getting nervous in what he has been doing. That is the reason there has been so many failed attempts on President Trump's life. What God is about to do is real for sure. Just think about the stories that you are going to be able to tell your children and grandchildren when this all comes to past.
11/17/2022 Have you ever noticed that money has the power to bring glory to the kingdom of God. It can be a curse at the same time. I am a firm believer that in order to determine what money is to God is based upon the condition of your heart. Does your heart reflect the kingdom of God? God has given me a ministry where money is used to help families in need. I give my buddy money every week to help two families that God selects. These families are in the ghetto of Denver. Most of the families have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ already. Lately, there has been 17 families that come together with the two new families. They are worshiping God when my buddy gets there. The one thing I love about blessing other people is what happens next. Their faith in God is renewed immensely. If the spouse of one of the family has not accepted Jesus Christ yet, they do when they see what happens when God performs a miracle. Another cool thing about blessing other people is that they began praying for you. My buddy witnesses this every week. They continue to ask God to bless me for what I have done. I do have to admit that I was never planning on doing a ministry like this. But after God got me started doing this, it has been amazing every time. Could you imagine if all the people you bless pray for you on a regular basis like these people do. What power those prayers can over one's life. I have noticed that other people have been exposed to what we have done in that area. Someone physically went in and donated time and money to build a basketball court for the kids in this neighborhood. This all occurred after we started doing this ministry for God. I don't know if you guys have ever read the Robin Hood series on how Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. We have done the same thing. We have stolen from our selfish desires and given money to people in need. It is cool to be known like we are the Robin Hood of the ghetto. These people have no idea who I am. I can walk by any one of them and they would not recognize me.

Likewise, we feed gangs every week. God has us feed them not only to show his love but they have trouble debating with my buddy when their mouths are full. So he is clearly able to read the word of God to them while they are eating. All gangs realize that no one uses their own money to feeds anybody for free. When this happens they begin to ask questions. They eventually began turning their lives over to Jesus Christ because of the love we show by feeding them. So this is proof that money can be used to glorify our King.

The gangs and the people in the ghetto call me blue Mustang. I've always wanted to upgrade my current Mustang to a GT500. I could easily stop feeding the families and the gangs and get one of those today. But if I would do that I would miss out on all of God's blessings that he promises. In Malachi 3:10 he promises that he will blow the doors off your barn if you give unto him. But sometimes this still means waiting. The more that you give the more that he gives. With God it's never a one-to-one relationship. He can greatly outdo anything that I could give him. So I am waiting on his timing when I am going to be able to get one. But my number one priority is to continue blessing families and changing the lives of the gangs we come into contact with. After all our command is to go out in the world and bring love and message of Jesus Christ to the masses.

If I decided to go to the ways of the world, my money would only serve my glory. There is definitely no satisfaction in that. First John 2:15-16 talks about the love of the world. I can replace "the world" with the word "money" and I would not change the meaning of the verse at all. Money is used today to commit all sorts of iniquities. It is amazing what people will do to get it.

1 John 2:15-16 (New Living Translation)
Do not love (this world->money) nor the things it offers you, for when you love (the world->money), you do not have the love of the Father in you. For (the world->money) offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this (world->money).

Paul's letter to Timothy also deals with the problems the love of money can generate:

1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

Money can influence even those in the church. Peter talks about the false teachers how the love of money is more important than them giving an accurate account of what God's actually says:

2 Peter 2:15
They (false teachers) have wandered off the right road and followed the footsteps of Balaam son of Beor, who loved to earn money by doing wrong. 16 But Balaam was stopped from his mad course when his donkey rebuked him with a human voice.

So if our main goal is making money, we cannot see this:

Psalm 119:18 (New Living Translation)
Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.

If money is your goal this verse below will translate:

Psalm 119:143 (New Living Translation)
As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands.

"As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find it harder to make more money."

There is nothing wrong with money but it should be avoided if you think it makes you look cool at the expense of our King. Do not let money or anyone take you away from serving God. Peter had something to say about that:

1 Peter 2:15-16 (New Living Translation)
It is God’s will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you. For you are free, yet you are God’s slaves, so don’t use your freedom as an excuse to do evil.

Remember we a representatives of Jesus Christ. Let's not put money ahead of him.

1 Peter 3:18 (New Living Translation)
Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit.
11/10/2022 God is going to do something in America that many people will not like. That fence that the devil owns has God's Kingdom on one side and the world on the other side. That fence is about to get electrified and we are going to have to pick a side. Jesus is looking for committed Christians and is getting ready to make his church awesome. He thinks like Joshua:

Joshua 24:15 (New Living Translation)
But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”

It is getting that serious and we are running out of time. Look what the true God offers us:

Isaiah 55:3-9 New Living Translation

3 “Come to me with your ears wide open.
Listen, and you will find life.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you.
I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David.

[He wants to make a covenant with us. You know how God honors his covenants. Only our loss of fear of our King can mess that up. If we truly repent he is anxious to restore his covenant. ]

4 See how I used him to display my power among the peoples.
I made him a leader among the nations.

[This one is for you President Trump]

5 You also will command nations you do not know,
and peoples unknown to you will come running to obey,
because I, the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, have made you glorious.”

[Since President Trump became Born again in the first year of his presidency, I have seen this happen also. It amazing to see this happen. This is a promise that those of you in leadership can also experience on a smaller scale.]

6 Seek the Lord while you can find him.
Call on him now while he is near.

7 Let the wicked change their ways
and banish the very thought of doing wrong.
Let them turn to the Lord that he may have mercy on them.
Yes, turn to our God, for he will forgive generously.

[If we mess up or mess up trying to serve the Lord. It is not our our end. The last verse promises, "Yes, turn to our God, for he will forgive generously."]

Yep, everything going on today is for the sake of Jesus Christ. He is wanting everyone worldwide to know about him and come to him. After all, he came to earth to save us. The enemy has been interfering with this process and is about to be crushed. Do not let
appearances make you doubt this. This verse says it all:

Ephesians 1:9-10 (New Living Translation)
God has now revealed to us his mysterious will regarding Christ—which is to fulfill his own good plan. And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth.

Yes, I want things to go faster too but our God is not going to do anything outside of any laws that he inspired. If he goes too fast, many may lose their opportunity to come to Christ. We should pray that God reveals his Glory soon.
11/04/2022 I have always known about the devil and things that he is against. But I never realized to the extent that the spiritual warfare has grown to. Part of the problem has been in the church remained silent during this spiritual battle. While the church was silent the bad people took over our government agencies. Jesus Christ will be the first one to tell you that a personal relationship with him makes a difference in those who run government. Paul says:

Ephesians 6:12 New Living Translation
12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

This sounds important to me that we need to understand our enemy if we are going to fight against him. The Old Testament shows what happens to those who turn their backs on God. If we refuse to do anything about our enemy, our destruction will be just like what the Jews experienced. Peter also had something to say about our adversary:

1 Peter 5:8-9 (New Living Translation)
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are.

God has counter measures at our disposal:
Isaiah 54:17
17 But in that coming day
no weapon turned against you will succeed.
You will silence every voice
raised up to accuse you.
These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord;
their vindication will come from me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

We are not the only ones being attacked by the enemy. Since President Trump has taken office as president, he never realized how deep the swamp was. The devil has gotten a strong foothold in our government, justice system and mainstream media. He does a good job in protecting his own flock. The Hunter Biden hard drive has so much corruption on it, but no one really wants to investigate it. We are more interested in advancing abortion, gay lifestyles, pronouns and pitting races against each other. Let’s not forget about the next pandemic that the devil will try to use against us to close the doors on God’s Churches. Look at all the censorship against those who put up material opposing the devil’s ideology. Free speech is almost dead if you come against the enemy.

God has had enough, and the spiritual battle is worldwide. There has never been a spiritual battle as big as this one. Those people in the church compromised to satanic agendas will be removed. The church is going to get stronger and will be an opposition to the devil. People all over the world are beginning to stand up to their tyrannical governments and election fraud. Brazil is a good example of this.

We have a chance to change things in this coming election. It can change the outcome of America. I am praying that God will intervene on the election fraud like he did in Brazil. We have an amazing gift to elect people. Many countries are ruled by Kings who are not elected. If that leader sucks, too bad. Continue to push God’s agenda in politics. If a church ever tells you that it is not right to get involved in politics, they are lying to you. Separation of church and state is to keep government from your freedom to worship Yahweh. But we are to interfere in government as much as possible to have leaders reflecting the image of Jesus Christ. Just remember that our Constitution was inspired by God which makes it a good document.

Everybody get out and vote on November 8th. All candidates have their faults, but some really hate God and are serving their master the devil. You need to find out which one’s views line closer to our Kings views and choose him. Keep your pocketbook from selecting the wrong one. Pay attention to the amendments involved also. Many can serve the devil and they need to be voted down.
10/27/2022 I have watched people go through training to be able to do a job correctly. This is a good idea. It prevent people from designing buildings that collapse on themselves or having the wings fall off the plane while in flight. But when it comes to the things of God, learning takes the back burner. To become proficient in the Kingdom of God, it requires the same discipline as building a skyscraper. That is the reason for his word is to train us. Timothy nailed it:

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (New Living Translation)
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

Now you know why the church is messed up because we have people there with little or no training. Maybe our lack of desire to learn may because we do not fear God anymore. Proverbs has something to say:

Proverbs 9:10 (New Living Translation)
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.

More proof we need to continually study to develop us into effective people in God's Kingdom. The Holy Spirit does supply wisdom to God's people. I may not do it as much as I should either, but we need to fear God so we can do what is necessary to please him. Jesus Christ is looking for a spotless church before he can come back. He is disappointed in what he sees today. Some of us know so little about God that we cannot even make a proper judgment on what is the truth.

The first thing we can do to learn who God is by avoiding the distractions of this world. Romans has something to say about this:

Romans 12:2 (New Living Translation)
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Now we are beginning to understand who God is. Let us not forget to worship him. This will help your attitude. Paul writes:

Ephesians 5:19-20 (New Living Translation)
singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The spotless church that Jesus Christ is looking for will do this:

Galatians 6:2 (New Living Translation)
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.

When your heart is where it needs to be, you will do this:

Psalm 40:8 (New Living Translation)
I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.”